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Outpost 10F Forums / General Chatter / Dumb Rules
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# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 18:41

Okay, so I'm at the age where I look back at my childhood and think about all the rules my parents had and I still think they're stupid.

Actually, my current job is giving me a lot of contact with the youth of today and most of their parents don't even have rules, it's kind of frustrating. It's been making me think a lot about why my parents did what they did, and where they were right and where they were completely off their rocker.

This thread is dedicated to Parental Insanity. Post the dumb rules your parents gave you that still don't make sense. If you post off topic - God bless you!

1. As a child, I wasn't allowed to watch The Smurfs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Ghostbusters, and I almost got banned on Carebears.

2. As a teenager I was discouraged from watching "Gargoyles" (but I did anyway). I was also not allowed to watch "The Simpsons" or "Friends" until I moved out at the age of 19. FRIENDS. Everyone at school was talking about Friends except ME. I had NO idea what everyone was on about.

3. My bed time in grade 10 was 9:30 pm until I managed to convince my dad that he wouldn't find another soul in my high school that had to go to bed that early. He moved it to 10:00pm until I was 17 and it was changed to 11:00pm. - (I cannot STAND little 13 year old spoiled brats complaining that their parents want them to come home at midnight instead of staying up until 3 in the morning wandering the streets).

4. For those who know who DC Talk is, I wasn't allowed to listen to them as a teenager because my parents thought they were too "hard." Instead I was stuck listening to Colby, Psalty the Singing Song Book, and Carmen until I was SEVENTEEN. For my 18th birthday I finally got a real "grown up" CD - Five Iron Frenzy. I've never looked back; punk, ska, metal, alternative and hardcore. Take that, mom and dad!

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 20:14

I wasn't allowed to watch Full House or America's Funniest Home Videos cuz of my dad's undying hatred for Bob Saget. To this day I haven't seen every ep of Full House...I think I haven't seen like the last 3 seasons.

I wasn't able to watch The Simpsons because my dad thought Bart was a bad influence. He kinda changed his views tho when we watched an ep together where Bart did a kind deed. Still couldn't watch it tho without his permission.

TMNT and TNG were about the only shows I were allowed to watch.

Altho I don't think I'd be allowed to watch TNG if I were living with him now as he's got a jelous hatred for Patrick Stewart. All cuz his current wife and me have major crushes on him. He almost walked out of the first LOTR movie cuz he thought Gandalf was played by Patrick Stewart...that's how bad it is. Course Im sure he might have walked out anyways had he known that Ian McKellen is gay. *shakes head*

But I was allowed to watch TMNT because it influenced me to be interested in Renaissance art.

Now I never had a curfew...mostly cuz I never went anywhere.

As for music. I play my BeeGees and Opera music real loud to annoy my step-dad...he hates the BeeGees. *lol* But Im kind to put on my head set for all the other music I listen to (metal, pop, ect). Altho I somehow got the folks into liking Kurt Nilsen. Go figure. *lol*

Oh and Comics. Oy.. It's funny I talk to some people and they're all like "Yeah my mom threw away all my comics." well for me it was the opposit. My mom introduced me to comics cuz she wanted me to read something other than novels. My dad on the other hand told me to throw them away cuz he thought they were a waist of time. I hid them from him and proved that they weren't a waste of time when I was the only one able to read the menu at a restauraunt in France. I recognized the word for chicken (Poulet) cuz I had learned it in an Archie comic. HAH!

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 22:09

Oh, I wasn't allowed to watch Deep Space Nine either.

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 22:33

I can think of a few rules, but none that I disagree with now... restrictions on computer time, TV etc... but I'd do the same for my own kids. Because I completely support the idea that kids should learn to play and be creative, rather than be sat in front of a box to be entertained.

Aside from that, Mam restricted how far we were allowed to go down the road when we were kids, but again, I get why.

I just asked my mother for help, but I still can't come up with any rules that I still disagree with.

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 22:48

My parents had a hard time punishing me. I never went anywhere, so it was pointless to ground me, and sending me to my room was like a dream come true. They used to ground me from reading. My teachers in school were horrified.

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 23:25

The only thing I can come up with that could be a "dumb rule" is that my mother never made us do anything. We had no rules. We raised ourselves. She was around for advice, but that was it. All decisions, no matter how big or small, were our's to make. I totally love this, and I think I will use a version with my children, but I don't think I'd leave bigger decisions up to them when they are younger. I hated having the only call as to what I could or could not do.

# Posted: 22 Jul 2008 23:33

Quoting: polson
They used to ground me from reading. My teachers in school were horrified.

DOH! Im glad my parents never thought of that. I was generally grounded from the tv or computer.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 02:18

Candice, seriously? And you didn't go crazy? Every kid I've ever met who doesn't have any rules at home is completely psycho. Disrespectful, bad mouthing, profanity, manipulative, and often accompanies behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse as well as general law breaking.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 03:11

Polson, *lol* well, I can say no to about half of that. I'm not crazy. And, to be honest, most of the reason I have to say yes to some of those are due not to my parenting situation, but are my own personal issues involving life. Hah. But, yeah, I like to think I've really not let my home life define me to society. In school, I was always top of my classes and such. So, whoot to me for being a responsible teenager who wanted more out of life!

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:00

We also had no Simpsons, but it was relaxed after they divorced when I was 8. Mom liked that they went to church, and if it meant I could watch it, good enough! We were iffy on whether or not Married With Children was appropriate, but by age 10 we watched it most every day. Kids don't get the same humour adults do anyway.

At 15, I wasn't allowed to stay up till midnight (or 11:45) to watch Mysterious Island. I'd sneak down and watch it in the dark. "No, I uhh.. was just going to use this washroom down here!"

Mom also said we couldn't listen to "December" by Collective Soul, because her then-boyfriend said it made fun of Jesus. *rhe* She later realized it was a good song and he was full of it.

My brother bought a Meatloaf CD around age 10, she made him return it and yelled at the salesman.

I only had a curfew once I got a boyfriend (16), since I was such a homebody before that. It was midnight, and lasted until I was in university.

Much was unspoken... I knew the rules with both parents, and never really argued it or tested it. It meant when I needed or wanted something, it could happen.

And when I was bad, I lost computer time. Stake in my little heart, geez.

Things we should've had better bounds on: TV, pop (a can or two a day? my poor teeth), junk food (I'd cycle to buy a chocolate bar or 3 every day after school), computer time... I wish I'd spent more time outside, less in front of TV/computer, and that we'd paid better attention to our poor dog. Mind you, the computer time did pay off in the end, in a way.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 05:18 · Edited by: polson

My mom was still trying to punish me for stupid things when I was 19.

The saddest/funniest one I remember was about three months before my 20th birthday. I was using the computer and she got really upset with me for being a smart ass about my work schedule and then she went and got my laundry and threw it on the floor and said, "You've made such a mess downstairs, you can do your laundry at a laundromat from now on!" (totally unrelated to the issue she was angry with me for too). I pointed out that she'd been bugging me for weeks to put my laundry down the chute so it was kind of dumb that she was just hauling it all back upstairs to throw at me after doing what she'd asked. So then she grounded me from using the computer (note to self: don't point out the flaws in mother's logic).

That's when I started laughing. And I said, "You can't make me. I'll just use it when you're not home."

She actually tried to pull the chair out from under me at this point so I just wrapped my ankles around the legs and hung on, still laughing. She was IRRATE. I'm still shocked she didn't haul off and hit me. I'm a little fuzzy on what happened next, but I know I went to my room to escape her insanity and then dad came home and was like, "What did you DO?" and I was tired of him defending her psychotic behaviors so I just grabbed a handful of change (I counted it later, it was under 3 bucks), forgot my glasses (I NEVER forget my glasses - that is a true testament as to how upset I was - even just taking them OFF was abnormal) and went out in a -32 C blizzard at 11:00pm without a toque or mitts or a scarf, still in my sticky fruit juiced work clothes. Walked a few blocks, found a pay phone and called a lady from my church who lived out of town. She came and got me and I didn't go back home until midnight the following day.

Anyway, I moved out three weeks later.

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 06:57

Quoting: polson
(note to self: don't point out the flaws in mother's logic)

Some of the best advice I've ever read, right there!

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 12:18

I frequently go against that advice. When I do, I get Looks.

... followed by, sometimes, laughter, and at other times, an "ughhh, you know what I meant!"

With the latter, it is Bad to say "well, no, how can I when you make no sense?"

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 15:06

*l* I think the WORST thing I ever said was when I was like 12 or 13. Even now, I wonder how it is that I didn't die that day.

I don't remember the context to this shouting match, but mom screams, "Why do you always make excuses for everything you do!"

And then I shot back with, "You taught me how!"

Once in a while you can clearly see on the other person's face that you just crossed a dangerous line. *l* I remember immediately realizing my life was over, and I ran. *l* I ran down to my room and wedged myself between the door and my bed to use my body to keep the door closed. She POUNDED on that door for ten minutes, screaming at me to come out and I was yelling, "I'm not that stupid!"

I stayed wedged like that for a couple hours. Yay for the stash of books I kept under my bed!

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 15:13

*points up* Uh *l* does anybody remember me eight-ten years ago? How psychotically hyper I was in chat? And how I mellowed out almost immediately after turning 20? Yeah, there's a reason for that. *l*

# Posted: 23 Jul 2008 16:44

Thinking back, I don't remember any openly daft rules, just common sense like the old please and thankyou and don't pick up dog dirt.

Explains a lot, really... damn I'm messed in the head now.

# Posted: 25 Jul 2008 14:52

I remember, Polson. But then, that's my job.

My mom didn't try to make rules. We just kind of helped each other out. I had a bedtime until I was 10 or so, but even then I could read in bed. But then too, I didn't HAVE a computer until I was 13, so I already was spending lots of time outside.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 00:38

No DCTalk?! I'd have died!!! My parnts were pretty cool about music. my dad loved Petra, so asicly any thing less hrd than them wes good! LOL

I wasn't allowed to watch carebears, smurfs, tmnt, power rangers, or captain planet. Which honestly i didn't even like most of them so it didn't matter to me.
I had 930 bed time for the longest time... finally got moved to 11.. but by that time i was old enough no one ever cared.

Since i was an only child until i was 11, plus home schooled my parents had to get crative with punishments. grounding me was pointless, i knew how to entertain myself any way! It was privliages, like riding bike, music and such that they took away.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 01:45 · Edited by: polson

Quoting: katrina
I remember, Polson. But then, that's my job.

Yes. Yes it was. I think you were one of the few people who knew what I was going through back then. Thanks for your precious bits of sanity, Katarina.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 03:05

I was not allowed Transformers (cartoons or toys) GI Joe (cartoon or toys) and my house was also anti-Simpsons. Oh I also had not toy guns at all...not even water guns. My parents were serious anti-violence and I can understand that now that I am a parent and I also work with spoiled kids. Some parents these days defy belief. Oh yeah Friends was kinda stupid...never really got into that.

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 17:59

I was a bit brainwashed as a kid, so I didn't know how out there my folks were until I'd say around 16 or 17. At which point I had already been coming here for awhile, interestingly enough I was the "good son" and Robby was the trouble maker, I remember him and my folks arguing all the time, he argued to argue I think. Ironically, he's the good son now, and I'm the outcast.

My parents went through phases regarding discipline and what we could and could not do/watch/etc. My dad had watched TOS, and liked it which is probably why we were able to watch it.. And they allowed us to watch TNG despite constant lectures on how it was a flawed show and they constantly had issues with episodes that dealt with issues of the day (homosexuality, etc). They did not allow us to watch DS9 or Voyager at all.

The first R rated movie we were allowed to watch was Last of the Mohicans and by todays standards that's a pretty tame R rating. Had to have been in my early teens for that.

Pretty much we were criticized for doing anything that in their eyes seemed to be unproductive. Social life speaking we were never allowed to date, and/or hang out with girls.

I guess they did what they thought was best though, so......I am who I am.....I shouldn't complain.....I like me anyways.

TF really helped to bring some normalcy to my life that's for sure.

And I love you all *Hugs*

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 19:13 · Edited by: jedimkypd

Well, still being a "kid" I can tell you about what rules I had when I was younger....although it doesn't say much about my so-far short life

I wasn't really allowed to watch the Simpsons...it was a little crass, nor was I allowed to watch this one Charlie Brown movie we had...I think it was the Easter Bunny one, but iether way it said "stupid" in it *lol* My bedtime was around 9:00 when I was younger but now it's around 10:00-10:30. Other than that, I can tell you I was a pretty good kid except for when I climbed to refridgerator, for which we had a "no climbing the refridgerator" rule.

Now, as a teen I have less....I don't go out too much, and if I do, I don't really have a curfew, but either way I never stay out very late. My parents now get annoyed with how much time I spend on the computer or reading instead of going outside and getting "fresh air," and they try to limit computer by undoing the internet connection, but that doesn't work much cos they don't know that I know how to put it back
Then there's the issue with my room....heh...basically, it's a mess. They always threaten me with telling me that I can't audition for any shows unless my room gets cleaned but naturally it stays the same...and I still audition.

I guess those aren't really rules....whatever

# Posted: 26 Jul 2008 19:33

Ah cleaning. Yes. Room cleaning especially. I'm sooo glad I never had to worry about that. We were never made to clean our rooms. It was always suggested strongly, but no follow through, so of course, being kids we didn't bother. I only cleaned my room when I felt like it was unliveable. *lol* Though, to this day, I will let my room become a danger zone before cleaning it. Hah.

# Posted: 27 Jul 2008 00:59

My room is STILL a disaster.

# Posted: 27 Jul 2008 02:48

Our room is a disaster too.

# Posted: 27 Jul 2008 12:16

Quoting: tommy
The first R rated movie we were allowed to watch was Last of the Mohicans and by todays standards that's a pretty tame R rating. Had to have been in my early teens for that.

First R Rated movie I saw was "Robocop"...my dad dragged me and my mom to the theatre to see it. And being that I was only 7 at the time my mom blocked my eyes from what she deemed as the gross parts. *lol*

Never knew Last of the Mohicans is rated R...seems more like PG-13 to me.

As for cleaning my room. I generally got major bad whoopings and my dad would drag my bed OUT of my room and tell me to clean my room....course I also had to put my bed back together. And then he'd lecture me...which I generaly ignored and just nodded my head. Nowadays tho....My room's a bit of a mess yeah...but not as bad as it was when I was younger.

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