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# Posted: 30 Jun 2013 22:11


One thing you really need to have is a group of very strong characters to rally everyone to the banner to get things rolling. Then have them keep the enthusiasm up until it becomes self sustaining.

We got pretty close to that stage recently.

I wish you the very best of luck in getting the place running. With the right blend of people and ideas, it is possible.

*wanders off to the old folks' home*

# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 03:11

Quoting: tanneffel
If you want to start a forum simm, Quincy, please do! There is still a "Simming" section to the forums.

I'm rusty, not having done so in over six years. Let's see...

I can't. The storyline I have is post STID (Into Darkness). How much of a (real world) timespan should I have before I can start using spoilers?

# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 11:16 · Edited by: soka

That's a good question.

I'd have thought everyone who wanted to watch it unspoiled had done so by now, the last country we have active chatters from as far as I know was the NL and it was released there on June 6th, so nearly a month ago... so the limitation might have been lifted.
But then someone in the chat said that they'd wait till the BluRay came out, which is at Dec 31st (I just checked).

So I guess the choices are pretty soon or not till the end of the year.

Clickie here for page with release dates...

PS: AJ! I haven't seen you in ages... Yes, my fault, I know

# Posted: 1 Jul 2013 11:45

Really? Australia gets the DVD/Bluray release on September 18!

You know what? I'll just write the thing. Those that are fans will have seen it anyway. Those that have waited until its release probably won't care that much about spoilers and continuity anyway.

So... USS Lexington launch date is whenever I finish writing it... Which may well end up being December.

# Posted: 3 Jul 2013 17:16

As far as a blog/weekly or quarterly updates/information page....There was definitely one started within the last year I believe..an admiral's blog that Hal set up...I don't even know/remember the link anymore..but it was a slight joke with no real updates. I'm sure anyone interested in heading up this area could contact Hal for login information and take it over for him...It had pretty graphics and a feed option on it...I believe.

...Yet another great idea brought up years ago that died as quickly as it came about with no remembrance of it being done. Not being negative nancy, just pointing out facts. All of these ideas have been discussed 2-3 years ago with progress (small) made. But, they died out from lack of true participation and leadership. So, good luck to those willing to put in effort to the 25th million OTF revival. lol

# Posted: 3 Jul 2013 21:04

Admiral's Blog is gone, I tried to find it the other day.

It seems we just like what we have, even if other things are a good idea. We like the updates board. We don't like twitter, facebook, or blogs too much. It's just what we are.

# Posted: 3 Jul 2013 22:45

I suddenly remembered something ... is this the blog you were talking about, or was there a second one?

# Posted: 3 Jul 2013 22:51

Oh, that's a different one! I'm glad one still exists. The other was news.outpots10f.com then some other words in the title.

# Posted: 3 Jul 2013 23:48

*Raises hand again* And yes, I'm actually coming along rather well with the sim. I know I say this every (other) year but I'm going to do it.

(On topic) I think the fundamental issue is that the people who are trying to do something feel removed from those in the Admiralty/EC/whoever. That those up top don't care and those at the bottom try and don't see any reward for it.

And yes, I did read about the promotions thing, please don't bring it up again as rebuttal.

That's why an update/information page doesn't work. Deppy (Departmental Updates) is fine as it stands. Forums is also working out fine.

What we really need is someone in EC to trumpet. You know, patron, guardian angel, each project. To highlight it. Cheer squad?

I've worked retail for almost seven years now. I'm currently an Assistant Manager (titular, it not pay). My view as a salesperson is "what can management do to help me sell better?" and "how can my feedback help management improve them?" I take those views as manager.

That's my point. We don't need updates, those of us slugging away need to know the EC will back us up, to give us, for lack of better terms, credibility and... The stamp of approval? To let us know our efforts haven't been wasted.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 00:04

We're all running around trying to rebuild old projects with no clear plan. We need to define 10F v3.0.

So... I'd like to propose "The Krulak" to start along the path. I read a lot of biographies and I name them in honour of the person that came up with it. In this case, Chuck Krulak.

General Krulak is a former Commandant of the US Marine Corps, the highest ranking Marine. When he did so, he asked three questions of every Marine.

1: What are we doing now that we shouldn't be doing?
2: What aren't we doing now that we should be doing?
3: What are we doing now that we could be doing better and how?

Could some sort of coder (Ohm?) create the form, make sure everyone in 10F fills it in and be surprised at the results.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 00:38 · Edited by: soka

Those three questions just reminded me of ones I read in an older thread, just earlier today:
Quoting: david1
On a serious note, a "great otf'er" once posed this question, "What did you want to do before you got promoted? What do you still want to do but can't?"

Not the same, but going in the same direction I think.

And I think it's a good idea, either a form or having everyone send it via email to one adress.
But NOT a forum-topic where the replies are visible to everyone, that would just end in people telling each other how unnecessary their suggestions are and stuff.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 00:41

My method is crazier.

Ive rebuilt a new backbone for otf, ill be sharing it with ohm at some point.

Im also working on a new facelift for otf theme, brining the code at least into 21st centary. Tanya is allready peeking and advizing on this.

My method is, build it, park it in their face.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 11:26

Soka: Thanks. And by all means if you can think of questions which you think will help, please suggest!

David: It's not about the coding. It's about what people want. Features. Not features. How to say? Attractions.

10F is different from previous chats back in 97 because instead of plain text (IRC) we had avatars and other cool functions. 10F v2.0 added dossiers and a raft of other features which someone else can point out better.

The whole point of my three questions, or as Soka points out, however many we end up using; is that we can't have a 10F that the coders want. It should be a 10F that the members want.

These forum threads are proving that members want different. Members want features. Members want change. We're attempting through this thread and those questions, to prompt those passionate folks to give feedback.

Through that feedback, we actually say to them "hey, we love your idea, how can we do it?" If that member lacks the skills (such as coding), we pair up a coder to them, but they generate the idea. We try and bring the skills and expertise, but it's the ideas, what they love about 10F, that we need.

That's what we want, a grass roots revitalsation of 10F. By the members for the members.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 16:58

Well ive been on groups with attempted v3 revivals here before.

Heres the data from those "group therapy sessions" back then:

Update code to 21cn.
Consolidated chat login.
Universal login. (Website)
Mobile site.
Updated security toolkit.
Better class managment.

They are the features the community asked for, if another sruvey is required then, easy to do but it requires ec aproval to 'mass engage' the community.

This is why im taking the aproach of build it, wow the EC, and then engage the community, to see what newva cool features to engage, and implement within the project.

The method of talking about it and then building it, has been tried... 7 times by my count. There is a wealth of feedback gleemed from those discussions, but very much lack of ction, the flare to develop such an incredibably large project tends to dwindle by the time the discussions finish. Believe you me, otf needs far more then a simple facelift.

# Posted: 4 Jul 2013 21:18

*Shrug* I'm not saying I'm not appreciating, nor thankful for, everything you've done.

What you've managed to do may well end up 10F v3.0

I'm trying to engage the rest of 10F for say 10F v3.1

In Australia, the clubs have shown ads where they show a person walking into a building and saying "Alison's club", or "Bill's club" and ending with "Your local club. What you want."

Just as you're slowly coding the features they previously wanted, I'm trying to figure out a way that 10F as a whole can continue to remain relevant. Not only relevant, but grow and be a success.

I'm not interested in the changes itself. I haven't even logged into the chat in... Almost five years. I have literally no care for what does happen in chat anymore or to 10F in general.

I'm trying to build up a segment of 10F I'm interested in: Simming (Roleplaying). It's what I'm passionate about and what I can contribute and how I want to shape a small corner of it.

Beyond that, I'm trying to get people to change their thinking processes. I think it was Steve Jobs that said "there are no sacred cows" and constantly pushing for innovation and change. When I applied for my job, they ask me what my short term, 1 year goals were. Then they asked me what my long term five year goals were.

Your updates may well bring us to 2015. But I want to enable us to build the 10F of 2020.

# Posted: 5 Jul 2013 00:09 · Edited by: trinity

It's been said for years, but there needs to be an app. Mobile devices are the way of the future, and most of our new traffic would come in through said means. Also, I doubt we should keep marketing ourselves as specific themed chatrooms--we're not. We're one unified chat of people who have common interests. We all like science fiction and fantasy, however, we seldom strictly talk about it...and seldom have. Rather, we should begin to recognize that we're an online community of geeks/nerds who know what we love, and love to connect to each other, and talk about what excites us, be that Science Fiction, Fantasy, a recent movie/episode, or a recent knitting project. We do need to be more welcoming to new chatters, but part of that is knowing when chat is active. I know a lot of us, myself included, sometimes tab out and get distracted when the chat is quieter. The homepage does need a makeover, but the site itself needs to be rewritten into a more modern programming language. This way, we can recruit newer programmers to help out with projects, rather than learning an old programming language.

Not at all a comprehensive list, but that's a few ideas.

# Posted: 5 Jul 2013 06:50

If we knew how to build one, an app would totally be a priority. I'd love to see it happen.

Anyone? .. know anyone who can build us a simple chat app?

# Posted: 5 Jul 2013 08:20

building an app is easy.

paying the fee's which come with the developer account isnt.

then keeping the app up to date with changes to the os you pick.... lol its a bigger task then you think.

Im coming at this with a different solution, new chat back end, simple mobile site, for the chat, since we dont really need an app....

App vs Mobile website

App - Allows local storage
App - can uniquely identify a person based on the mobile (easier for unified logins etc)
App - restricted coding language, only the few can manage and update it.

Mobile website - PHP Based, easy for anyone to update

There are the only differences, everyone else you can do either as a website or as an app. there is no difference.

Both solutions though would require a major rewrite of the site itself to be implemented.

# Posted: 7 Jul 2013 21:49

One of my quirks is thinking up things in the bathroom. In this case, I was reviewing some of my old Simming stuff while brushing my teeth preparing for work.

Tanya: Can we do a Game of Thrones sim? Or more to the point, can please tell us if it's possible?

My first act when I took over Simming was "The Big Three": Persistent, ongoing sims based around our three core genres at the time: Star Trek, Star Wars and fantasy.

Since it was decided GoT was popular enough to merit its own corner of 10F... Is it possible? I know absolutely nothing about it. Thoughts? Ideas?

Quoting: david1
The method of talking about it and then building it, has been tried... 7 times by my count. There is a wealth of feedback gleemed from those discussions, but very much lack of ction, the flare to develop such an incredibably large project tends to dwindle by the time the discussions finish. Believe you me, otf needs far more then a simple facelift.

Sorry, I had a thought the other day and I have to revisit this very briefly.

We're all operating under 10F v2.0 thinking: We have departments. Give it to the appropriate one, assign staff, project created.

My thinking, if it's not made crystal clear is that we ask each bright person who has an idea to step forward and they make it themselves, regardless of rank. We then minimise departments, except as "Guardian Angels" type administrators to throw staff and resources as needed.

Think concierge or help desk. They can't help you out, we'll find someone who can try.

# Posted: 8 Jul 2013 05:11

A Game of Thrones sim would be possible. Why not? I remember all sorts of strange premises for sims back in the day. I think the only barrier would be that Game of Thrones hasn't entered the culture in the way that Trek, Wars, and LOTR have. It may be harder for an outsider who hasn't read or seen much to really grasp the sim. Or maybe not. We'll see.

Quincy, if you and T'Pel want to reboot simming, then let's make it happen. Let us know what you need from us and we'll do our best to get it to you.

That is more or less where we're headed too: If you want to do it, then do it. Departments aren't what they were. While the model and structure is there, it sorta just becomes people doing their interests, working on the projects they want to do.

# Posted: 8 Jul 2013 09:50

Quoting: tanneffel
Departments aren't what they were. While the model and structure is there, it sorta just becomes people doing their interests, working on the projects they want to do.

I was not aware that they even theoretically exist. When I was there they were officially scrapped and the teams were on their own.
I've heard of a *team* Engineering, but the first time I heard about any SM it was when Richard came in with it in his tagline some days ago.

Sorry to be annoying but what *is* the current structure? I've been 3 months back and have no idea.
I'm not even sure I know which teams exist, I may have missed one or two.

# Posted: 8 Jul 2013 10:56

Tanya: I'm so happy I could cry. Thank you.

Re: Simming Team. I'm not quite ready to wear my old hat again. But as you can see from me and T'Pel, we're kicking around ideas. Let's get baby steps up before we talk more formal stuff.

Re: Additional help: I think it's mostly getting the word out we exist as 10F in general and also establishing our credibility as (for the moment) Trek based simming. STID is currently a pretty hot topic and I can only hope if someone from outside of 10F sees the sim, plays, enjoys and decides to join 10F in general, I've accomplished a major goal.

As for launch date... One, possibly two weeks. I am very, very close. I get the prologue out in the field, do a bit of rules and an app form and wait. That's where I need help. Putting bums in seats.

# Posted: 8 Jul 2013 19:02 · Edited by: tanneffel

Soka: The current structure is:
HAL and Iain
Brandi, then SM's Ohm (Indev), Tanya (Engineering), Zild (ISA), possibly Richard (Communications)
Communications breaks down into Blue Report, Unions, Yearbook teams.
Entertainment is Trivia and Gaming teams, Trivia runs on its own and Gaming isn't very active.
Marketing is currently a team, most likely under Administrations.

I think that's all that is going on.

Quincy: I look forward to it!

# Posted: 8 Jul 2013 22:28

Tanya, in terms of a GoT sim, what can I do to help?

# Posted: 9 Jul 2013 00:10

To help? You saying I'm writing it? Is this something you want to run live or pbem or forum? I suppose we'd start by finding writer(s) and people interested in playing along. There's lots of Game of Thrones nerds about. We should probably talk to some of the newer ones too, see if they are interested in this as a department.

# Posted: 9 Jul 2013 03:30

Well I'm saying I help you. It's your show. I have no knowledge whatsoever of this so I'm here to say I'll help you with whatever it is you need.

# Posted: 10 Jul 2013 05:59

From what I'm aware Darth Sideous was going to restart simming.

# Posted: 10 Jul 2013 08:44 · Edited by: quincyw

The more the merrier, I say. My skills can only take me so far.

The primary reason why my name keeps being batted around as/for Simming TL is because I have the experience in it. More specifically, I've been RPing for sixteen years. In terms of 10F, I've been hopping in and out of Simming since... 1999? I was Simming TL for... About a year in... 2004?

I'm not the easiest person to work with, I know. But I do try with the best of intentions. Right now, I think, we get everyone's individual projects up and running. As I said, the more, the merrier.

And if we do end up needing administrative leadership then we'll resurrect Simming. If this Sideous (I'd like to meet him/her at some point) wants to run Simming, that's fine. As I said, I don't have a lot of vested interest in this (10F in general) except my own Sim and also to provide backup and a wealth of advice.

EDIT: Just found the dossier... This Sidious didn't go by Rezal Noisov at some point in the dim past, did he?

For now, as I keep saying, baby steps. Get the sims up. Get people interested, people participating, then we'll go from there. (And yes, I do realise this kind of clashes with my "think big" ways of thinking, but until we take that first step we're just words on a website. )

PS Trinity, this is an odd one. I read your dossier. If the Lachesis you're best friends with is the same Lachesis from... Many years ago at 10F, please pass on my regards, if she still remembers me. Thanks.

# Posted: 10 Jul 2013 15:32 · Edited by: trinity

Lach *is* the same one! I met here here 10ish years ago. and yes, Rezal *is* Darth Sid. This is the motley crew i played with at the age of 13

Lachesis is gonna drive cross country with me for my move in with Hydra in...11 days? will pass it on, she's a cool chick. Also? I FREAKING LOVED SIMMING. and would love to see it back

# Posted: 10 Jul 2013 16:15

Hey Guys,

Yeah, I would be interested in restarting Simming. I did send an email to command, but I didn't get a response on the matter.

I used to be a part of the Simming team back in the early 00's, and since have run several Forum based RP's of my own creation (Both based on stories I ran while in OTF), and as a further result, am working on a book based on one of the two RP's, and have created a Pen and Paper system for it too (still in Alpha testing )

So yes, I'd be more than interested to work with anyone on starting this up again. I still have an edited version of the original rules (I use them on all my Forums) and can lend my skills with graphic design, and basic web development, as well as creative writing and Team Management to the mix.

If anyone ever went to Ultrateq, I used to run ENT there as Hazet before it was shut down many a moon ago.

So yeah, hit me up, I'm more than game, my email is: rezal2020@gmail.com

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