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Outpost 10F Forums / Gaming / Greetings
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# Posted: 30 Aug 2010 22:38

Hello everyone.

Some of you might know me and many of you will not. I'm a bit of a relic here whom has been away for far too long. The reasons for my exodus were quite personal but I feel enough time has passed to return. Wounds have healed and trespasses forgiven.

My name is Michael,Mike. But we have enough of them so I use Dragon in chat mostly. I'm a University student whom is studying for his Bachelors in Information and Communication technology. In my second year.

Tycho has offered me the chance to write for the PC aspect of gaming. Tech, Games, etc. I'm glad to be back.

My past jobs here were 'Poetry Guild, Engineering' around 2002.

# Posted: 3 Sep 2010 00:51

Welcome back then!

# Posted: 3 Sep 2010 11:35

What Chrissy said! And glad to have you in the team

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