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# Posted: 30 Aug 2004 18:14
Okay. This is my last night online and I had another guy that came back from an AFS thingy who had five gmail invitations. Anyway, the point is, if you're going to e-mail me while I am gone, I would really really appreciate if you have me in your address book or whatever as ... =)
So, two days until I take the plane and do this. I'm not going to go all dramatic on you all -- at least, not as dramatic as I could get if I tried hard enough -- but rest assured, I will miss a ton of you. If you pray, please keep me in your prayers for the next few weeks, as they will most likely be some of the toughest I've ever encountered. I would appreciate it.
I sure hope everyone has a great year. Be safe, relax, enjoy life and the lives of those around you. Know that all hard times pass and make only as significant of an impact on your life as you let them. Life is an adventure, take it however you will, don't ever play it safe -- that is one of the most dangerous things you can do. You all rock!
God bless,
P.s. Wow, I lied about the drama. Trust me, I could've gotten much, much worse. *wink*
# Posted: 30 Aug 2004 18:28
I'm not gonna say goodbye..just see you later. For someone so young, you truly speak wise words. And you can bet, that I will be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts. I hope your new family treats you well and you settle in quickly! Have a wonderful time Susan! I love you girlie! PLease come back to us all safe and sound..briming with loads of stories to tell!
# Posted: 1 Sep 2004 10:24
Okay, folks, our Katelyn/Susan departs on the first leg of her journey tonight, so send a bunch of good wishes/prayers/happy thoughts/good karma/what-have-you in her direction over the coming weeks and keep her in your thoughts.
Kiddo, if by chance you happen to get online and read this, know we are with you wherever you go, and we wish you a good journey, a helluva wonderful time, and a safe return.
Be safe and have FUN. 
# Posted: 21 Oct 2004 05:19
HI from West Africa!
Okay, it turns out that I can't check gmail from these internet cafe computers. So please, if you e-mailed me there, send that e-mail or whatnot to .. sorry for the inconvenience, I thought I'd be able to check gmail.
Secondly, since I don't think even the most INTO it stalker would come to Ghana to stalk me, here's my address if you want to write me a letter! (*coughIloveletterscough*)
Susan c/o Madam Agnes Ahenewaa Berekum Secondary School P.o. Box 150 Berekum - Brong Ahafo Ghana - West Africa
From America, it costs like eighty cents to send a letter and it takes two weeks or less to get here (unless they do like they did with one of my friends', and they missend it to Malaysia.. then it takes 27 days.)
Anyway, I miss you all and would like to hear from anyone. I appreciate the thoughts and prayers from whoever had them for me... and now I am doing very fine. (I did have a rough period but I'm now at a month and a half and very very happy!!
I'll see you all.. in... many months.
# Posted: 6 Nov 2004 10:02
Katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*runs around in circles* *Hugglestillyoucan'tbreathethenreleasesandyoucan* I miss you so! PLease give us updates when you can.. and stay away from those men.... and stay single!*L* Hope you are better now. will write soon! Love ya girly! Chrissy 
# Posted: 6 Nov 2004 14:37
<!--QuoteBegin--christena+Nov. 06 2004,10:02--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (christena @ Nov. 06 2004,10:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->updates when you can.. and stay away from those men.... and stay single!*L*<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>You mean... you mean she's not allowed to elope to the Ivory Coast for a weekend? <!--emo&:?--><img src="" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':?'><!--endemo--> Poor girl...
# Posted: 6 Nov 2004 15:52
NOOOOooooooooo!! she most certainly cannot! Bad Eagle!*thwap* 
# Posted: 8 Nov 2004 17:36
S, if you read this, your package should be in the mail by saturday at the latest.
And she can not go to Ivory Coast! Scary place. *firmnod*
# Posted: 10 Nov 2004 11:58
Well there is this one man who insists that I'll be his wife before he leaves and I can send him to America because he's a table tennis (ping pong) pro. hee hee. But he's funny even though he's persistent and he's truly just playing (I think.... he keeps texting us saying that "How is my wife Susan?" or he'll just say "Howmy love? " And my sister will just give me the phone because she knows it's for me.
To all of you that have written a letter, thanks. I really appreciate it. Rest assured I read them over and over and over and over again. And I'm trying to be quick to reply. It's just I'm taking the science course at school and I have about 20 classes. As they would say here, 'This is serious!'
Everything is good though. I'm no longer sick at all and am enjoying life a ton. I miss my mom, my cats, my food, and my friends, but here I have a real dad (a lot of you know what that means to me), chickens (okay, not as cool as cats), jollof rice, and lots of male propositions!
Okay, so it's not home.
Love you all, God bless, stay well!
# Posted: 10 Nov 2004 21:47
I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, but I'm hoping somebody can answer it.
I don't need a special envelope or anything to send the international mail (out of the US) do I? Just a regular envelope works, right?
# Posted: 11 Nov 2004 18:27
three27, a regular envelope works just fine. However, I personally prefer security envelopes.
You'll need to take it to the post office, more than likely, to get it stamped with the airmail stamp and the 80 cent postage stamp. One of the guys at the downtown post office told me mail is stolen quite often in that part of the world for "pretty stamps" so it might be good to get a barcode stamp--less likely chance of it getting stolen.
# Posted: 15 Nov 2004 10:12
Here's a question for a techy... and I need a straight answer, not just an "I thiiiiiink.... it's the blue wire. But if not, don't blame me when the white house is leveled."
Maybe it's not that important. But it is to me!
Before I left for Ghana, I bought a really spiffy digital camera. The problem is, I failed to investigate what happens (if anything) when you mail an SD card overseas. COuld it be that my pictures would be deleted? The plan was for me to take pictures, mail the cards to my mother, she prints them out at Fred Meyer (yeah yeah! , and then when they're emptied onto her computer, she mails the clean cards back to me. Now, the last part of that isn't my worry. It's me mailing the card full of precious memories that worries me. Once-in-a-lifetime pictures. Indispensible. Are you getting me?
So someone please give me a straight answer. I'd prefer if you emailed me ( ... if you've ALREADY forgotten, , or , both work) because it takes so long to open up OTF for me!!
Africa girl
# Posted: 24 Nov 2004 11:57
Called up an office supply store for the answer...their tech guy said there shouldn't be a problem, as the images are stored digitally and X-ray machines and the like should have no effect. He did suggest shipping the card in its plastic case, and using a padded envelope.
Also sent an e-mail to Susan with this info. 
# Posted: 28 Nov 2004 00:06
OOOOOOOOOooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh how I miss my Katiekins:( *sends her much love and huggles* Chrissy 
# Posted: 28 Nov 2004 16:09
You know what, I've been sooo busy here in Sydney with studies and all that I have yet to send Sus a letter. ..This bothers me and makes me feel all crappy inside, methinks it time for me to send Sus a letter and a card.
PS: Yes Sus, I'm a bad person, I'm sorry. 
# Posted: 9 Feb 2005 09:07
A halfway update....
I have now officially finished five months. Five months away from home as of February 1. Five months in Ghana as of February 4. Five months in this town with my family as of February 7. Now I have less than five months left. I have finally adjusted and accepted that I need to enjoy every moment as much as possible. I am enjoying everything a lot. School is going well, and though I may not be the best student academically, I sure am making a lot of friends -- and those who know me well know that I used to have a lot of trouble making friends. I have a family situation that I have never had before and it's really cool. If I had the chance to go back and change whether or not I went to Ghana (or anywhere at all), I wouldn't change my mind for the world.
Thank you to those of you who have been offering support. I have to warn you that if you sent letters around late-November to mid-January, it may be lost. My mother has sent me five letters (one a week) from November 29th until January .. well, something. Only December 13 and 20 came through. So something is going funky with the mail. I hope it just all comes through though.
But, really, I appreciate everything. I appreciate the calls and love I got from Brandi, Michael, and Paul on my birthday, February 5th (which was one of the best birthdays of my entire life -- I will remember it always). I appreciate the letters I get from everyone, even just Christmas cards -- they mean the world to me! And I loved the birthday packages I received on Monday the 7th of February. It was the perfect end to a happy weekend of celebration!
And I appreciate all the happy thoughts and prayers that are sent my way.
The next half, this last leg of my journey, will not be easy at all. The end is always hard. And it will be very strange to go back to America where no one singles you out (when you are walking around in an all black town they tend to talk to you, you know? ). But I know I can get through it. And I will be all the better for it!
May you all have the courage to follow a dream that seems too big to you.
God Bless and Keep you all,
# Posted: 10 Feb 2005 00:05
The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace. -- Numbers 6:24-26
Sounds like He's already doin' that for ya. Glad to hear you're havin' tons of fun, Kaaaaaaaaaaaaate. Keep havin' fun, and let the last half be even better than the first. 
Love ya and God bless, Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadow.
# Posted: 13 Apr 2005 08:59
Hi again guys!
Well, I've been away from home for 33 weeks and in Ghana for 32. I have 10 weeks left in Ghana and 11 until I get home! I can't believe I've made it this far. I wish I could have been more active in giving updates, because I know some people are genuinely interested, but given the nature of the internet speeds and so on and so forth... it's been virtually impossible. Just now that I've gotten sick and am at the AFS office in Accra am I able to take the time to sit down and update everything and catch up with e-mails and acquaintances.
It's been crazy! I can't believe I'm on the home stretch now. I love everything about Africa and wouldn't trade this experience for anything in the world. That sounds very "I want to be Miss World" of me but it's only the truth. I've changed so much and learned so much... experienced so much. It's really been the best thing in my life. The least-wasted 10 months -- ever! I hope that when I come home the effects that people see are positive.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank people again for their prayers and support. The letters have been great and many people have surprised me by writing. (*coughcough, some have surprised me by not writing.*) You can still write me, though, and I'm shooting to have 100 letters before I leave this hot sandy continent. Don't think that you shouldn't because it might be short or "boring". Every letter I get lights up my day... and usually I get them on days when I'm feeling down. So please, if you're a friend of mine (or just curious, I guess) don't hold back. Just a note is enough to know that you're thinking about this lone peep in Africa. I'll write you a letter too.... hehe... and you can say you've gotten a post from somewhere "exotic"... 
But the real point I wanted to write this is that I need support again. I've been really really sick -- if you want the gritty, I vomited about 25 times in 3 days and didn't eat anything for 4 days. Anyway, I'm on the mend now (after many tears and a big fight against this thing in my body and a few arguments with pushy people). But I got a phone call from my mother this morning.
Yesterday my grandmother fell outside and broke her neck. She's alive but her arms are temporarily paralyzed and they've flown her to Portland, OR to have surgery. Please... pray for her. And for my mother, too. My mother is really stressed now (and she feels guilty too because her and my grandmother got in a fight the week before). They say my grandmother will live but you can understand how stressful this surgery and the road to recovery will be. So keep them in your thoughts... and that my grandmother can survive and be NOT a vegetable for me to come home to and tell her all about my adventures. I think it's what she really wants and I need to not go home early when I'm so close.
Thanks for listening... and God Bless and Keep!
# Posted: 14 Apr 2005 12:01
Phone status: On. Remember that. =P
# Posted: 18 Apr 2005 00:05
Oh my god Sus, 10 more weeks till you leave Ghana! Thats totally awesome! 
But hmm, I'm only half way through my huuuuge letter so hopefully you'll get it before you leave Ghana! 
Hmm, must finish it soon!
Take care!
# Posted: 18 Apr 2005 08:20
My letter was so awesome the postal workers there must have stolen it.
They probably liked the stamps too. I'm sure Eagle picked out some pretty flowers or something 
# Posted: 20 Apr 2005 18:40
they were probably roses.
# Posted: 24 Apr 2005 19:07

What better thing could you do for 80 cents? Oh, and if you're like Wedge and afraid of post offices, you can e-mail them to someone who isn't. Amanda [], Brandi [], and Eagle [] all make fine forwarding services.
So, what are you waiting for?
Susan c/o Madam Agnes Ahenewaa Berekum Secondary School P.o Box 150 Berekum-Brong Ahafo Ghana-West Africa
# Posted: 25 Apr 2005 07:18
Yes, sir! 
# Posted: 25 Apr 2005 16:00
My letter is almost complete!
Just have to put things together and re-write it because its really messy. =P ..So it should be done and sent by the end of this week. *nods*
And on a side note, its probably a tad more expensive to send from Australia to Africa but hey, its worth it. *L*
# Posted: 25 Apr 2005 21:31
They just had to find someway to drag ME into this. =P
# Posted: 26 Apr 2005 09:31
Eagle's obsession with Wedge scares me sometimes.
BTW: You could email me those letters and I'll send them all out together. Much cheaper for everyone! May 7th is the deadline though for when I'm sending mine out. I leave on temporary duty May 9th to the 24th.
~ Amanda ~
# Posted: 9 Sep 2005 21:09
I know that this topic is old, and I know that I'm not around much anymore, but for the people that I know that are still rummaging around in the forums... there are a few things that I felt compelled to say.
I wanted to express a massive amount of gratitude. I received nearly a hundred letters, all supportive in some way, all keeping me in touch with a piece of the life that I had left behind, all giving me immense joy as soon as they were delivered no matter who they were from or what they were about. It meant so much to me, and every single letter (and email) arrived at a time that I needed it... a time that I was down, and needed to be pulled out of it. So... to everyone who wrote... everyone who called... everyone who even e-mailed my mother the month my grandmother was hurt, and passed... I cannot thank you enough. I just... can't. And I hope that someday I can pay you back for your thoughts and kindness. God bless you!
(by the way -- I also found out that I didn't receive about 30-40 letters... which WERE sent. To anyone that I didn't reply to, or haven't thanked personally, it's not that I'm ignoring you or that I don't care. Ghana's postal system seems a bit corrupt and letters were stolen before they even got close to me. If you happen to have a copy, you can still send it to me. If you don't.. just know that I appreciated the thought and maybe someday down the road, the letter will find its way to me.)
And.. on a last dramatic note... Ghana was the opportunity of a lifetime. It was the experience of a lifetime. As soon as I left it, though, I really discovered something that Ghana had helped me to learn: never be afraid to take risks. Often while I was there I passed up an opportunity because I was afraid of exposure, or what people would think, or how I would sound like an idiot (and look like one too). And near the end, thank heavens, I got over that. I branched out. I did so many things, tasted so many foods, spoke so much language, just lived. Now that I am home, I do regret a lot of things that I missed in the first half or more of my stay. And I regret a lot of the time I spent longing for home while I could've been enriching my mind by doing so many other things. So what I'm basically saying is... enjoy what you have while you have it. Or at least, learn from it. OR, use it as a way enrich yourself.
And as for those risks...Well, I hope you take risks in life that you don't regret. I hope you take risks you do regret. I just hope that you take risks. They keep life colorful, and full of great rewards or great mistakes to learn from. Like when you risk making a fool out of yourself to talk to someone new. Or when you say what you feel about faith, politics, and life in general despite the risk of ridicule or persecution. When you taste something even if it looks like yesterday's breakfast in a blender, then refried. When you climb the mountain even when you're scared to death of falling. What else is life for but to live and learn and love and enjoy?
And that is what I have to say. The rest is up to you.
# Posted: 9 Sep 2005 23:43
<!--QuoteBegin--katelyn+Sep. 09 2005,21:09--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (katelyn @ Sep. 09 2005,21:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->And that is what I have to say. The rest is up to you.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Argh! What show is that from? That is from a show, right? This is going to bother me all night...
# Posted: 10 Sep 2005 00:43
Damn you Aquaman, we were having a moment!