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# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 03:28

Robin is rude
(its a direct quote from his doss!;) :?  :k

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 05:09

Last time I saw Lupus she wanted to be a PV wannabe..  :)


# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 07:34

Hmm... Dwayne is a really nice guy, fun to talk to and has a knack for starting up good topics for everyone to have fun with! :)

~ da JJ peep

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 07:37


I know her real name, I know her phone number, I know her address AND I know what she looks like *veg*

AND........I'm not telling any of you *LOL* :D

JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ, we've been great friends for ages. We worked together in Counseling, we worked together in IA.
I call her when I get really down, and she and CT always cheer me up.

We have tons in common. We co-created the term "Kumquat"
Not the actual in the dictionary term, but the weird meaning *L*

She gives awesome *superhugemegatackleflyinghugs* :)

She's always been JJ, even when CT was Bounty Hunter *L*

I love ya girl!

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 07:46

Wow!  :?  Stuff like that is one of the reasons D is one of my heroes!  :}

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 09:17

JJ introduced me to OTF back in late 1998, so it's her fault that I'm here. One of the many "what ifs" in life I suppose.

She's creative, musically-inclined (sings and plays the violin), positive, passionate about what she believes in, especially the OTF community, silly, genuine, somewhat shy but still confident when she reaches out of her comfort zone, so take the time to get to know her. (Whenever she even gets online...)

She enjoys squishy hugs, cuddling, candlelit dinners, releasing her inner princess (ie: going to a spa or some other female ritual of pampering), chocolate, long walks on the beach, camping, hanging out with friends and/or family, being a mentor to youth and encourages others to pursue their dreams.

Good listener, speaks her mind, keeps me in line on occassion, and always makes me laugh, even in my darkest and most depressing times.

She bakes awesome chocolate-chocolate chip cookies *nudge, nudge, wink wink* and is a good cook.

She ALWAYS obeys my commands...at least in the Mirror Universe. *strokes evil-looking goatee* mwhahaha! :k

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 12:56

Well the name should say all i think i spoke once or twice to him but as far as i remember he is a very nice guy who likes to talk about everything and loves his home county. :)

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 14:35

Cassie is an animal doctor.  She currently holds the highest score for "PAC GIRL".  She has memorized Shakespear's Hamlet and has proformed the part of "Beatrice" in "Much Ado About Nothing" two consecutive years for the local theater branch.  On Monday's she teaches gymnastics to 8 year olds and on Wednesdays she attends a swimming club.  She owns a lizard named "Sweetie".  She is a stand up comedian and does sketches at "Fuzzy's Pub" every other Friday night.  She is an avid reader and movie watcher.  She can cook Thai food.  She doesn't like to lick stamps and collects Smurf action figures.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 20:12


She has got to be one of the awesomest, craziest chicks ever. She loves to talk about fart humor, and gives wedgies at the worst times; and don't EVEN ask her about ICQ! :P

She has an incredibly strong faith, which has carried her through a lot of trials in her life. Never will you have a more dedicated friend than if you're lucky enough to make one like Pols! :D

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 21:42

Totally spiffy person who's extremely friendly, very patient, and totally understanding. She's always willing to lend an ear to anyone in need (at least, that's the impression I received), and she's, quite frankly, a person that makes you feel ... so welcome and loved! Definitely not afraid (or doesn't show fear of) consequences of decisions she's made. I'm proud to be at least an acquaintance of hers. ;) And I had no idea she played violin.. *g* That's so awesome.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 21:55

What I know about Katelyn..

I know Katelyn's full name, address, age, phone number, and many other things.  But the limit is 76,800 characters so I better start.

Katelyn was the first person I really met online.  She loved Star Trek - so I automatically liked her.  We've known each other for 2.5 years I believe and it seems like i've known her since the day I was born.  She loves everything.  She wants a telescope to view the stars (i'd give them to you if I could, sis), and she loves reading.  Especially Terry Brooks.  Ohh music is one of her best pastimes.  She loves her clarinet very much.  She plays beautifully (yes I have heard you girl! ).  She gets low self esteem at times, unfortunately, but she gets over it.  Mmm. chocolate is one of her weak spots.  But she has gotten over her love for soda.  It makes her sick now.  Heh - gotta love that self control.  She has a million and one cats, and loves them all to death.  She'd let them have a blanket rather than take it from them and be cold.  She never sits still!  You ask her what she's doing and she's already gone and ran off to do something knew!  She likes cooking, sometimes.  She lives with her Mom, who is the best.  She has a brother named David.  She's much taller than I.  She loves running when she has someone to run with.  She loves pictures but wants a "real camera".  She hopes to join the peace core.  She's wanting to do a double major.  She doesn't update her LJ nearly enough nor does she appreciate the color pink.  She cares too much, at times.  But she appreciates the small things in life - like a butterfly or flower.  She's very passionate about everything she does - and you can never stop her.  And if you do you have me to deal with. *grins*

I don't know, I just love her to death.

# Posted: 10 Nov 2003 22:04

Okay. I can't help it, it's me. I HAVE to do the one on Brandi.

I also know her full name, address, age, phone numberS, brothers' names, and her mom's name.

Brandi went out on a limb and IM'd some random weird girl on the spawn of hell--AIM. It turned out well and she doomed that girl by giving her the link to OTF. Anyway, Brandi's dad used to be kind of funny and howl whenever she sang to friends online. She loved to sing "Ain't Got a Barrel of Money" and I used to think she said that she didn't have a barrel of monkeys. Brandi used to be strong in her religion (because of her grandmother), but unfortunately that dwindled away as the pain grew more severe. I still pray for her, even though she probably finds it incredibly useless. She's matured a lot since I've gotten to know her, and I think she makes typos deliberately anymore. She's very intelligent, and she also loves to read. She loves Michelle Branch, Vertical Horizon (hooah!;), and Plumb. Brandi gave up the flute a little while ago, but I think she should practice more.. she's got a lot of potential. She loves to write letters with many "thank you"s for making positive changes in her life.  She should be allowed to move permanently with her aunt in Florida. Oh yes, she loves to take "scenic" photographs on Florida's beaches. She used to have a very mean three-letter nickname... =P She's thinking about going to art school for photography.  She ALSO wants to fund a no-kill shelter. One of her goals for the future is to worry less about today and think more about what's so good in her life. She's in the works of making very positive changes like that. She doesn't want to visit as many places as I do, but she does want to travel the world to meet the friends that mean the most to her.

Oh, and she's GOING to move in with ME to help sponsor the no-kill shelter while RUNNING with me every morning.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 01:45

I dont have much to say, but I remember katelyn as one of the first ppl (along with Bable, Kueller and Z) to welcome me to OTF all those many years ago.... ok, maby Im exadurating a little.  :}

Canis Lupa
(Grey SheWolf for the non-latin speakers out there)
And Im still a PV Wannabe  :k  ;)  :D

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 01:46

Katelyn is a lovely person who is the team leader of one of the Trivia divisions.  She has been trying to get in touch with me for three weeks now regarding my trivia application, but with no luck, because I work two jobs, and with the time zone differences, it has made it nearly impossible.  Unfortunately... :(


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 01:49

Oops..  :} Beat me by one minute...

Lupis is also a lovely person, and she comes from the UK - my home country...  :)


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 01:52

Hey Is Dwayne.
Now Dwayne  is the guy I always seem to bump into  when I go into any of the rooms.......
And hes from the UK ;) (I cant say that can i?)


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 03:04

This is Lupus, she is a PV wannabe even though i have no idea why? :P

I am hosting a pic for her on my villagephotos.com site and that pic is in her doss.. at least i think it still is *l*


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 04:57


Well I made up a fun nickname for him almost the first time I met him. Cause I can't say Goose without saying Duck *L* it's a silly childish ritual, but he lets me play it, cause he's super cool like that.

His names Mike. He's very handsome, and a great young man. He's got a HUGEO heart and seems to care about alot of people and alot of things.

No wonder we've hit it off so well :)

I don't see him 'round as much anymore, but that's cause (I know) I'm not in the chats like I used to be.

Mike, thanks for all your help with Trivia, thanks for the friendship, thanks for being the only "OTFer" that I've introduced to my friend that lives here.

( P.S. I Have so much to say about a few other people who have posted way back up in this thread, can ya'll repost lots for me? *L*)

(P.S,S. Great idea for a thread...I love it :) )

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 06:02


Can't resist this one.

D I don't know her phone number, or her address, but I do know that she loves her Tree house.

She doesn't know my phone number, but then I am not sure what it is either!!

Hong ;)

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 06:09

Hong is one of those peeps who are like the big mighty organisers of OTF (kinda in the same catergory and Maxwell)

Well, thats how I feel every thime I see Hong (and I feel very unworthy  :}  )

PV Wannabe

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 08:11

Lupus has a freaky obsession with Michiel.... :?

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 09:32

if im correct Polson hads the position for longest running Lieutenant i could be wrong though :P *L*

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 09:32

Polson is fun. I made her a special rank in the CCC once. It was sandwich. But then people got mad and all the special ranks had to go away. Polson does make for a good sandwich, though.

She also likes farts way too much. *nods*

But Polson is still fun!

Edit: Bah! I was hoping this wasn't going to happen to me..oh well.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 09:56

I spoke to Al and Katrina via microphone a day after I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed. I think I scared the heck out of them with how much I was giggling!

Al, Alexis, Athos, JKAD, or whatever the heck he wants me to call him is a pretty neat guy. He's nice to anyone who is nice back to him. He co-designed the CCC if I have my facts straight, and on more than once occasion used a giant avatar of the doctor from Voyager to make us laugh in Ten Forward. . .

Robert Griffith

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 12:10

Even if i did not spoke much to Robert G.  I can say he is one of the nicest guys :)

He has a good sense of humor and you can talk with him about everything that makes him really unique !


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 13:53

I haven't had an opportunity to really get to know Cassie yet, but she's a very, very sweet person and quite friendly. I'm looking forward to seeing her around more often so that I can get to know her on a better level!

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 14:36

Spifferusus is totally kick bootay awesum!!!!!! She's WAY too mature for her own good!! She likes to lock us trivia minions into our cages and not feed us...sometimes! :( But it's all good because she allows us to have food fights!!! WHOOT!! She's lovely and wonderful, and for some reason I want a cat just like her! *lol*


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 15:29

*cackles*  I swear this is more fun to do to people you don't know.

RPM is obessesed with RPM.  I'm not sure what RPM is but I have heard rumors that it stands for "Robust Perfect Men".  Whoo!  Go RPM!!!  She also likes Star Wars.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 16:41

Pols is great, very funny person to talk to.. if you ever get a chance to talk to her that is. Ive spoken to her a few times and that was by luck *l*


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 16:48

Goose is a very good writer! He's, also, innocently dirty!! *tisks* He's Australian, too!!

Polson: Yes! Very robust perfect men are my greatest weakness! I just melt all the time around them! You're such a good guesser! ;)

-RPM Obsessed with Robust Perfect Men :)

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