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Outpost 10F Forums / Gaming / Discussion: Rank privileges in BlackNova Traders
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# Posted: 14 Jun 2010 15:42 · Edited by: tycho

We are thinking about adding privileges for OTF ranks ( Cl 2 to 12) in Black Nova.
These could be e.g. extra starting credits or higher starting tech lvl ... something like that.
I'd like to hear your opinions on that, or do you have better/ other ideas?
Post them here!

Gaming TL

# Posted: 14 Jun 2010 22:54

Would that create an un-fair advantage for those with a Higher CL ?

But then you could see it on the other side of the coin, contribute to OTF, get a higher CL and additional bonus's for the games we host.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 00:54

Well higher up people could have different graphics? less lickely to get kicked from sol ...

think outside the box -_-

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 01:44

Preferably something that would give a perk for a person to come and go through the ranks at OTF but that isn't game breaking. One of the problems with BNT the first time around was that people were playing the game and never coming to socialize, so I'd like to see some sort of perk that convinces people coming in from Google to hop over to the chat and participate there as well.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 05:07

Could combine Game Time Play Vs. Chattime and they have to equal around the same and if one gets to high =P u have to chat to seal the gaP

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 10:49

Quoting: lzrman
Could combine Game Time Play Vs. Chattime

Chattime is null and void with the real time chat update .

One idea we could try is a "Outpost10F Station" In the game where users can "dock" the ship. Rank Required cl6>. Obviously the ship tech's would have to abide by a set max average tech level slighter greater then fed space. for instance.

Fed space is tech level 8 max, have outpost10f station space up to 12 IF clearence level>6.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 14:10

I'd really prefer it if we had something that rewarded all command levels since CL6 still takes a bit of doing and a few years to get to.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 15:31


We needs to have some system where people who come from other BNT arenas have incentive to get involved in the chats and community as a whole

# Posted: 15 Jun 2010 23:54

I think that we'd be better off start the perks at CL3 or 4, and then possibly scale them up to CL5 or so? It kind of depends on the sorts of privileges end up being rolled out, I guess.

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 11:18

Lol everyones agreeing but not throwing in idea's of what these perks could be, which is what this thread is about teehee.

Persoanlly i was thinking of shrinking it down slightly....
cl2 = nothing (as registering allows them the "play the game" i.e a perk )
cl3 = nothing
cl4 = cl2 + another
cl5 = cl4 + another
etc etc

Deliberaly leaving out stuff for cl3 and cl3 to encouring the person to get addicted to thet chatroom, and if they make a freind in there, then they will definatly become more inclined to visit the chatroom more often.

My Idea's

Access to team "view". Allows you to see your team mates galaxy map (cl4 above)

Special Themes/Skins only available to certain ranks (i.e. cl5 above)

Advanced Cloaning Services - If you get killed in the game rarther then getting a standard ship you get a ship with 60% of your origional ships stats. (cl6 above)

Access to a special mobile page allowing them to maintain their game efficiently from a mobile phone. (i.e. cl7 above)

What do you all think? im trying to think up stuff which isnt going to effect the gameplay of the game to give a set user an unfair advantage over another user. with the exclusion f the following perks... these are very "big" perks but require a very big rank to apply them, s very few people will be using them. i think.

Advanced fleet module -> Allows a ship to "double" the number of figs it carries (cl9 above)

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 13:44

We could do tiered discounts on system upgrades or fighters and such, maxing out at...10-20% or so? I don't think it'd be a gamebreaking advantage, but it'd be a nice perk and easily broken down for various CLs.

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 14:08

We should have something for Cl3 as well, no?
Something "small"... like a small boost of hull capacity for the first ship/ restored ship or something, cause I wouldn't see how just signing up to play the game would get them to chat. Everyone's used to sign up for games so it's nothing special, if you know what I mean. Having the gap Cl2 to Cl4 wouldn't really encourage me to chat if my main reason for signing up is BNT.

I like the idea of sharing the alliances galaxy map at Cl4, the cloning is another good idea.
Clearly our main problem is that it is really hard to find something that doesn't effect the game too much but is worthy enough to encourage people to chat and get promoted *sighs*

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 15:03

Quoting: jd
We could do tiered discounts on system upgrades or fighters and such, maxing out at...10-20% or so? I don't think it'd be a gamebreaking advantage, but it'd be a nice perk and easily broken down for various CLs.

The problem with that is its giving higher up cl'#s a significant upgrade advantage over lesser player, as a BNT pro if i was cl4 and some cl7's where int he game i would think twice about them as they will be able to progress the ranking etc significantly faster the lesser people and it would turn into a highest ranked person wins every time type situation.

i dont really want to fiddle with the ships too much in the perks as it could end up negative on the game itself.

However we could have discounts available on mine deflectors genesis torps space editors etc, this would not effect the game much, apart from mine deflectors however mines are insignificant really... up to you lot.

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 15:05

well with cl3 its an oddball... as a round can last 2/3 months, and it only takes 1 month to get to cl3, so they wouldnt feel any effects of that until second round.

Maybe chaning realspace to be 5% less harsh if cl3 atttained... or maybe.... just maybe.... hmmm ...

Only allowing cl3's and above to be able to use the themes and the cl2 just get stuck with standard themes..

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 21:23

Which would still be sooner then reaching Cl4
But would a theme/ skin make someone that only came to play BNT enter the chat?
I don't mean to be destructive, I just try think like someone who seems to like BNT and just signs up to play his beloved game.
Less turn for real space cruising would be a good idea, I think

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 21:39

Quoting: tycho
Less turn for real space cruising would be a good idea, I think

thats what i said

Quoting: david1
realspace to be 5% less harsh

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 21:53

I know, just saying that I think it's a good idea

# Posted: 16 Jun 2010 22:10

its okay, the ball is on a string and attached to the cup

# Posted: 17 Jun 2010 02:26

Quoting: david1
The problem with that is its giving higher up cl'#s a significant upgrade advantage over lesser player, as a BNT pro if i was cl4 and some cl7's where int he game i would think twice about them as they will be able to progress the ranking etc significantly faster the lesser people and it would turn into a highest ranked person wins every time type situation.

I don't see what the problem is with this scenario.

# Posted: 17 Jun 2010 02:51

Maybe in the game you could remind the user dock at the 'OTF station' to 'take a break and chat' every so often.. or maybe have weekly in-chat bnt events where the players come in and do something( i can't think of anything creative for this yet )..or if that doesn't work, maybe tie Trivia in so that BNT players get participation points for every trivia they attend, and extra points for trivia RPs and SPs...

# Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:22 · Edited by: david1

Quoting: daecrist
I don't see what the problem is with this scenario.

Its all down to maths

right formula for upgrade cost
number = round(POW(2,level)*1000)

if say, we gave cl7's above a 10% discount.

for a cl4 each level 40 upgrade would cost 549,755,813,888,000
for a discounted user this would equate to 494,780,232,499,000

This would equate to a free upgrade for each tech level achieved for all components.

Then we will have the problem that some otf'ers who are bnt pro (i might add) will decide to come back and play, and theyre all cl7's and some above. This small advantage would be small enough for them to own the server every round, and if that happened people will stop playing and just go to other places.

I could experiment with a 2% upgrade discount?
and save the 10% discount for the cl10's and above?
that would be just you, however i can see a balance here having just 1 or 2 ships capable of this "major" advantage. and its easier for a group of smaller ships to band together against 1 ro 2 people rarther then a whole fleet

# Posted: 17 Jun 2010 10:24

Quoting: deboe
Maybe in the game you could remind the user dock at the 'OTF station' to 'take a break and chat' every so often.. or maybe have weekly in-chat bnt events where the players come in and do something( i can't think of anything creative for this yet )..or if that doesn't work, maybe tie Trivia in so that BNT players get participation points for every trivia they attend, and extra points for trivia RPs and SPs...

Good idea's there, one which prung to mind when reading this is allow bnt players to earn in game credits while participating in otf events, for instance they get 1,000,000 points for each real point they attain in an otf trivia, or whatever other competitions that might get run on the site

# Posted: 23 Jun 2010 17:10

Personally I support the idea of giving players with Higher CL rankings rewards that don't effect the game to much. Like colored names in the ranking-list, different ship and planet pictures and stuff like that.

The idea of a reminder to dock somewhere and go to the chat-room is nice to, but doesn't add much to the game. Most players won't be in the game for more than an hour at a time. So that message would be more fitting to the logout screen or something.

I won't support the idea of discounts on prices for high ranking players. just because it gives players an unfair advantage, even after a long run of the game. I would be more interested to raise the starting credits according to rank. That is a short time only reward and makes the start for high ranking players just a little bit more easy. Over the long run the better players without reward will still outrun the high ranking players with reward.

Also the idea of fed-space with a max. lvl of 8 and Outpost space with a higher max. lvl sounds good to me. Maybe you could make it like this. Max. lvl = 6 + CL-lvl. Would take some difficult coding I guess...

I think I should come up with some ideas of myself, but looking at what has been brought up and my response to that I don't think I can add much more.

# Posted: 23 Jun 2010 17:45

i like the idea of rewards for high ranks,
but it should not have an influance about the ranking in game directly.
so no extra credits what so ever or discounts.
(that might scare off new people)

give them extra real space links
nicer graph

# Posted: 23 Jun 2010 18:49

Quoting: alex1981m
The idea of a reminder to dock somewhere and go to the chat-room is nice to, but doesn't add much to the game. Most players won't be in the game for more than an hour at a time. So that message would be more fitting to the logout screen or something.

Allthough, I will add a direct link to the chatroom from inside the game, however they wont get "bugged" into playing the game, as id hate myself to have things popping up in my facem and wouldnt want to impose that on anyone else either =)

Quoting: alex1981m
Also the idea of fed-space with a max. lvl of 8 and Outpost space with a higher max. lvl sounds good to me. Maybe you could make it like this. Max. lvl = 6 + CL-lvl. Would take some difficult coding I guess...

That would actually be easy, well not easy, but i can see in my head eactly how the code would look at it would fit it perfectly.

Quoting: alex1981m
I won't support the idea of discounts on prices for high ranking players. just because it gives players an unfair advantage, even after a long run of the game. I would be more interested to raise the starting credits according to rank. That is a short time only reward and makes the start for high ranking players just a little bit more easy. Over the long run the better players without reward will still outrun the high ranking players with reward.

Im not a fan of the discounts idea either, however its what the wnat up above so will have to think about it very carefully.
Giving people more starting credits doesnt work. Reason being a round can last 4 - 6 months. in that time a person can have 1 or even 2 promotions, and this woulnt give them any advantage int he game until next round.

Im trying to think very hard and "outside" the box with these ideas.

for instance some ideas to bash around.

CL8's above can buy planetery cloaking devices. (weak little things which would stop level 30< ships spotting them but really redundant against a higher level ship. Wouldnt ditract from the game much but would be a bonus nevertheless.

Second Auto "first Strike" Alert System. Call it what you want, basically if someone scans your ship, your ship automatically scans "them" back and assess if it can win, and if so, automatically attacks the scanners ship =) this would eba cl10 perk. but fun.

Think about the crazy ideas people

# Posted: 23 Jun 2010 20:05

in an other server there was an option to spreak everything even over your plannets(your choise fighters, colonists etc)

migt be nice for high rank.
only saves you time

# Posted: 23 Jun 2010 23:36

lol handy little thing, ill look into that in a little more detail =)

# Posted: 27 Sep 2010 22:36

what is this blacknova trading?

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