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Outpost 10F Forums / General Chatter / 30th Anniversary Forums Party
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# Posted: 2 Sep 2007 09:55

Today, we celebrate the coolest weapon in the galaxy. Nope, not the gravity gun, it's the lightsaber. Never has the addition of a bit of colour made people look so less like they were thrashing at a fly.

Make mine purple

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6724224708 42718521




# Posted: 2 Sep 2007 18:26

The first and last videos we're pretty cool, they know how to sword fight pretty darn well. I didn't care for the second one, I though it was lame, like someone deciding to make the pole Neo used in the Smith Fight scene into a double-edge lightsaber because it would look cool.

# Posted: 2 Sep 2007 18:42

That was crouching tiger hidden dragon, I think

# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 09:11 · Edited by: aeon

It's indeed that movie. One of the best I ever saw in my life. <3

# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 10:18

Sticking with the lightsaber theme, today I bring you the kid who (if you've never seen it) speaks to the geek in us all. In various modes, he is.... SW kid

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPPj6viIBmU&mode=re lated&search=



http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2URImmLYAsQ&mode=re lated&search=

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GJOVPjhXMY&mode=re lated&search=

Star wars kid, we salute you!


# Posted: 3 Sep 2007 18:21

I think the original video of the Star Wars kid was pretty funny itself. Though if I was gonna act the fool like that, I make sure that my friends don't get ahold of that tape!

# Posted: 4 Sep 2007 10:18

Ah, fan films. Sometimes, the truth hurts. Sometimes, it's because you're laughing too hard.






# Posted: 5 Sep 2007 10:06

Just the one link today.


Because you'll need the rest of the week to recover.

For those who have never seen this, beware. For those who have, it's worse condensed to five minutes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asnVcbWQ2cg&mode=re lated&search=


# Posted: 6 Sep 2007 11:29

Mistakes in the classic movie? Sure you jest...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRDsZJ6edCM&mode=re lated&search=


# Posted: 7 Sep 2007 10:48

Well, it's my last day and so I leave you we the man himself.




And away I go


# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 09:46

So we took a week's break, not quite according to plan but hey, it's the Senate, these things happen. KypD is away for the weekend, lucky girl, so I'm in charge for now. Muahaha.

Anyway, this week our subject is fan art. We've picked out several artists who do a lot of Star Wars-related art, and over the next week we'll feature one artist per day.

The first up is an artist whose work I've admired for a long time - FalconFan. She's primarily a pencil artist, and has drawn a lot of EU subjects, from characters to book scenes. Here are some of the works we've picked out from her gallery:

"Unacceptable Losses" Han - a scene from the "Legacy of the Force" featuring, yep, Han Solo.

Wedge Antilles and Iella Wessiri - a lovely depiction of the famous flyboy and his wife.

Jedi Master Kyp Durron - one of the best and most realistic drawings of Kyp that I've seen!

Jedi Master Saba Sebatyne - the Barabel Jedi, one of the least-drawn characters ever.

For more of FalconFan's Star Wars work, a visit to her gallery is well worth your while! Hope you enjoy it!

- Bria

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 13:51 · Edited by: sg8472

I'm bored. Thought I'd visit the forums. Haven't been here in a while.

Those drawings are cool. I've nothing much to add. Just browsing. Tra-lala-lala!

Anyway, did the sci-fi/fantasy character quiz on this thread. Nothing SW related.

I am James T. Kirk

An impassioned commander with more respect for individuals than for authority, you have a no-holds-barred approach to life and its obstacles.

I don't believe in the no-win scenario.

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 16:31

Beautiful Drawings, just beautiful. *nods*

# Posted: 16 Sep 2007 20:24 · Edited by: demonvamp

Damn I wish I could draw better, I suck at shading.

# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 06:51

The secret is practice... I always find other people's art inspiring, as well, you can learn new techniques and all that. And well, like I've said already, I love these pieces.

# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 08:04

Svenyaigh, I think those pictures are nice, but yours are so much better. To quote me: "Yeah, she's pretty good. But I have this feeling, that your pictures are way more personal. I mean, you always draw things you really like, and things that mean something to you. And I don't see that in her pictures. I see that she's technically great, but not emotionally. If that makes sense."

\m/ + :@ <3

# Posted: 17 Sep 2007 13:08

Yay! So now that I am back from my uber-mini-vacation, I am hereby taking over.


Well, as my lovely co-host Bria has pointed out, we are indeed, showing you lucky guys Fanart! Yay...*awaits applause*




Anyways...today's artist is TheAphex! He's got some pretty fabulous pencil-work of some of the original characters. These are a few that I really like:

Imperial Royal Guard - This I found really cool because it was done with colored pencils on red paper...not the easiest thing to do....

C-3PO - One of our favorite characters, looking ever-so-shiny. Again, great use of colored pencil...

Bossk - Seen for only a moment in the movie...and one of the only really good drawings I've seen of him.

Darth Maul - Last and certainly not least...I found this so neat because it was done on black paper....and it's like red...but not...but is...but...yeah *sighs*

Hope you guys liked what you saw! TheAphex also has a lot of other work you guys might really like so go and check him out!



# Posted: 18 Sep 2007 09:12

Nice, awesome drawings! Colored Pencils rock!

# Posted: 18 Sep 2007 14:26

Okies! Day 3 of Fanart....and I'll get right down to business.

Today's artist is the very talented Khinson! I found she had a nice variety of pictures, so I'll post a mix of our findings. Like our last artist, a lot of her work is pencil. Here's what we found:

Episode 2 Padme in Color - I really loved how her color use was really subtle, creating a very stunning outcome.

Zam Wesell - One of the only Zam Wesell drawings I've seen...and a good one too!

Ep 3 Obi-Wan Kenobi - The Oh-so-Wise Obi-Wan in pencil.

Padme and Anakin - Padme and Anakin also done in pencil...notice the small details...

and that wraps up today's artist! Check out more of Khinson's work here!


# Posted: 19 Sep 2007 13:26

After sooo much enthusiasm from yesterday's post, we have yet another one! Heck, I could do these forever.

Today's artist is Callista1981! Her work is slightly different from the other stuff we've posted earlier, in that fact that a lot of it is watercolor based rather than pencils. Also, she has a few KoToR (Knights of the Old Republic) work. Here's what I picked out:

Atton - A nice water color of Atton Rand, an Old Republic character who you don't hear much from.

Revan - Another Old Republic piece. This one of Revan which I thought looked really cool with the use of both pencils and watercolors.

Sith Happens - A neat painting of Anakin.

Enjoy and check out Callista1981's other work!


# Posted: 20 Sep 2007 13:26

*plows on*

Today's artist is jedirikk1138! The pieces I picked were mainly pencil, and are all from a series of drawings; one for each Star War episode, but I only picked three. Voila!

30 Years: One - Padme - A collage of characters...pencil with a little bit of computer work on the borders...

30 Years: Six - Leia - Again, a collage of characters....I especially loved the portrait of Leia.

30 Years: Four - Han - Same type of thing...with a nicely detailed Han in the middle.

Check out more of jedirikk1138's artwork! There is a lot of incredible work in there


# Posted: 21 Sep 2007 17:33

Weee....I kinda feel like I'm talking to myself...but that's normal *nods*

Friday's artist is BabyVegeta, who also happens to be the OTFer, Jemmima! Bria and I poked through her lovely work, and found these three:

Padme+Anakin - I thought this was beautifally done...one of Padme and Anakin, Ep. 2

JangoFett - This one's sure to please any of you Fett fans out there....watercolored pencils and water

X-Wing - An exceptionally detailed portrait of an X-Wing...Same materials as the previous one

Yay! Hope you guys liked what you saw....and go check out more of her work!


# Posted: 22 Sep 2007 13:18

Our very last artist is someone you all probably know very well.....our very own Bria

So now, Bria being shy and bashful *cough* left it to me to pick out some of her work, so naturally, I did. Yay!

"What's the cargo?" - What is the cargo?

Natalie Portman as Padme - *dance*

Princess Leia - It's Princess Leia...duh *g*

Millennium Falcon - and this was plain cool how Bria-ness got all the little knobs and details in....

Now, I DEMAND you all go and check out Svenja's gorgeous little gallery





# Posted: 23 Sep 2007 12:55

I took the quiz and I am Lord Voldemort. Be afraid people.... Be very afraid.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2007 15:42

Welcome to another exciting week of the Forums-Party!
And before you say "Exciting is hardly the word I'd use" ... just wait a week and <s>think with your stomach</s> read on!

After you've been able to look at all those great pictures and short films, I think it's time for you to get active again.

So, all you jittery little things, settle down for a moment or two, ignore the walking carpet and let's just talk about Star Wars.
A bit more exact, as I'm sure you all will have noticed, quotes.

And even more exact, we'll start slow for a day or two and just talk about favorite quotes. I'm sure we all have those.
As I'm well aware what wide a field that is, and I wouldn't be able to answer it myself, feel free to name one for each Trilogy or even each movie.

I'll make the start as usual. Not very surprising, mine are all from the OT...

3-PO with leg in hand: I'm standing here in pieces, and you're having delusions of grandeur!

Obi-Wan in the Falcon: Who is the more foolish, the fool or the fool who follows him?

3PO about the CloudCity-Maincomputer: R2-D2, you know better than to trust a strange computer!

Other than that, I also like the ones I used in the above text and don't want to list again here. But actually I could list nearly the whole OT, so I'll just leave it at this.

Right, your turn now ... don't be shy, tell us your favorite Movie-quotes!

# Posted: 24 Sep 2007 15:45

"I am your father" will always take the cake for me.

When I'm not at work, I'll tell you more.

# Posted: 24 Sep 2007 15:56 · Edited by: soka

NOOOOOOOOOOO! No, that can't beee!

Majin, you are younger than me!

# Posted: 25 Sep 2007 09:55

Time travel.

# Posted: 25 Sep 2007 14:58

Does really noone but Majin have a favorite quote?

But oh well, I'll open it up to include scenes and quotes of both Movies and books.

To go first... I don't have the book here, so I can't quote exactly. Maybe Hobbie can add it

SoA - The Refresher-course *lmao*

# Posted: 25 Sep 2007 17:01

Happy to oblige.
[Tomer] gestured to another door. "The refresher. You'll be dealing with unfamiliar plumbing, which you'll probably think of as backworld stuff, so I'll need to show you how the devices work."
Hobbie nodded. "A refresher course."
Janson made a face. "You beat me to it."

And now that you got me started on Starfighters of Adumar, the best book ever written </shameless plug>, and since it's sitting right next to me... *g*

"Presumably an escort," Wedge said. "Stay loose, Red Flight. Diplomacy first."
"Leader, Three. Diplomacy means saying something soothing as you squeeze the trigger, right?"

"Servants are standing by for any of your needs."
"Any of them?" Janson asked.
"No," Hobbie said. "Some of your needs stray too far outside human norms."

"You know," Janson said, "whenever the name of Derek 'Hobbie' Klivian comes up, the words 'It's worse than that' ring in my ears. Sometimes I hear them when I'm dreaming."

Wedge held up a hand. "Never mind what I just said. Let's just shoot Wes."
"I'm for that," Hobbie said.
"What's our strategy?" Tycho asked.
Hobbie gave him a curious look. "I thought we'd just all draw and fire. But I could count down to zero, and then we could draw and fire."

"Anytime Janson says 'you don't want to know,'" Wedge said, "it's like juggling thermal detonators. Each time you grab and throw, you know your thumb might hit the trigger..."

Janson winced. "Am I going to get any sleep tonight?"
"Sleep when you usually do. During pilot briefings. During missions."
"Oh, that's right."

Wedge was struck sideways by a blast of intense light; he stumbled, threw up his sleeve to block the glare. "Sithspit! What's that?"
"That's the sun, Wedge. It's after dawn."
"Well, it offends me. Turn it off."
"It's a hundred thirty, hundred fourty million klicks from here."
"Go up in your X-Wing and shoot it down for me."

"We're going to try to subvert an Imperial admiral."
"Oh," Hobbie said. "Something easy. While you're doing that, why don't Wes and I smuggle ourselves aboard Agonizer and destroy her with thrown rocks?"
Wedge gave him a grin. "With the right tools - say a hundred thousand Ewoks and a month to prepare - you could probably do that. In the meantime, we have the right tools to subvert our Imperial admiral."
"What tools?"
"Oh, Wes's maturity, your optimism and my diplomatic skills."
Hobbie buried his face in his hands. "We're doomed."

"We improvise," Wedge said. "We need a wheeled transport, one of the flatcam units our pursuers are carrying, and four sets of women's clothing."
Hobbie looked crestfallen. "Boss, please tell me you're not putting us in women's clothing."
"Very well," Wedge said. "I'm not putting us in women's clothing."
"You lied to me," Hobbie said.
"I did," Wedge said. "With my brilliant achievements in the diplomatic function has come the realization that lies can be powerful motivators."
"My faith is shattered."
"You knew, when I said we needed four sets of women's clothing, that we were going to end up in them. You knew. So any hopes you had of the contrary were just self-delusion."
"I understand that, but I'd rather blame you than me."

And finally, before I end up quoting the whole book:
"Red Two, this is Three. Am I crazy or is the general doing what he tells us never to do?"
"Three, Two. Yes you are, and yes he is. Pay no attention."

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