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# Posted: 2 Jul 2010 09:20
If we work together we can take him out...but are you all willing to work together to bring him down? There is credits waiting out there...all we need to do is take his planets defences out.
# Posted: 2 Jul 2010 09:49
whay don't you use ingame msg? he might be reading this (as said before by XZ(am i right david))
# Posted: 2 Jul 2010 10:50
Who cares if he is reading this...I like to put up a challenge.
Most people even think the game is over and we never catch up. By the way...I did send an ingame message to both alliances so the real plans are going to unfold in private.
# Posted: 2 Jul 2010 11:15
Thats quite defeatist XD
# Posted: 2 Jul 2010 11:46
From the others it is.
Not from me. If we get 3 big players to work together he's done with...
# Posted: 3 Jul 2010 00:03 · Edited by: david1
New Idea:
Would like to be discussed.....
I want people to have incentives for "inviting" other people to join the game, i.e. freinds and families, so, i was thinking somting along the lines of 1 free "random" tech upgrade for the inviters ship.
XZ Invited YA to "SIGN UP" <- important, (means create a otf account, HAS to be a none otf member)
when inviting YA, XZ gives YA a special "code". Moderator checks the account (this WONT be automatic to protect against abuse).
And then for each person they invite, they get free upgrade.
What do you think?
# Posted: 5 Jul 2010 09:33
@ david,
A proven method to attract new players. Look at games like the world wide TRAVIAN or the Dutch MOBSTAR. Both offer some stuck if you get someone to sign up.
One thing about it, both give the reward after the new player has made a goal( think of a X score here) else is abuse still a good possibility.
a little spawn in other games might be a possibility as well. A week before a non-Beta round starts, just send in game msges to the players of other servers (bid downside, people will get offended, and looks amateur)
# Posted: 5 Jul 2010 17:36
Hobbie - Are you playing any more? You haven't logged on since 22nd June! I wouldn't mind your credits built up if you don't play again! 
# Posted: 6 Jul 2010 02:25 · Edited by: ayanna
I was thinking today about how when in the game say if you get blown up half way through the game and have an escape pod that maybe it's possible to have it where instead of your ship getting set completely to Zero and having to start completely over on building your ship that maybe you start at level 5 or something
My reasoning for this thought is this. Say the game is halfway over and you have an escape pod but your ship is destroyed and your out of turns, it's going to take you forever to be able to rebuild your ship because you have to wait to accumlate enough turns in order to move around to much, and it's an easy way for someone who is in the top 5 to come in and take all the planets that belong to someone who is say in like 14 or 15th place as their shields and such on their planets will be down.
I dunno if something like this is even remotely possible or not. But just a random thought i had and figured i'd toss it out in the ring for discussion. Lol
# Posted: 6 Jul 2010 05:21
If you put away enough in your IGB, being reset to 5 on all is just a small bonus.
# Posted: 6 Jul 2010 06:07
Quoting: ayanna Say the game is halfway over and you have an escape pod but your ship is destroyed and your out of turns, it's going to take you forever to be able to rebuild your ship because you have to wait to accumlate enough turns in order to move around to much, and it's an easy way for someone who is in the top 5 to come in and take all the planets that belong to someone who is say in like 14 or 15th place as their shields and such on their planets will be down.
Usualy it's not that harsh. When you get blown up and escape in an escapepod your lvl's go back to 0 indeed. But whit SOFA enables usually comes a bit of coding called "newbe-nice" or something. What it comes down to is that with all lvl 0 the sofa's aren't as effective as they used to. So if you have a bank and it is well defended you don't have to worry.
Maybe you will lose some of your weaker planets. But honestly, isn't that part of the game. To lose all you have someone must have scouted a lot. Most players don't do that much effort to take you down after a fall. They go for your bank and the other planets in that sector maybe...nothing more.
And like said...put away a little on IGB and you'll be flying around in no time.
Ow and yes, before I forgot...isn't SOFA supposed to be score dependant? Like when you attack a weaker player you are less effective than attacking a bigger player? That might also be part of the "newbe-nice" thing...
# Posted: 6 Jul 2010 07:05
I dunno who made the Huge contribution to my account but THANK YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE WHOEVER IS RESPONSIBLE! it helped me some in getting back to where i was originally 
# Posted: 6 Jul 2010 11:19
Quoting: ayanna it's an easy way for someone who is in the top 5 to come in and take all the planets that belong to someone who is say in like 14 or 15th place as their shields and such on their planets will be down.
To start with the bigger there ship is and the smaller yours is, the less likely they would survive an attack on your planet (note: as long as everything isnt 0'd)
Quoting: alex1981m Usualy it's not that harsh. When you get blown up and escape in an escapepod your lvl's go back to 0 indeed. But whit SOFA enables usually comes a bit of coding called "newbe-nice" or something. What it comes down to is that with all lvl 0 the sofa's aren't as effective as they used to. So if you have a bank and it is well defended you don't have to worry.
What he said
Quoting: alex1981m Maybe you will lose some of your weaker planets. But honestly, isn't that part of the game. To lose all you have someone must have scouted a lot. Most players don't do that much effort to take you down after a fall. They go for your bank and the other planets in that sector maybe...nothing more.
I agreee, part of the game is to "loose" not everyone can be winners, and managing your empire is part of this. if you loose yuor ship and people attack your planets its part of the game. i know it might be hard to diguest, however we cant make the game so no one can be destroyed. it would make the game pointless
Quoting: alex1981m Ow and yes, before I forgot...isn't SOFA supposed to be score dependant? Like when you attack a weaker player you are less effective than attacking a bigger player? That might also be part of the "newbe-nice" thing...
Sofa is disabled, but in otf version it is score dependant.
# Posted: 7 Jul 2010 07:47
Quoting: ayanna I dunno who made the Huge contribution to my account but THANK YOU SO MUCH. I LOVE WHOEVER IS RESPONSIBLE! it helped me some in getting back to where i was originally
Did you find some of my unowned planets maybe? Don't know if they got destroyed during my disbanding...
# Posted: 7 Jul 2010 09:04
next round starts monday XD
# Posted: 7 Jul 2010 18:09
Um so yeah i'm not sure how but somehow i managed to get -1 turns. I didn't think it was possible to get a negative amount of turns :S
# Posted: 7 Jul 2010 18:45
there is 1 or 2 bugs which cause that. however they arnt big abuse bugs so ill try and iron them out asap.
# Posted: 9 Jul 2010 10:44
Please can you send me the final rankings when the game finishes on Sunday, as I won't be here to see the end of the game as I've left London for the weekend as of now! 
# Posted: 9 Jul 2010 14:11
ill post a copy in the forums for everyone 
# Posted: 9 Jul 2010 22:53
Lets get 'him! j/k =P
# Posted: 12 Jul 2010 08:23
Congratz to HellKiller for winning this round. Almost had you, but made a mistake while attacking your planet. Hope nex round will be a bit more fun...with Sofa enabled banks are going to be at risk all the time...good luck all.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 08:28
Little issue:
The previous round i didn't join an ally. But this time the new alliance of free stars is back. so i joined. owww wait, sorry newest . When i saw my bro started the ally i expected an invitation. But to my surprise there was no invitation. When I looked at the ally screen, and went to the newest alliance of free starts i could reject or accept the inv.?
I know in the old version you got an msg if someone send you a msg or inv.
Is this gone this version? I think it was nice.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 12:26
erm.... thats more to do with you and your brother using the same computer. I think. I know its sorted in otf version, ill take a look in the code to see, but i think this feature is noneexcistant in classic 
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 13:25
It's deniniatly not because we use the same computer.
I use the computer at my work and at my house...Edwin uses the computer at his work and living place. None of these computers are used by both of us.
I do think that only the oldest Outpost BNT had that function. I have played a couple of servers lately, and never did I see an invitation message. Although I do remember those messages from a very long time ago. If I invite someone I'll send them a personal message, that way they surely know I invited them.
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 13:40
no you don't haha i didn't get one
but i thought a msg was send if you got an private msg ingame the previous round? or wasn't it?
well its just a minor thing
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 13:44
i just send a msg to my self(ye i know, i got no life) but did get the pop up
so only not with ally
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 13:46
you can create an ally when you are in one, i think that should be disabled while your still in an ally
# Posted: 13 Jul 2010 14:44
During last round you didn't get invitation messages too.
As is the case for almost all servers that use the classic BNT code.
So if David manages to reinstall the alliance invitation messages we would be greatfull, but it is no critical bug or something.
Quoting: edwin13387 no you don't haha i didn't get one
By the way...I ment to say I would send a personal message from now on. Not that I have always done so...I have never done so before.
# Posted: 15 Jul 2010 09:25
i just got my ass kicked out of sector 0... and my average is below 10. i think the game sais 10 but the code still sais 8, or something
anyway not a big problem but can you look at it?
# Posted: 15 Jul 2010 16:11
no..... ill re-state this here.
Normal ships stats are vcalculated Hull power Shields Beams torps Armour Figs Sensors Engines Cloak
For the sol boot. only 7 components are taken into account
Hull Beams Torps engine computer shield armour
This is to stop people camping in sol space 