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# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 02:39

I don't know if this has been debated on these boards before, I know for sure we've debated it in the chats, frequently and passionately. *l*

I thought it would be . . . interesting . . . to discuss who our favourite Captain from Trek is, why, and in what order we would place them overall.

Anyone up for it? Just one thing, folks, let's not get TOO passionate! ;)

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 02:48

No prizes for guessing who gets my vote:

James Tiberius Kirk.

He was a warrior, when needs be; TOS was set in rough and uncertain times. However, Kirk was primarily an explorer. I always thought that it was surely no coincidence that Kirk's name is very similar to that other great explorer, Captain James Cook RN. Kirk's Enterprise didn't just explore space; it explored the human condition, our fears, hopes, expectations - Kirk and his crew went to seek out new life and didn't just respect and tolerate what they found, they embraced it and loved it.

Kirk was heroic, compassionate, dedicated, witty, charming (I think we all saw plenty of evidence of THAT) and brave. He hated injustice and tyranny and tried to stop it whenever he saw it. He cared deeply for his crew and it hurt him badly whenever he lost a crewman. He also cared for potential enemies; for example, against all reason he rendered aid to Balok's ship, and he refused to kill the Gorn that was busy trying to murder HIM.

Kirk wasn't the bellicose, posturing idiot that he's been lampooned as - he was THE greatest ever. :)

The others I put into this order:


# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 04:04

Greatest captain in Trek:

James Tiberius Kirk. The man /defined/ the Starfleet roles, but Babe stole everything I want to say about him ;)
Kirk as a captain is as yet unrivalled.

To list the others:
2) Picard. Prime example of a diplomat.

3) Mackenzie Calhoun. Kirk in Picard's era.

4) Robert T. April. One of Starfleet's first captains, he was the first to take the Enterprise on several away missions, and for years held the record of most succesful first contacts.

4) Rachel Garret (Enterprise-C). Even if we only saw one episode with her, she made an impact on me as a powerful leader.

5) Christopher Pike. Kirk's immediate predecessor, horribly mutilated while rescuing others.

5) Hikaru Sulu. I don't know much about him, since the promised novels never get published, but he does appear to be in the top 5 alltime.

8) Sisko. I /really/ dislike him, but after about his fourth year he became a good captain. Even if he technically never commanded a Starship.

-2) Archer. Horribly outshadowed by his XO, and a bad decision maker.

-1) Kathryn Janeway. Why SHE ever got command is a mystery to all sentients.

CL6 Jor (Wonder why I put this sig up? See http://members.outpost10f.com/~jor/otf/whatreallyhappened.html )

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 05:49

In Order:

Emergency Command Hologram - Yes he was captain in a episode or 2 :)

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 07:37

In order...

-Captain Morgan (brand of rum)
-Captain Kangaroo
-Capt 'n Crunch
-Captain and Tennille
-Captain Planet

oh...Star Trek Captians. heh... :}

-James T. Kirk
-Jean Luc Picard
-Benjamin Sisko
-Archer and Painway...ugh...

sorry but when I see Scott Bakula as Archer I am hopeful that he will leap into another person's body in another time period...one without Berman and Braga. :P Okay, bad reference to "Quantum Leap". Hopefully Archer will stop being a Kirk-wannabe and show more consistent leadership and diplomacy when he attempts first contact with other beings. As of yet I'm not really impressed with his development as a character. Hopefully that will change assuming the series improves.

And Jayneway...well, she had her rare moments, but blame the writing, not the actors.


# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 09:06

Sisko was the Emissary an icon & saviour to a whole planet  and I think the best captain tho he only became Captain in the season 3 finale "The Adversary".

Plus he has a really sexy voice *nods*


# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 10:28

Well, my job is already done. I don't have to rant and rave about which Captain I like. Most of you already know that Captain James R. Kirk (in 'Where No Man Has Gone Before';) is my absolute favorite.

After Kirk, though, far far far after Kirk, comes Spock, then Picard, Hikaru Sulu (Excelsior), Rachel Garret (Enterprise-C), Sisko, John Harriman (Enterprise-B), Morgan Bateson (Bozeman), Archer, and Janeway (not Jayneway, as some of you Captain Jayneway-haters keep saying :-P)!

CL4 Robert Griffith

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 10:44

Seriously Robert? You think Harriman was a good captain?

I guess his competence also 'came tuesday' then ;)

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 14:22

Well, I firmly believe that Sisko, was the best Captain, first off he started off as a commander, which is difficult to begin with, then stuck on an old Station, instead of a nice new ship.

Although he did play a poor role to begin with, but once the fight with the Dominion started, he played a better role then any other!

When will Star Trek hear our pleas for him to be in the next Star Trek Film?


# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 15:04

<!--QuoteBegin--jor+Jan. 17 2003,10:44--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (jor @ Jan. 17 2003,10:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Seriously Robert? You think Harriman was a good captain?<br><br>I guess his competence also 'came tuesday' then <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I had to put some distance between the true greats and the complete morons. Filling that space with empty balloons of air seemed the most appropriate way of doing that. *eg*<br><br><a href="mailto:rag451@sbcglobal.net">CL4 Robert Griffith</a>

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 16:01

*Chants* Janeway!! Janeway!! Janeway!!

Thats it, bye bye.  :P

# Posted: 17 Jan 2003 17:21

<!--QuoteBegin--kittykat+Jan. 17 2003,09:06--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (kittykat @ Jan. 17 2003,09:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><font color="mediumorchid"><br>Sisko was the Emissary an icon & saviour to a whole planet  and I think the best captain tho he only became Captain in the season 3 finale "The Adversary".<br><br>Plus he has a really sexy voice *nods*<br><br>KK</font><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>*wistles* I also think theres room for a Captain Kittykat in this post <!--emo&:k--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/mad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':k'><!--endemo--><br><br><br>Lzrman_<br>Security - ISA<br>Unions - Comm<br><a href="mailto:Lzrman@Outpost10f.com">Lzrman@Outpost10f.com</a>

# Posted: 18 Jan 2003 03:29

mmmm.. think

Janeway, Excellent (joint best)
picard, Excellent (joint best)
kirk, Very Good
sisko, Good

# Posted: 18 Jan 2003 05:38

I always liked Sisko the most.  I'm not sure why.  It could be I prefer the series or that hes an excellent strategist like me. Plus all the other roles he played.  Episodes like far beyond the stars were great even though he wasn't a captain in them.

Lets not forget the fact he can put up with Dukat and Kai Winn, an incredibly hard job.

Well i've written down the random thoughts in my head.


# Posted: 18 Jan 2003 17:49

Eh, y'all got it all wrong.   :k

1.  Picard--Patrick Stewart is an EXCELLENT actor and has won my respect (and if nothing else, that damn sexy accent and the fact that he's a more "mature" man does it for me)

2.  Sisko--Well geez, you gotta be good to head an entire station!

3.  Janeway, Archer and Kirk--I really couldn't put one above another.  Janeway could get whiny, I don't know what I think of Archer yet, and Kirk was a womanizer. =P  So, I'll let them duke it out and see who comes into third, fourth and fifth places. ;-)


# Posted: 18 Jan 2003 22:23

101 Reasons Why Kirk Is Better Than Picard

1. Kirk is a leader, not a follower.
2. Kirk never really got into that kinky "Jumpsuit" look.
3. Kirk has sex more than once a season.
4. One word: Hair.
5. Another word: Pretty-good-looking-can't-see-the-weave-wig.
6. Kirk can beat up a Klingon bare-handed.
7. Picard is a Frenchman with an English accent.
8. Kirk would date Beverly Crusher -- and damn the consequences!
9. Kirk never drinks tea. Ever.
10. Diplomacy for Kirk is a phaser and a smile.
11. Kirk would personally throw Wesley off his bridge.
12. Two words: Shoulder roll.
13. Kirk doesn't wear dresses when Admirals arrive for lunch.
14. Kirk once said: "I've got a belly-ache -- and it's a beauty".
15. Kirk would never sing to children in a crisis.
16. Kirk can almost drive a stick-shift.
17. Kirk, almost single-handedly, re-populated the Earth's whale population.
18. Kirk says, "Prime Directive? What Prime Directive?"
19. Kirk knows 20th Century curses.
20. Kirk was never infiltrated by the Borg and used against the Federation.
21. Kirk ate little coloured cubes and still remained relatively healthy.
22. Kirk made do with obviously low performance technology.
23. Kirk never pretends to be a barber in order to gain a tactical advantage.
24. Kirk wasn't shy about taking his shirt off -- even around those pesky Yeomans.
25. Kirk would never waste a holodeck on something as stupid as Dixon Hill.
26. Kirk never once stood up and had to straighten his shirt.
27. One word: Velour.
28. Kirk can beat a Vulcan at Chess.
29. When Kirk was Picard's age, he retired from Admiral and took to climbing rocks.
30. When Picard was 37, he was only Captain of the lowly freighter, Stargazer. When Kirk was 37, he was Captain of the flagship Enterprise.
31. Kirk liked a good belt of liquor every now and again.
32. One word: Iman.
33. Kirk looks good with a ripped shirt.
34. If Kirk ever met a Ferengi, he would rip off its head and [crap] down its neck.
35. Kirk says: "Shoot first and wait for retaliation".
36. Kirk's first officer never tells him to stay on the bridge.
37. Kirk never leaves the room to bawl somebody out.
38. Kirk doesn't rely on the wisdom of some dumb old janitor to get him out of intergalactic scrapes.
39. Two words: Funky sideburns.
40. Kirk never asks his bartender for advice.
41. Kirk never once said: "Abandon ship! All hands abandon ship!".
42. Kirk is not politically correct.
43. Kirk never got dumped by a woman for an intergalactic busybody named after a letter of the alphabet.
44. Kirk never once wore green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest.
45. If there was ever a Klingon on Kirk's bridge, Kirk would likely be dead.
46. Ever heard of a bar shooter called "Make it so?" No? How about a "Beam me up Scotty" then? See the difference?
47. One word: Miniskirts.
48. Kirk's girlfriends always look good in soft light.
49. Kirk never went anywhere without a whole bunch of guys in red shirts.
50. Kirk's first officer didn't play some wimpy instrument like the trombone.
51. Kirk had more dates than his first officer.
52. The extent of Kirk's knowledge of Klingon vocabulary can be roughly translated as "Go [Tuck] Yourself."
53. If something doesn't speak English -- it's toast.
54. Kirk wasn't some prissy archaeology fan.
55. Picard's middle name isn't tough or awe-inspiring like Tiberius is.
56. If Kirk finds a strange spinning probe, he blows it up.
57. Picard never met Joan Collins.
58. Picard flunked his entrance exams to Starfleet.
59. Picard hasn't fathered any children; Kirk -- probably millions.
60. Kirk has a cool phaser -- not some pansy Braun mix-master.
61. Two words: Line delivery.
62. Picard grew up on a quaint little French vineyard, squishing grapes with his toes, while Kirk slung bails of wheat and hay in Iowa to put himself through school.
63. Kirk emphasizes his orations with pertinent hand gestures.
64. Kirk once made a cannon out of bamboo, sulfur, potassium nitrate, charcoal and then fired diamonds into the hearts of his enemies (Need we say more?).
65. Kirk is not put off by green skin.
66. Kirk knows how to deal with peace loving hippie goofs.
67. Kirk once fought a Greek God. And won.
68. Kirk barely asks for suggestions. And if he does, he asks Spock only.
69. Kirk doesn't let the doctor tell him what to do.
70. One word: Fisticuffs.
71. Kirk's name is hated throughout the galaxy.
72. Kirk appreciates Shakespeare, but he doesn't let it show.
73. You can never lock Kirk up for very long.
74. Kirk's eulogies can actually make you cry.
75. Kirk plays god with lesser cultures, and then exploits them for resources.
76. Kirk's son would never drop out to become a musician.
77. Kirk can climb up a Jeffries Tube and fix anything.
78. Kirk never hired an engineer with punk glasses.
79. The Klingons didn't have a word for surrender -- until they met Kirk.
80. Kirk's bridge is not beige.
81. Two words: Crane shots.
82. Picard likes wimpy violin music -- and coerces Data into playing it.
83. Picard allows cats on board, while Kirk beams away even really cute things like Tribbles.
84. Kirk is a cultural icon - Picard is just some guy who's really nice.
85. Kirk specifically ordered a swivel LA-Z-BOY for the bridge.
86. Kirk would never touch Synthahol.
87. Kirk looks distinguished in reading glasses -- and nobody dares to call him "four eyes".
88. Kirk can infiltrate Gangsters, Nazis and even the Pentagon - easily.
89. Picard likes painting nudes, for art's sake.
90. When Kirk doesn't trust the Romulans, he fires at them. 91. When Picard doesn't trust the Romulans, he gets fired at.
92. Kirk never once, ever, wore a [hot dog] Speedo banana hammock on shore leave.
93. Kirk never gets his command codes locked out by some pimply acting ensign.
94. Kirk doesn't test the engines -- he just fires them up.
95. When Kirk says "Boldly Go," he means it.
96. Three words: Flying leg kick.
97. Picard's crew would never ever think of him as a sexual object.
98. Kirk traveled through The Great Barrier, met God, and wasn't even impressed.
99. Kirk's bedroom is a passion pit with electric sheets.
100. Kirk would never let his Chief of Security wear a ponytail.
101. One word: Balls.

BONUS: Ten More Reasons...

102. Kirk has an annoying kid (Charlie X) and loses him by the end of the episode. Picard STILL can't keep the Weasel from coming back.
103. Kirk's doctor takes care of the physical and mental well-being of the crew.
104. Kirk would never have a Counselor. (Captain, I sense hostility from the Romulan commander from whom you stole the cloaking device.) Picard always has conflicting advice from his doctor and counselor.
105. Kirk took a cloaking device from the Romulans. Picard gave a cloaking device back to the Romulans.
106. Picard's Kobashi Maru test: "Romulans, this is Captain Picard. We are here to save the crew of the Kobashi Maru ---" "Cadet Picard, that is the all-time low for the Kobashi Maru Scenario..." Kirk just happens to be the ONLY person EVER in the History in the Great Big Federation to beat the thing, thanks to his mastery of all things computerized.
107. Kirk can count; he never called Spock Number One (he's second in rank, obviously). Picard obviously flunked basic algebra.
108. Kirk would have beaten Q at his own game, a la Trelane, and then called up the Q-Continuum to take him home. (He probably would have BEATEN Q to a bloody pulp, or at least knocked him out a la Sisko :)
109. Kirk could have made Lore self-destruct in 5 minutes. (i.e. People are irrational. They must be destroyed. You have feelings. You must be a person. You must be destroyed. Scotty, send a crew up here to clean this mess.
110. Kirk invented a card game, fizzbin. Picard won't even play poker.
111. Best character on Picard's ship, Riker, a wanna-be Kirk.

Picard is still better?

CL4 Robert Griffith

# Posted: 18 Jan 2003 23:33

Well, as much as I like TOS, I just feel that Captain Picard was the best captain in Trek.  Not by far because Kirk was an excellent captain as well.  But anyway heres my list:

Klaw (From ST: V)
All other captians in Trek that ever existed weither we saw them or not

# Posted: 26 Jan 2003 20:22

Janeway is the greatest. Shes tough shes feirce... and don't mess with her... She went were no BODY has gone before!

# Posted: 27 Jan 2003 09:44

Ah we all forgetting that Janeway, took a wrong turning? :P


# Posted: 29 Jan 2003 05:15

Guess 3 times!! :P No no you can never guess. It's a female, she's really exploring new frontiers and the ship is awesome. And she is me. Give me a J! Give me an A! N! E! W! A! Y! JANEWAY! *jumps*

# Posted: 29 Jan 2003 05:25

But I'd also like to add that Picard is great. So is Archer. Archer is pretty good, he has a great attitude to his crewmates and is not so strict. The whole atmosphere with Porthos, the waterpolo and everything is, different. :) Jean-Luc Picard is just a sour (did I get that word right?), strict old man but with lovely potential and Patrick Stewart is excellent. :) Or what do you say guys?

# Posted: 29 Jan 2003 06:28

Well all the captains have their strengts and weaknesses. The only captains i have seen are Kirk, Picard, Janeway and a little of Ben Sisko before Deep Space Nine before they stopped showing more episodes here.

Janeway is the captain i like the most. She is smart, tough, beautiful :) Kirk and Picard comes on a shared second place, but of the two of them Picard is the best :)

Regards/Angus MacGyver

# Posted: 29 Jan 2003 22:18

What would happen if I said Captain Planet... *cringes*

Ok no... Captain Proton *nods* and thats my final answer


# Posted: 1 Feb 2003 04:12

I said it before and i will say it again :}

Kathryn Janeway is the best captain :)

# Posted: 1 Feb 2003 22:09

Captain Jadzia Dax of the Defiant. Also the cutest!  ;)

# Posted: 5 Feb 2003 02:16

Is Jadzy a captain? I didn't know. Then I might as well rate Trip Tucker as a captain, he's so damn gorgeous and I love his southern accent. Ok ok he's out, though remember he is the first officer of NX-01 :)

# Posted: 5 Feb 2003 03:10

Isn't T'Pol the First Officer? she seems to take command when Archer ain't there . .

# Posted: 5 Feb 2003 12:30

The Best Star Trek Captain is
Drum role please,

Captain Alexandria Francis! of the USS Ark Royal



# Posted: 5 Feb 2003 14:28

<!--QuoteBegin--nina_janeway1+Feb. 05 2003,02:16--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (nina_janeway1 @ Feb. 05 2003,02:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><font color=#ff1493>Is Jadzy a captain? I didn't know. Then I might as well rate Trip Tucker as a captain, he's so damn gorgeous and I love his southern accent. Ok ok he's out, though remember he is the first officer of NX-01 <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Hiya peep! *hugsya*<br><br>When Sisko was assigned for a time to desk duty under Admiral Ross, Dax was placed in operational command of the Defiant. Whoever is in command of a ship, regardless of rank, is addressed as Captain by his/her crew...and Dax was addressed as such. <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><br><br>Trip was, I think, reassigned as second officer when Subcommander T'Pol officially joined the crew.

# Posted: 6 Feb 2003 04:27

<!--QuoteBegin--skull_leader+Feb. 01 2003,22:09--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (skull_leader @ Feb. 01 2003,22:09)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Captain Jadzia Dax of the Defiant. Also the cutest!  <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Skull... ofcourse im the best going..*lol*<br><br>Picard<br>Archer <br> the rest are rubbish *lol*...kirk is a no no always reminds me of a puppet out of thunderbairds <!--emo&:P--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ton.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':P'><!--endemo--> *lol*

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