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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Your favourite things game
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# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 01:14


I just thought it might be fun for people to list some of thier favourite things and as many as you want.  Maybe we will learn something about each other from it.  It can be anything, except people esp fellow OTFers.

So some of mine are:

My cat,

My apartment,

The smell of fresh bread in a supermarket,

Bookshops, esp second hand ones

Mint choclate chip

Eating at the Weiger resturant down town Yan'an esp thier nan bread!

Driving in a car by myself.

chatting on line.


# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 07:49

Oh Fun:)

The Bagel Shop (any and all Fresh baked bread products)

Chocolate covered strawberries

MSN (the IM, not the company *L*)


Ginger Ale




The Aquarium

Fishies (the kind you watch swim not the kind you eat)


The Ocean

.....*stops or she'll go on all day*

# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 09:14

Favorite things, huh? I'm sure I can come up with a few...

I've enjoyed going through two or three dozen photo albums the last few weeks, taking out several of the pictures and scanning them before the older photographs begin to fade.

There's about a hundred or so books I've been sorting through in the house as I move bookcases around. A lot of the books are ones I've never read about the American Civil War, past Presidents, and westerns. I intend to read every single one of them at some point in the future.

I love the little cedar box I got in Yellowstone ten years ago now. For the past four or five years, I've kept little things that I treasure in it. I have the movie ticket stub to Galaxy Quest, the movie I saw on the day my grandmother died. It also has a little slip of paper with an old friend's phone number and address, ticket stubs from other movies, a couple of photographs, my expired passport that I've never used, a few coins from overseas, and the original doorbell to the house I've lived in all my life.

The Expo 88 piggy bank my uncle from Australia brought me when he and his wife came to visit back in 1989.

A simple plastic picture frame with a picture of me crammed in the back of a van full of computer equipment from Fayetteville, Arkansas back in '97. I've had that same picture in that same frame since right after I had the pictures from that trip developed. I keep it somewhere on my desk or nearby to remind me of my past love of computers and the place where my mom worked that I had so much fun at growing up. It also reminds me of the kid that I used to be.

I keep a shoebox full of letters and packages sent to me from online friends over the last couple of years tucked away in my file cabinet. Every now and then I'll take it out and read through letters or post cards.

The coronet I played in seventh grade still resides up in my closet. I haven't played it in a few years now, but I still look at it fondly to remember my love for music and the band in middle school.

There's a conch that my great-grandmother's sister picked up off of the beach in Galveston after the Hurricane of 1900 that I used to put my ear up to when I was little to listen to the sound of the ocean. I keep it safely out of reach on top of a bookcase far, far away from my trembling hands.

I cherish the binders that contain the history of my family from the 1600s forward. In them are census records, pages from the family bible, newspaper articles, letters, and many, many pictures.

And of course, my website aint half bad.

Robert Griffith

# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 14:59

Here is my list of favourite things in no particular order :) I'm not going to add emotions or family and friends because those can't be quantified -- those are the root of the soul.

1. My Metallica CD collection :k

2. Star Wars. That includes everything from the visual art of Ralph McQuarrie to the musical scores of John Williams. I love Star Wars!!

3. Books. Especially my novels, computer manuals and graphic design books.

4.  My bed. The bed is the most important object of a house including the bedding.

5.  Oils/Body Lotions/Make up. Essenstial to my wellbeing and I love how they make me feel good.

6.  Fruit especially coconut, pineapples, oranges and bananas.

7. Dogs. I love raising dogs and having them as companions. I especially love the feel of their fur. Samoyeds, chows and malamutes are my favourite.

8. Movies and Music. I love my movie and music collections that I've slowly collected over the years.

9. Computers and computer geeks :k oh yeah...

10. Hockey! Football! Baseball! oh my :D I love to watch sports and I especially love to snowboard and play soccer.

# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 15:47

The ocean. Sand between my toes. Running on the beach (no, not Baywatch).

Rain. Hail. Snow. Thunderstorms. Windy days. Walking outside during any of the aforementioned... or even better, walking during any of the aforementioned with someone else crazy enough to be walking through it just to talk to you.

The Olive Garden. Breadsticks. Garlic & butter sauce. My cats. My sheep. Exploring. Taking pictures. Lounging. Breve mochas with whipped cream on top, made by Tiff. Good movie scores. Second-hand bookshops ( go Hong! ). Cherry slushees. Hugs! Great paintings. Well done medieval or fantasy movies. Laughing so hard that I cry. Crying and acquiring a sympathetic feline to cuddle up with. Playing the clarinet with emotion. Thinking about the future. Imagining how much you're going to contribute to others. Planning trips to exotic and exciting places. Remembering that I get to go to an exciting place for an entire year, in 186 days.  Receiving a package from the UPS man, or the FedEx dude.

Making somebody smile; knowing that somebody thinks you're all right as a person.

Living. I love life.

# Posted: 28 Feb 2004 19:48

Old BW horror movies.
Crackly sounding classical music records not CD's.
Strawberry flan with whipped cream *when I could eat it*
Ancient Egyptian art and sculpture.
Writing *when I'm on a roll*
Billy Connoly Jokes.
Bill Bailey songs about the magic roundabout.
Sunrise from my house in late may *spectacular*
The months of may and june.
Certain base beats on dance music, the subliminals are glorious when played loud.
A really good, well created sword fight sequence.

There are more, but none I can think of at 3:55am :P

Queen Demon.

# Posted: 29 Feb 2004 13:49

Let's see, favourite things...

My CD collection.
My books, all of them.
My pencil and paper, for drawing and writing.
My crystal pendant, which is 8-sided so it protects me from dark energies, or it's meant to anyway... :P
My computer, and MSN, my mobile phone and getting text messages on that phone.
Long phone conversations with special people.
My blaster... :k
Going down to the shore on a windy day and climbing/running over the rocks.
My bow, and archery practice with same.
The Star Wars OT on DVD, when it comes out, and the LotR trilogy.
Sitting in the dark cinema watching a good film.
My room, where I have peace and quiet and time to think, and the chaos in there that only I can overlook...
Cats and kittens, especially kittens.
People showing me they care for me, in little ways.
Doing little things for people I care about, to brighten up their life.
Thunderstorms, and being inside during them with the rain beating against the roof and the window panes.
Coming in soaking wet, getting changed and then sitting in front of the fire, gradually drying out and warming up again.
Writing or painting or doing something that I can be proud of.

Well, those are a few of my favourite things...


# Posted: 29 Feb 2004 15:34

I have a few

Listening to my Pink Floyd Albums with the candles lit in my house

driving, washing, cleaning the first car I ever bought in 1990 which I still own with its chome gleaming, a late 1970s BMW 323i, complete with a redesigned "Rex" engine

Old classic 50/60s Sci Fi

Putting good tales/novel-story plans together, either via dictaphone or scribings

Hearing the sibilant-hum-turn-strident-agressive-snarl of a straight six engine: Old 2 valve BMWs are best closely followed by old XK engined Jaguar E types.

Thinking of ANY time of my University years...especially the first year.

Listening to my old dictaphone messages from times that were turbulent

reading old poems that either I wrote or that were once given to me that hark back to special times or remind me of someone special

Cats and kittens hiding in my Jungle like gardens

The feeling at the very begining of a collossal road trip, preferrably taking off in the middle of the night- where nothing is planned, Just me, a big V8 engine up front, a desire to point the bonnet toward the horizon, my credit cards ready, plenty of Cds and plenty of time

The ability to go into bars while travelling-not knowing anyone, honing my people skills-making new connections/friends, find commonalties , bond and then leave- take off not having to put up with the inevitable betrayals, arrogance,pain associated with most human relationships.

The feeling of pride I get whenever I see any Jaguar 1997 to date that I had a part in developing

Star Trek - all from TOS to VOY - STILL gives me inspiration even today and some take me back...

Driving my Porsche 928, moshing to my Nirvanna music or hearing/seeing the burbley deep V8 reverberate off the glass windows of Hamstead!

La-Gaffe my favourite cafe in Hampstead

My pictures of my road trip 2001, Melissa and the special times I had....

My pictures from Sweden 2002 and Charlotte.

# Posted: 1 Mar 2004 20:23

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens,
Brown paper packages tied up with strings;
These are a few of my favourite things.

No, just kidding. (I can't believe nobody's done that yet! I couldn't resist. :k )

Some of my favorite things...

Star Wars

Lord of the Rings books/movies

horses (http://www.geocities.com/arabhorsesrule2/Kit.html)

My Indiana Jones DVD set I got for Christmas :D

Gamecube and games (Star Wars Bounty Hunter, Super Smash Brothers Melee, Zelda: the Wind Waker, etc.)

Music, I love music, especially Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Man from Snowy River, the Mask of Zorro

My car, a  white 1990 Chevy Lumina, which is a piece of junk but I like it anyway because weird things happen to it (its name is 'Joak';)

the Legend of the Ilavid sim (Shameless Plug Time) (contact me to join)

Pickles, soup, spinach straight from the can, steak, soup, bread, Starbursts, soup, Sour Patch Kids, ice cream malts, orange julius, soup, any kind of fruit juice, Skittles, lemon juice, lemons, soup, limes, lettuce, Granny Smith apples, chocolate chip cookies, soup, dried fruit (except bananas), molasses cookies, cookie dough, no-bake cookies, soup, hot peppers, certain typs of spicy Mexican candy,  soup, and SOUP!

COOKIE! *munch*

mmm, soup. *drools*  that's about it.

# Posted: 2 Mar 2004 06:01

Here is my list

My cats

My family


Star Trek

chocolate milk

ice cream


tuna cassorole

soap opera's

participating in bowling

collecting stamps

watching and participating in figure skating



playing piano

watching tennis


water skiing

cross country skiing

horseback riding

fishing, but not putting on the worms, or taking off the fish






watching hockey

watching baseball

watching soccer

listening to music


The annual Toronto Science Fiction convention

Kathryn Janeway-Riker

# Posted: 2 Mar 2004 08:55


# Posted: 2 Mar 2004 12:14

Hmmm let's see...

The smell of fresh flowers in the garden
Recieving an unexpected surprise
Laying beside a mountain stream just listening to it make  a gurgle sound
Birds chirping on a spring morning or right after a thunderstorm
Warm hugs from friends that really are glad to see you
My son
My kick arse car! :k
Having a really frazzling day and coming in the chat to see just the right person to make ya feel better
looking at old photographs
My collection of 80's music
Music in general
A really juicey steak from Outback , yummy fries and a wellabedarned to drink*L*
Fuzzy navels

I  could go on and on but will stop  for now*L*

Cinna :)

# Posted: 6 Mar 2004 21:40

Ohhhh! Iforgot  some really  good ones!

Shoes..anthing that makes my foot look dainty*g*
Shiny, sparkly things -be it chrome, jewels or whatnot...*ooooooooooooooo*
Seeing rainbows after a storm
and *drum roll*
CHOCOLATE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :k

Cinna :)

# Posted: 9 Mar 2004 18:59

My fave things??? Um... raindrops on roses and wiskers on kittens... um... oh wait...that's a song.. silly me... :P

1: Raphael  :k

2: My cats

3: My rats

4: books

5: Marigolds

6: Anime

7: sci-fi

# Posted: 10 Mar 2004 08:49

Tomato rainbows. (Plates of black, red, white, purple, green, pink and orange tomatoes)

Growing tomatoes/melons/cucumbers/greens/flowers from seeds.



My wedding ring


Moonflower vines

My job

Road trips





Baker Creek



Tons more but I'll stop now...

# Posted: 10 Mar 2004 10:48


ooh and purple socks


# Posted: 10 Mar 2004 13:32

<!--QuoteBegin--kittykat+Mar. 10 2004,10:48--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (kittykat @ Mar. 10 2004,10:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->ooh and purple socks<br><br>KK<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Good choice, I am the proud owner of purple socks.... strangely enough they have kittycats on them <!--emo&:?--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/srp.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':?'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--> <br><br>Queen Demon.

# Posted: 9 Apr 2004 10:02

my fav things:
waking up to the sounds of nita meowing
my roses * they've won first prise every year*
my family and friends
Playing Counter Strike on my work server!
and a whole lot more, but out of all these things i think my all time fav would be: the memories i have at otf.... *inculding my inpromtu speach at the first anniversary*

# Posted: 9 Apr 2004 11:26

My favorite things:

My Budwieser (my cat, not the beer)

The kiss Andrew gives me to wake me up

Look of pride on my Daddy's face when I do something

A day to just do nothing and be on no schedule

Getting simple pleasures back after I realized how it meant to me

The connection I have with Andrew and a few of my real close friends


Country music (listening, singing, writing)

My imagination that takes me so many places and inspires me

Such a good laugh with a group of friends that you can't even breathe

Little blessings and moments that don't count for much in the long run, but are always first in my memory

~ Amanda ~

# Posted: 21 Jun 2004 07:50

My Favorite Things:

Playing in the Rain

My Brother





# Posted: 21 Jun 2004 08:15

<!--QuoteBegin--amandasp+April 09 2004,11:26--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (amandasp @ April 09 2004,11:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Such a good laugh with a group of friends that you can't even breathe<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Manda......*hugs* you know that thought right there, has got to be one of my all time most favorite feelings in the whole world...it embodies contentness here on earth.<br><br><br>I LOVE my friends more than anything else on the planet. <br><br>I'd rather spend a day with friends then a day with celebrities , royalty or anyone else for that matter. <br><br>Thanks for the reminder =)

# Posted: 21 Jun 2004 10:03

Only the shallow would disagree with that!


# Posted: 21 Jun 2004 10:32

(I saw 'em for the first time this year... I'm 15 and they have the 17-year cycle :D)

2. My cats: Ally, Dusty, and Misty.

3. OTF

4. RPGs

5. Chocolate

6. Amusement parks

7. Music

8. Reading

9. Harry Potter

10. Star Trek

11. Star Wars

12. History

13. School

14. Le Français

15. The English Language

16. Fanfiction

17. Cats, in general

18. The AFJROTC Cadet Corps

19. Writing

20. Drawing

21. Peach cobbler

22. Chatting

23. Cartoons

24. Game Shows

25. My family and friends

26. Ice cream

27. Weddings

28. Cars

29. My rifle *evil grin*
Ok, so it doesn't fire, but it is real... :P

30. C.O.Ts

31. The Lord of the Rings

32. Watching football

33. Phoenixes

34. Dragons

35. Other Mythological Creatures

36. Animals in general

37. Smileys!!!

38. HTML and making websites

39. Photo alteration

40. Roses

41. Apples

42. Tropical Fruit

43. Webcamming

44. Stargate SG-1

45. Andromeda

46. The Twilight Zone/The Outer Limits/Beyond Belief- weird shows like that

47. big windows that you can sit in to look out of

48. Beaches

49. Iced Tea

50. My host site! *L* Links brought to you by it. I wouldn't know what to do without The Bronze!

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