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# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 17:15

This is Candie, she has a Ty! *l* ..good couple i thinks *l*


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 20:43

When I first saw Goose's handle in a personnel list I thought he was Kady. He's a really nice guy but I never did talk to him for ages because I was upset he hadn't been Kady.

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 21:15

If I'm not mistaken, Katrina is Al's wife! They must have met through OTF. He moved to the USA, I would like to say North Carolina but I'm not sure, to be with her :) she must be a big pot of honey then to attract those European ants! I pour her on apple porridge

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 22:12

Tanya and Andrew, sitting in a tree....


# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 23:18

Pol's a kook, plain and simple.

....... a fun kook though. ;)

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 23:43

Richard's friendly and understanding. He's the reason I got into Trivia in the first place (he had too much faith in me) and he was a very good leader while he was there. I do remember that his son is the one tangible person that most likely means the most to him, which is great!

# Posted: 11 Nov 2003 23:51

Kate's a dear.
I got to know her through Mezzy, a long long time ago.
And altho I haven't seen or spoken with her for quite some time, I still think she's a wonderfull peep for whom I care very much. :D

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 01:18

Richard has a REALLY empty doss!!!!!!  :?  :?  :?
(what happened. Did the gremlin eat all your info?)

PV Wannabe
Gossip Team YAY!!!!!!!!!

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 02:58

Lupus got in the gossip team recently and can't stop posting in the forums since then :?
she also has, or had, an obsession with Goose and ISA, I think :k

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 05:34

Hobbie is some one I consider a personal friend cos he is just so nice :)
And he also likes to wear the polar bear avvy ;)

Hey, Im just doing my job :D  :)  :P

And I WILL expose ISA for who they truly ARE!!  :k

PV Wannabe
Gossip Team

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 08:52

Lupus just plain amuses me (and that's a good thing!! =P). I can't really say why *l* I'm not sure... she just always has.
She is in the Gossip Team now, and seems quiet enthused about it. Yay!
She uses one of the colors I used to use in the forums and in updates posts and stuff. I miss that color.

She seems to think she'll expose the members of the ISA for who they truly are. While I'm not sure what that means =P I'll be sure to take a bit of a stab at it myself, should any of them leave themselves on the end of this forum for me. *grin*

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 11:32

I've talked to Eagle on the phone twice now. I know his first name, and he can attest to how much humor I derive from it. I'd like to talk to him again, but unfortunately I lost his phone number with the rest of my address book!<br><br>I don't know him all that well, so I won't go into what kind of a person he is. From what I've noticed, though, I would say that he has many things, from charities to people, that he cares for very deeply.<br><br>RAG: You think I'm more like Eagle or Birdie?<br>Robert: You're kind of like what comes out the end of either.<br>RAG: So I'm the best of both?!<br>Robert: Yeah. Uhm. Whatever.<br>RAG: Cooool!<br><br>*cough* Right. Moving along now. =P<br><br><b><a href="mailto:rag451@outpost10f.com">Robert Griffith</a></b><br><br><!--QuoteBegin--this isn't a quote+it's an edit by Eagle so me can reply to Robert without breaking the silly 'rules' of this thread =P--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (this isn't a quote @ it's an edit by Eagle so me can reply to Robert without breaking the silly 'rules' of this thread =P)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Yes, I have things.... *taps fingers together and grins* Precious things for which I care very deeply. Yes, my preciouses.. yes....<br><br>*clears throat* Anyway! Robert's a great guy, and a hell of a lot of fun to talk to when you can get him to loosen up, relax, and just enjoy himself--be himself--something I don't think he does often enough anymore. As for him losing my phone number, shame on you, Robert! =P You should have asked for it back and then called so I'd have an excuse to wander around aimlessly outside while talking to you. Two of my favorite things! Talking to friends and wandering aimlessly outdoors, that is. Precious things, yes... Precious like kitties. I like to eat ki-- *ahem* <br><br>So to close before my meds ware off, you know I love ya Robert. *gives Robert a rather manly hug and scampers off into the... the.... moonset!*<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--> <br><br><!--EDIT|eagle|Nov. 12 2003,20:54-->

# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 13:37

the only thing i know about rag451 is that he's been here a lot longer than i have


# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 14:00

That is JediDragonTamer! She's new!! She, also, has no quarters!! She must poor like me!! No quarters, poor thing! :( *hands a bag of quarters to her* Go buy some candy! Rot your teeth out! :k If I see her in the chatrooms any time soon she will be recieving a nickname from me! You can count on it! *evil giggles*

Goosey: Awww!! Soo sweeeeett! Thanks! *makes sure to pass that on to Tyler* ;) :P *hugsies and snoovles muchly!!*


# Posted: 12 Nov 2003 21:16

Not only is RPM obsessed with Robust Perfect Men, but she's obsessed with Goose!!!!!!   :?

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 04:47

Polson, where to begin *ponders* She fusses when you call her her real name. She's been around forever and she's a trip in a half. She looks like Teek kinda, me thinks there's a twin for everyone out there. She lives in Canada (haha did ya'll know that one? :P)
She's an amazing Christian with rock solid faith.
She's a klutz. I know, ask about broken body parts *L*
She's such a sweetheart.
She and Craig and I have a thing..*L* a weird thing but it's a thing.
I mortified her. *grins proudly*
F.......*l* thought I was gonna use your real name for a sec didn't ya? Pols....love you, don't change, wedgie Andrew next time you see him *winks* I double dog dare ya *L*

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 05:16

Everyone keeps saying all these really nice wonderful things about D, which are all true, but how many know the Dr. Seuss theory?  Or that D was on Security's Most Wanted list?  Or that she let THE Goat run around TF eating everything in sight (including certain patron's pants)?  Time for a quicky in the Yellow Room?

D was the first person I'd met from the internet and is one of my favorite peeps in the whole wide world :-)  Even if she does threaten me with dancing, wiggling, singing snowmen.

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 05:24

^ likes to travel.

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 05:30

Xem likes dinosaurs and supports Crystal Palace F.C. And has a wicked sense of humour.

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 05:57

Jeremy was one of those most responsible for dispelling many false rumors about me back a couple of years ago. He and I had a several hour long chat in the D'Deridex, back when he was, well, Lieutenant Commander or Commander I think. One of those. And he, along with those others, helped to clear a path for me to join a department and get goin' to where I am now.

He's a big sports fan, Manchester I think. His last name is strikingly similar to mine, or should I say mine is similar to his, since he's some years older than me.

He's a big fan of TOS, and an ardent loather of ENT.

Robert Griffith

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 06:10

Robert is an intelligent young man who has often walked a difficult path through life. He talks about this openly and doesn't hide from his problems. He holds strong views, some of which I disagree with, but he holds firm to his beliefs and argues his case strongly.

He is as big a TOS fan as I am and is not the biggest Ent fan either! Though I get the impression that, like me, he keeps hoping it will suddenly blossom and improve. But, also like me, I'd guess he is a tad cynical that this will happen.

Robert has a similar surname to mine, excepting he doesn't have the 's' on the end. In my experience, the Griffiths/Griffith clan are a feisty lot! No further comment! ;) He is almost correct about my footie club, it's Manchester United. 9/10 Robert.

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 07:08

ah...now the fun begins. *cracks knuckles* :k

I've known him since...hmmm, since I was a Lt. I guess. I was amazed at his knowledge and passion for ST: TOS and Dr. Who. Many a time he would cause havoc with his TARDIS in the chat, transporting OTF'ers to and from different points in time and space just for a laugh. He has done a lot for OTF including avatar creation for the ST genre, several for the CCC, and most of the recent Halloween avs are his handiwork.

He's passionate about his beliefs and views, even stubborn at times, but open-minded and thrists for knowledge. He's spiritual, not religious. We've had many several facinating discussions ranging from differences in our culture and beliefs, to faith, politics, and Star Trek/Star Wars. Several times we have had knock-down brawls and disagreements, but somehow we work through it.

He's worked in Counseling, Admin. Assistant/Project Manager, Executive Council member, Star Trek Sector Commander, and now devotes his time to writing, watching and cheering (or jeering) Manchester United, and contributes heavily to a unique fantasy chat. He also does the bidding of his love and soul mate, Karen, without question or complaint. (At least not complaining to her) ;)

I've heard that he is difficult to understand due to his accent, but I have yet to confirm this for myself. He has Scottish heritage and likes to wear the traditional kilt... or plans to when he gets married.

All additional information on him that I have is classified... :k

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 07:26

Yay! I finally get to CT! :D :k

You guys know some things about CT... he's funny, has a sarcastic sense of humor, cares a great deal about OTF and the people in it, hard worker, etc, etc...

Here's some things some of you may not know. CT is strong in is faith, beliefs and opinions, but he rarely belittles those who don't believe the same thing as he does. He's also one of the most selfless people I've ever met, always putting the needs of others before his own! He also has a passion for working with teenagers, just like I do.

CT is an excellent cook, and a talented artist even though he rarely draws things anymore. He thinks he can't sing, but he can carry a tune when he's not thinking about it. He's the best friend I've ever had, and I couldn't ask for a better husband. No, he's not perfect, none of us are, but he's pretty darn special!! :)

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 09:07

Yay, JJ!  She has a big giant freezer and likes to say "chill".  She's older than me and I think I know her real name and last name but I can't say them here (she's really a spy for the FBI).  She was at one point a youth worker I think, I could be wrong.  She's from Alaska.  I mean TEXAS!  Sorry, they're so much alike.  She's married to some guy...whatshisname...oh right, Alexis and, no wait.  Oh right, it's CT.  And she's pretty nice, most of the time, I think.  Well I've noticed niceness.  

Clear as mud?

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 10:04

Polson calls me "Griff" and has done so since the first time I met her in the chat. And since my praise of her has in the past resulted in bruises on my battered body, I shan't say how much I respect or admire her here. ;=)

Robert Griffith

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 10:17

I don't mind Griff as much as I pretend to.

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 14:43

POlson is a nice but wacky  girl that always seems to make people laugh in the chats. i  don't know her  well but found quite a bit of respect for her  with her stance on religion. If I remember correctly, she worked  for a summer  camp as a counselor.  She  announces she has to pee alot(TMI) :D  and often talks about being a sandwich(?)I think..*L* *sorry  my memory is blurred at the mo* She broke both her wrist at one time and still found time to come in the chats! She an all around great peep!

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 15:35

Christina is a woman with children or perhaps just one child and she is from the states! She has a hard time figuring out exactly what holiday today is, so I have to help her out sometimes. She doesn't understand that bells mean christmas, not weddings! And, I have been trying to get through her head that that is an easter bunny, not a ground hog! I think we should get her some new glasses *wanders off muttering about remembrance day*

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 17:41

Tanya has two hands, and often asks me what to draw with them. We talk on the phone from time to time, once twice in the same week (not a common thing with me). She goes to, and I hope I get this right, UNBC. She confuses me a lot, and though she's a relative newcomer to the Outpost, and came after I stopped going by "RAG," still calls me that!

Robert Griffith

# Posted: 13 Nov 2003 17:46

Christina, actually I broke them ten months apart.

Oh now I have to talk about Griff again.  Um, okay, he's addicted to chatting and forums.  He can't deny that if he wants to.

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