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Outpost 10F Forums / Gaming / What's new,what's Hot, and what's upcomming in PC gameing
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# Posted: 16 Aug 2010 21:55

Let's get this show on the road, here's the latest and greatest from PCgameing from around the world.

First off this past week Blizzard held a Warcraft III Frozen Throne Tournament,with feature gameplay from StarCraft2, the tournament was amazeing, with all the top European pro's and Amatures alike competeing, the main highlight of the event however went to LiquidTLO, and MadFrog's best of five Starcraft2 series, if you missed it be sure to check to out this mad action by these pro's here URL , In other Starcraft2 news Blizzard has announced that soon there will be Free, yes I said free Character name change, which mean's that if your not happy with Starcraft2 character's name or you feel it doesn't accurately tailor to your gameplay and style you get a new name to choose from absolutely free, this also doesn't affect your current ranking system which is a bonus for all you high over-achievement people out there. also in Starcraft2 news Blizzard Entertainment and the MLG(Major League Gameing) has teamed up once again, this time around adding StarCraft2 to the American pro e-sport circuit, which will have main stage coveragee, and play by play all for your viewing pleasure at www.mlgpro.com, also on the PC front within the MLG is the ever popular MMORPG Arena of World of Warcraft.

In other new's and sticking to the RTS type games be sure if you like turn based stategy games to check out the upcomming release of Sid Meyer's Civalization V, that's another Civalization game, for those of you that enjoyed this francshices' long running and highly decorated series will be sure to love this upcomming installment.

Untill next time, weather your an avid player of any PC game,
This is Major Noob telling you to kepp your head's low and your frag count high.

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