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# Posted: 18 May 2005 14:33

I've just seen the movie. And I think that it's a decent movie. It connects the story at farious points, gives us plenty of answers. Nice part of history, but except all the fighting, gosh such a surprise, it wasn´t a great movie in my oppinion.

Best character: R2-D2

# Posted: 18 May 2005 17:49

I've just seen it as well and I'm more disappointed than happy. The movie, like Dracmus said, answers a lot of questions, but the way it does? I think it could have been better. Of course the movie is full of astonishing visual effects (GL comme d'habitude). It gets kinda boring in the middle though.
To conclude, if it wasn't that good of a movie (atleast to my expectations), it's still great. It IS Episode III afterall :)

# Posted: 19 May 2005 02:07

We went last night and I must disagree with Drac and Sloan. True, there are many predictabilities in the movie, but what do you expect? We knew exactly what needed to happen to create the opening situation of SW IV. If you go to a detective movie and you know in advance who got arrested for the murder and confessed, then you also shouldn't complain when the surprise of the movie is gone a little.

I had a wonderful time last night and found the movie cool from the beginning till the end. Graphics rock, fighting scenes are excellent and the story line stands firm. What I think was very well done is the fact that his love for Padme wins Ani for the dark side, which basically condemns her to death in the end. It's a very profound example of how evil the dark side really is.

The beginning contains a lot of fighting, as the war was getting to a climax. The end contains a lot of fighting, as that's where all movies are supposed to be most exciting. That leaves the middle, which is a bit less violent. It is more evil than anything else though, with the massacre of the Jedi younglings (although not shown in detail), Ani's switch to the dark side and all.

If absence of massive fighting scenes makes part of a movie boring, then so be it. I think that if the middle wasn't the way the middle was, there would not be much of a story left and we would have been typing in here that it was a shallow movie without much depth to the characters and the story line.

# Posted: 19 May 2005 04:15

Haven't had a chance to see it but overall Ive been hearing good things, which is more than I can say for Episodes 1 & 2.  So I'm looking forward to it and expect to enjoy myself! :D

# Posted: 19 May 2005 06:07

Less than happy? boring bits ? not a great movie? :? I can't believe this movie's first two reports are bad at otf! *L*

You guys should check out the version Henri, and myself and Jadz saw instead! :P

We just got back from a 10:00 AM showing. We really enjoyed it. Best prequel by a trillion light years.

I'll add more later. But, don't worry, it's fantastic! :)


# Posted: 19 May 2005 08:05

Just not long back from it, really enjoyed it, I did fell a tiny bit bored in the middle, but just for a bit, that soon passed.  I like how everything seems to have fallen into the proper place for Episode IV.  I also like the cameo appearances from some of the characters from the original trilogy.

# Posted: 19 May 2005 10:56

well, seeing as almost everybody who posted here has seen Episode III, i think the best part of the movie was the revelation that Palpatine manipulated the midi-cholriens to create anakin skywalker

that was just huge for me, although the fight at the end between anikin and bobi-wan was incredible


# Posted: 19 May 2005 13:08

Dracs Slone are you sure you both went to see the right film? I'm not truly a star wars fan, but am getting there *l* and I was captivated from the start. It had funny bits, sad bits, jaw dropping bits romance, and really good fight scenes.. Boring bits? none for me and Anth.. was well worth going to see, and as Henri said, everyone knew how the story line went.. but it was great to see, and all the bits jelled the rest of the 5 film's together nicely... Just sad it has all come to an end.. but maybe in a Galaxy far far away......
* Jadzia *

# Posted: 19 May 2005 17:28

Palpatine manipulated Medicholoriens to create Anakin? when?!

# Posted: 19 May 2005 22:43

when did he create Anakin? I'd say add Anakin's age to 9 months and you'll have a figure. :P

Seriously, it's inferred and many have picked up on it that Palpatine did indeed create Anakin. But it's left open to question.

It was my first thought when i read the novel over a month ago, and i'm glad it made it into the movie.

There's sure to be a novel or graphic novel dealing with that if it's true. And if we ever read it, then it means it was approved by Lucas, cos all EU and SW literature is. ( that may amaze you if you've ever read "crystal Star" but it's true! :P )

# Posted: 19 May 2005 23:57

If I remember correctly from the movie, it was Darth Plagueis that conceived Anakin using the midichlorians. Back then, Palpatine was the apprentice until he killed Plagueis in his sleep.

# Posted: 20 May 2005 00:58

<!--QuoteBegin--henri+May 19 2005,23:57--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (henri @ May 19 2005,23:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->If I remember correctly from the movie, it was Darth Plagueis that conceived Anakin using the midichlorians. Back then, Palpatine was the apprentice until he killed Plagueis in his sleep.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>THats what I assumed what Palpatine was going on about.  It was probably just typical Lucas it can be as deep or as shallow as you want to it to be.

# Posted: 20 May 2005 03:37

My bad, i meant Darth Plagueis.

anyone got the bit torrent yet btw? :P

# Posted: 20 May 2005 14:47


I saw it and I really enjoyed it, it is by far and away the best of the more recent SW films.

Does it reflect the weakness of GL, yes I guess it does, but if when I watched it I tried to concentrate on the film and the action and the storyline.

On the action the special effects and yes even the story line it works for me!

The scene where Anakin confronts the younglings is I thought a powerful scene which really shows just how much he has been changed by the dark side.  Yet it was a simple scene and not action packed!

Again I am assuming that if you are reading this you have seen the film or don't care, but I thought the way GL handled the destruction of the Jedi was really good!

Anyway maybe some thoughts later!


# Posted: 21 May 2005 08:30

I just got out of the theater. My thoughts on it are mixed, but what I’m getting out of it is this.

The main thing about it is that it's a Star Wars movie. Not only in name like The Pretended Movie The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Credits Clones, but in effect as well - and by that I don't mean Special Effects, which are probably the worst thing that ever happened to the universe we all know and love. But the magic was there, that feeling of being carried away and, for a moment, of forgetting everything, time, location, surroundings,... and of being part of the movie - which is too often missing - did take place; and that alone is reason enough to go see it.

At the same time, it doesn't come anywhere close the originals, but that was to be expected. For perfection is hard to achieve, particularly with these actors and in our universe where money rules all. I could list mistakes made by Lucas endlessly, and I did start making such a list at the beginning of the movie before I gave up and focused on enjoying the movie instead. Besides, as Henri pointed out, Return of the Sith is primarily about showing how evil the dark side can be; let’s learn that lesson and look at the good things.

Mainly, the things I really liked were:
The space battle at the start, there were none of those in Episode 2 and I’d sooner forget about the E1 one and Jake Lloyd altogether. That’s one of the main things that were missing in the prequels. Starfighters and turbolasers are as much a part of Star Wars as Jedi and lightsabers if not more, and it’s about time Lucas realized that.
The acting was better as well, Ewan Mc Gregor, who was good-but-could-have-been-better in the first two (and I’m basing my opinion on acting, before any girl starts to object) really impressed me here. He did an incredible job of being as close to Alec Guinness as possible, and there’s absolutely nothing I can see that can be held against him. Hayden Christensen and Nathalie Portman were alright as well. There are times when they don’t really act as if they believe what they’re saying, but it’s not nearly as bad as E2 in that aspect and their parts are not exactly easy, so I’ll forgive them. For the others, there’s good and bad, but there too, they all are better than they were in E2.
I expected him to make a mess out of the Wookiees, Alderaan and Palpatine’s rise to power. I was happily surprised. Alderaan is barely seen, which leaves room for imagination, and that too is one of Star Wars’ main strengths. And I’ll just forget about Kashyyyk, tall trees indeed...
The script was good. That is probably the biggest improvement. As I said, there are lots of imperfections, but much less than I was expecting. And to George’s credit, it holds together almost as well as what that guy who made Episodes 4-6 came up with.
To finish with the good parts, though I’m missing out some, it was at the same time sad and hopeful without being overdone. The scene changes are well engineered and alternates well between action, emotional and plot building parts, with an as usual impecable music accompanying them. And much is mentioned without being explained in depth, such as Anakin’s birth and the “vanishing in the Force” technique. That will allow our imaginations to come up with explanations we like, and gives material for book writers.

To criticize a bit, because I can’t help it, there are way too many fights and special effects. While the battles are enjoyable and pretty well made, nothing much can be seen except for big explosions of lights. Anakin’s fall to the dark side is fairly hard to understand, not in general, but in two or three key moments.
Also concerning special effects, while Yoda recovered much of the dignity he lost in AOTC, Artoo is at his worst. The way he moves and behaves is completely different from that in all the other movies, his flame throwing thing is one of the biggest mistakes ever made, his unique personality has completely disappeared and during the whole movie he’s either doing nothing or completely failing in his usual rescuing tasks. Finally, and I have to say this, Lucas would do good to watch the originals some more instead of pretending he made them and assuming he’s flawless.

Anyway, I’d say Episode 3 is a good movie overall, but it doesn’t justify the prequel trilogy by itself. I’m not going to change my mind on thinking his sole objective when making those new movies, and rereleasing the originals, was to make money. But I have to admit that I enjoyed myself. I wasn’t able to see the originals in theater, and I’ll probably always regret that, but ROTS is probably the closest to it I’ll ever come to, and it’s better than nothing.

Disclaimer: The author apologizes if this is too long, reminds you that no one forced you to read all this and points out that he could have written much more. He also is in every way responsible for his opinions, spelling mistakes, this disclaimer, you reading this and agreeing or disagreeing with him, the universe, everything else and a few more things.

# Posted: 21 May 2005 16:21

Where on earth is this Darth Plagueis conceiving Anakin coming from?

Was it not just a matter of controlling life and death, particularly in the way Anakin wanted to? Surely there'd have been more thought on Anakin's part if otherwise... the only thing that may hint at it otherwise is the emphasis on destiny but I really, really missed it if it was there at all. And it's nowhere in the book, that I can see. Maybe in the part I haven't read yet.

The movie though: Perfect.

I was most surprised that they showed Anakin catching fire and everything, I had always visualised it as him falling down the pit and nothing more being shown.


# Posted: 21 May 2005 17:14

It was not just controlling life and death that was spoke about. It was the creation of life by Darth Plagueis, and him controlling "midichlorians" to do so. Which has led us to speculate about Anakin being the product of a Sith Master.

It was definately in the book too, i had this discussion several weeks ago after reading it.

# Posted: 22 May 2005 04:06

The basis for that whole conception of Anakin can be found in the phantom menace when Not Quite Gone talks to Shmi about Anakin. She tells him there was no man involved, which slightly hints to the abnormal conception. Add that to a very high midi-chlorian count and there we go. Until ROTS, we just didn't know yet who put stuff in motion.

# Posted: 22 May 2005 12:31

I walked out of the theatre suffering from full sensory overload and stunned silence as my brain processed the flurry of images, scenes, CGI effects, and how the movie intertwines the prequels with the original trilogy.

A few moments passed as I was able to mutter something... "Wow...At least it didn't suck as bad as the last two."

It was good. I was not disappointed, and while I can nit-pick the film or ramble on like Hobbie, which by the way I blame for the poor dialogue and stiff acting by Hayden Christenson and Nat Portman, I felt it leads into the Original Trilogy well. John William's music is always excellent, and the RotS soundtrack showcases his brilliance as a composer.

The main drawback for me is that there is too much going on. Too many secondary characters and locations to keep track of. Like Hobbie, I was happy to see intense space battles, but also some ground warfare with the clonetroopers, droids, and wookiees. It IS Star WARS after all.  The fight and chase scenes were intense, but what really moved me was the execution of "Order 66" by Palpatine in which the Jedi purge was ordered. It had a "Godfather" feel to it in which the Jedi were turned on and taken out one by one. Of course the fate of the Younglings sent a gasp through the audience as the full realization of Anakin's destiny set in, and the pure power of evil and manipulation of Palpatine.

Ian McDairmid as Palpatine stood out and practically stole the show. Yoda was no slouch either.

By any chance did any of you catch what Padme whispered to Obi-Wan before she died? Was it something like, "There is still good in him" (refering to Anakin)


# Posted: 22 May 2005 12:56

<!--QuoteBegin--crazytexan+May 22 2005,12:31--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (crazytexan @ May 22 2005,12:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->By any chance did any of you catch what Padme whispered to Obi-Wan before she died? Was it something like, "There is still good in him" (refering to Anakin)<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><font color=#00709E size=2 face=verdana>That line was spoken in the film for your information, testimony to what Luke Skywalker said in Episode VI, which was a similar line referring to Anakin.<br><br>As for the film itself, it was very good and I enjoyed it a lot and I'm going to see it for the 3rd time on Friday coming! <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><br><br>Actually I saw all 6 Star Wars movies in London last Monday as part of the Star Wars III Celebration Day!  The atmosphere was great despite the length of the day! <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/haw.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo--><br><br>Sylvius

# Posted: 22 May 2005 14:14

CT : It was good. Not the best SW film of course. But i believe it was the very best we could have hoped for, bearing in mind the direction Lucas has gone.

I liked alot of scenes, you know why alot of us are saying it's the best prequel? Cos it was crammed full of action. There was not as much time left for over for the usual stuff that's dogged the PT.

I just watched it again today, the second viewing of any movie is always my favourite. And i enjoyed it even more. I'll probably have seen it 5 times by next weekend.*L*

I noticed it of course first time, but today it struck me more so. Did anyone else feel the scene were Anakin turned was a great parellel? When he came to the aid of Palpatine, as he was being killed by his own force lightening. It reminded me of Vader coming to Luke's aid in the final film. I really liked that alot. It was the trigger for both his journeys in and out of the darkside.

# Posted: 22 May 2005 15:03


I did go back and watch it again, I had to really as I needed to know who said "I have a bad feeling about this"

I still enjoyed it a second time round and it did make it better and I picked up on things that I missed the first time round. I wish I could see it again, but I will have to wait for the DVD!

I have to agree Ceets that the order 66 was pretty powerful and sad really in how all the Jedis found that they people they were commanding turned on them.

I liked as well the glimpse of what had to be a Young Grand Moff Tarkin, how on earth did George manage that one :?

I liked the fact that C3p0 had his memory wiped, but not R2D2, it helps to explain why he was so stubborn in A New Hope!

However he didn't explain why Vader couldn't remember  C3P0 and R2D2.

I liked the shots of the Gulin area (South West China) in the Kashyyyk scenes, though I wonder why he didn't disguise it more!


# Posted: 22 May 2005 19:37

<!--QuoteBegin--hongjun+May 22 2005,15:03--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (hongjun @ May 22 2005,15:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I liked as well the glimpse of what had to be a Young Grand Moff Tarkin, how on earth did George manage that one <!--emo&:?--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/srp.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':?'><!--endemo--> <br><br>I liked the fact that C3p0 had his memory wiped, but not R2D2, it helps to explain why he was so stubborn in A New Hope!<br><br>However he didn't explain why Vader couldn't remember  C3P0 and R2D2.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I thought the same thing when I saw that, so I checked the credits and it was indeed Moff Tarkin. Pretty cool, eh?<br><br>I suppose maybe Vader just didn't care that those were his droids?

# Posted: 22 May 2005 23:13

I must say that I absolutely loved Episode 3, with the exception of a couple slight things, but over all it was a much better movie than Eps 1 & 2 and it definantly puts things into perspective for the final trilogy.

Lets see...
The beginning space fight scence was excellent (Hong: It was Obi-wan that said 'I have a bad feeling about this' in that scene) with the CGI and the cartoon series of Clone Wars 2 fits in with Episode 3.

The battle between Anakin and Count Dracula Dooku was also well done, the fact that Palpatine betrays his apprentice and has him killed. The look on Dooku's face when he said that was priceless, also when Anakin did finally chop his head off it felt almost like he didn't know what he did.

The battle Grevious had with Obi-wan was good also, it was funny how Grevious grabbed four light-sabres out and started attacking him. *lol* ...Though what I don't understand is why he was wheezing all the time? It must have had something to do with the Clone Wars 2 but yes, nice little battle there.

..Are you threatening me, Master Jedi? :v
How great was that scene? ..The ending was good too with Anakin and Sidious, but it really fit into the sceme of things. What a great way of bring out the evil in Anakin.. Some people hated the way he died, falling out of a building.. They say Anakin did the same in Ep 2 and survived.. Well if you think about it, Windu was fighting, had his arm chopped off and most likely electrocuted to death before he fell, that situation is so much different to what Anakin did. =P

Order 66, good idea but you have to wonder how easily the Jedi Masters got killed off in that scene. *l* Was a little quick to me, just as how Anakin turned evil, tad quick, oh well.

The final two battles between Yoda and Sidious, and Anakin and Obi-wan were classic, no need to go into to much detail, but they were good.

I know I may only be talking about the battles here, but its mainly due pretty much to everyone here talking about them non-stop.. *l*

And whats this about Anakin's conception, you can't really believe a Sith Master created Anakin for the sake of.. whatever?

Ooh, and the Young Grand Moff Tarkin was CGI, how could you not pick that up? :D

Hmm, I think i've gone on too long on this... Still so many questions and links that have to be put together!


PS, on a side note did you realise that when Yoda was telling Obi-wan that he could comunicate with Gui-gon it set up the whole "Ben Kenobi is a crazy old man talking to himself" thing? ;)

# Posted: 23 May 2005 00:51

<!--QuoteBegin--goose+May 22 2005,23:13--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (goose @ May 22 2005,23:13)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Ooh, and the Young Grand Moff Tarkin was CGI, how could you not pick that up? <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/haw.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Goose : He was not CGI <!--emo&:P--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ton.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':P'><!--endemo--> Infact he was played by a fellow countryman of yours.<br><br><img src="http://www.thetrukstop.com/starwars/images/prequels/episodeiii/comparison.jpg" border="0"><br><br>Tarkin was played by Wayne Pygam.<br><br>If you're a Farscape fan you'll know him as the guy who played the brilliant <b>Scorpius</b> in the series.

# Posted: 23 May 2005 18:55

Yeees... I thought it was good too.  =)  The acting was a little strained in a few places, and the storyline in general was slightly 'forced'..  :?   But overall it was great, getting back to a few wars-esque elements.

I know what most of you guys mean when you say there was too much packed in there though.  Especially towards the end everything happened so quickly.  Like one minute Palpatine was fighting Yoda on Coruscant and the next minute he was in his shuttle across the other side of the galaxy to save Anakin who was on fire... :v

I didn't like the end where Yoda was all "Oh, and we've found this new force power!  Talking to dead people.  =)"  'twas a cool move though.  Cooool as a cucumber.

# Posted: 23 May 2005 23:04

Brady : In the novel, Yoda has quite a few long conversations with Qui Jon. I'm glad i read the novel before i saw the film for that, and several other reasons.

Obviously Liam Neeson refused to be in the film. He stated how  much he hated being in the Phantom menace. So, Lucas  left out the scenes with Yoda speaking with his spirit. I would have thought he could have at least found a soundalike though.

That element of the film was left a little empty as a result.

# Posted: 24 May 2005 03:18

Where do I begin...

I've seen ROTS twice so far and for the most part it was entertaining, exciting at some points. It was a good movie in my opinion but I still think the original trilogy had an element that was missing in the prequels. Don't ask me what it is..... *coughs* acting *coughs*. :P

I expected a lot more from Padme as well. It wasn't just N.P.'s acting, it was the whole stay at home being pregnant thing that got me. (They forgot to take away her shoes too.) Senator Amidala was extremely active in the first two and it didn't seem like her to stay at home and wait the whole time until the end.

Yoda kicked ass as always. The scene with Windu, Palpitine and Anakin was pretty powerful in showing how Anakin was "tricked" into turning.

Someone had asked why General Grievous was wheezing. I think it had something to do with the fact that he was not all machine and had a heart etc. I'll probably have to read the book or books to get that whole story. I do want to hear more about the Qui-Gon connection.

The Force with you may be :P

# Posted: 24 May 2005 05:45

Monny : General Grevous was injured by Mace Windu in the "Clone Wars" animated series which led right up to events in Episode III. That's why he was coughing and wheezing.

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