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# Posted: 11 Dec 2002 02:50

I feel constrained here to point out that BBC Choice, the channel which shows Liquid News (this programme has been featured a couple of time in adverts for Trek guests) is only available to viewers who can receive Digital TV. This does not apply to the majority of the UK population, unfortunately. The whole week's programmes are condensed into a tiny 'highlights' package that goes out very late on BBC 1 on mondays, so I'd advise people without digital TV to try to catch that. So much for public servive broadcasting, eh?

# Posted: 17 Dec 2002 05:09

Although all of us here in the US, and I guess I can assume Canada as well, and any other country that does not get the BBC and Liquid News, we do not want to refuse to feature these notices. We are building new relationships with specific companies and people that can give OTF more PR in the future, as well as giving us exposure to their viewers and listeners.

Personally, I am not going to refuse any partnership that will benefit OTF and our desire for more members and more exposure to a worldwide market just because some members will not be able to view or listen to certain programming.

I can't get digital cable where I am, I can't get broadband or even a dsl line here in the woods, but that doesn't mean I am going to turn off the comp cause I can't get fast connections. As far as I am concerned, its all the same thing. Some of us can get some stuff - some get other stuff. We are an international community. I do not expect that what I watch on the TV is the same that KK does, or Tierce or Andrew or TeeKay.

So, if you don't get waht our supporters are advertising, we apologize - maybe the next post will be available in YOUR viewing area.

# Posted: 18 Dec 2002 02:47

I was moaning at the BBC, and it's failure on its public service remit, NOT Marketing. I apologise if this was misconstrued.  Anyway, I did help point non-digital viewers in the direction of the highlights programme.

I seem to be getting misconstrued a lot lately, don't I? *l* My language skills must be slipping. I'll endeavour to word my posts more precisely in future.

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