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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Introduce yourself to the OTF Community
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# Posted: 10 Sep 2005 17:10

hi there I'm clare and well this is my first post i'm 34 and femail but i guess you can all ways look at my profile to find out more about me any ways where was i hummmmm i rember telling you (the reader about me) i'm all ways up for a joke and a chat what to know more about me the keep an eye out for my post's you can't miss them they have my name at the start LMAO see you all on the boards clare xxxxx :)

# Posted: 10 Sep 2005 18:40

Welcome Clare:)!!!!!!!!!!!!

# Posted: 11 Oct 2005 12:58

Hello, I am Bashir. I am new to this site and thought I would introduce myself before plunging in.

# Posted: 11 Oct 2005 23:55

Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you all in the chats..
if you have any probs..
just ask anyone...
I'm sure they will help you..
If not
drop a note here and you will be answered!
Don't worry about being new..
we all had to start somewhere

Just remember to have Fun!!

* Jadzia *
# Posted: 21 Oct 2005 18:33

Thank you for making me feel welcome. To start Reglant is the name of my Star Wars Galaxies Character's name. Star Wars is deffinately my favorite all time sci fi genere. I am a young 35 :) living in the US in the state of Kentucky. I remember when Star Wars came out in 1977. I look forward to meeting you all soon and thank you Ashee for the welcome e-mail.


# Posted: 26 Oct 2005 01:28

Reglant.. Happy Halloween
Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you in the chats..
if you have any probs..
just ask anyone...
I'm sure they will help you..
If not
drop a note here and you will be answered!
Don't worry about being new..
we all had to start somewhere

Just remember to have Fun!! Even at a young 35 can have oddles of fun.. I live with one *l* and he remembers 1977 very well.. * looks around the house * very vey well *l*

# Posted: 26 Nov 2005 05:44

Hey guys! =-)

I'm not exactly new here...but HAVE just recently returned to bless you all with my humble presence!  I signed on in 1998....which reminds me, I think I was here longer than Jon!  I have a fiery, tennacious personality which may be difficult to understand at first, but once you get to know me, you'll discover that I'm loyal and cuddly.  

I LOVE Star Trek: The Next Generation but that's about as far as my devotion to Star Trek goes.  I also love (or loved, past tense) Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel, Charmed, and Alias.  

I'm a writer of sorts, and have managed to churn out a few fanfics (you may stumble across one one day if you look long enough).  I also try to dabble in any project or new activity I find, but I'm not strongly talented in any one thing.  I have no html, graphic, or programming knowledge.....and to be perfectly honest, computers are just boxes that contain words that "magically" appear on my screen.

I have some amazing friends here!  I love my Katrina, Jon, Athos, Pols, Kass (who never seems to chat, but if you do ever manage to find her, is awesome).....all of whom I knew when I left here so many moons ago.

Its good to see patrons (like Iain!;) have carried on our trouble-making business.  Let me warn you, without the trouble makers in these chat sites, things would get dull VERY quickly.  Sure there are times when they may annoy and even aggravate you, but they are the cornerstone of OTF-- they provide us our daily dosage of humor.  :D

Unfortunately, there are still many of you out there whom I don't know.  I'm looking forward to forming friendships with you all.  After all, being a member of OTF is more than just being in a cyber chat world, its about joining and being connected to a real extended family.

# Posted: 26 Nov 2005 20:58

Well welcome back Kady!!  :D

So you're an Alias fan, eh? You may want to catchup with SG about that, I'm sure you two could exchange stories for days!  ;)

Anyway, good to have you back! See you in Communications!!


# Posted: 19 Jan 2006 08:49

Hi! I'm new and My name is... Camera, or at lest Hobbie, and Iain say so. Well not really, more so they say I am a camera :v. I was shown this web site by Eagle :}, he knows my real name and weather or not I'm a camera. I love star wars, and I love Lord or the Rings, It was really hard for me to pick ONE :o . There's a lot more to me, but the first thing you should know is I'm lazzy, so tihs is all you get for now. So :P , and if you really still want to know more about my Cameraniss, just ask, I might remove my mute chip long enough to share the answer with you.

Iain~See that's why I can still talk I was up graded with arms so I can reprogram my self!   :k

# Posted: 19 Jan 2006 16:02

Hello I'm here to bribe :P

# Posted: 20 Feb 2006 17:20

Hello, I am here as Tvet, I am new to the community and have looked arround the out post a little bit, met a few nice federation types.  I have not been in chat communities before so a little new at all this. I like Sci-Fi in general when i was younger watching the Star Trek and Space 1999 series and the weekend movies. I alays liked the romulans, i had hoped they would be developed mor, maybe the mystery is what intrigues me...
I hope to continue making freinds here and getting to know more people

# Posted: 20 Feb 2006 23:41


Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you  in the chats..

if you have any probs.. just ask anyone !

I'm sure they will help you..

If not drop a note here and you will be answered!

Don't worry about being new..

we all had to start somewhere :)

Have fun!!

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 23 Feb 2006 16:33

Hi I'm Mariner , I mean Elastigirl, no wait Rory Gilmore :? I'm new to the outpost  :v
wait...that would have worked 3 years ago :(
anyway Seat if you see this *adores*  :o

Rory Gilmore

# Posted: 24 Feb 2006 09:38

Mariner/Rory! *smites* :o

Doofus. :v :P


# Posted: 25 Feb 2006 20:16

Can someone please tell Rory/Mariner/Elastigirl, that I will staple his lips to the wall if he continues to call CT, Seat?? :P

~Kym *the original

# Posted: 25 Feb 2006 21:15

hi im lzrman *l* i'm quite new 6 years new too! still a nub in superman pjs!

New Reformed Nubbie!

# Posted: 26 Feb 2006 01:12

Lzrman... your not funny.. can't you not butt in for a

change? Its something between the 3 of them ..  you always

have to put you hoot in somewhere..

Once a year I get very very grumpy.. yes I am grumpy today..

very grumpy..

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 26 Feb 2006 05:01

I thought this thread is for new registrants (CL2's)! :?

That's all I have to say! :)


# Posted: 21 Mar 2006 18:21

Hey, I am trekkie91405, but you can call me Sarah. I am new, so feel free to PM me or whatever. Live long and prosper.

# Posted: 21 Mar 2006 21:52


Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you  in the chats..

if you have any probs.. just ask anyone !

I'm sure they will help you..

If not drop a note here and you will be answered!

Don't worry about being new..

we all had to start somewhere :)

Have fun!!

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 28 Mar 2006 01:13

hello everyone im so glad i was invited here by Lt. Grady ive been a star trek and star wars fan since i was a kid i collect both and like to read star trek i have over 250 books and add to my collection as often as i can  :)  so the next time you see bt. targh remember this klingon is really 7 feet tall so watch your selves and if any body needs a good security guard i can take a phaser blast :v  :? i think lol see you nice folks around the bar k

# Posted: 28 Mar 2006 10:56


Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you  in the chats..

if you have any probs.. just ask anyone !

I'm sure they will help you..

If not drop a note here and you will be answered!

Don't worry about being new..

we all had to start somewhere :)

Have fun!!

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 1 Apr 2006 05:14

:D well im new so i dont know what types of bribes the senior officers want so whatever u want u get.

yay my 17th birthday is about 60 days away and it is the 2nd of april now

# Posted: 1 Apr 2006 13:38

Hi, have a look on here quite often, thought it was time I stopped lurking.

# Posted: 1 Apr 2006 15:36

nick_conner & jaquaia

Welcome to the Outpost

Hope to see you  in the chats..

if you have any probs.. just ask anyone !

I'm sure they will help you..

If not drop a note here and you will be answered!

Don't worry about being new..

we all had to start somewhere :)

Have fun!!

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 9 May 2006 23:05

Hey everyone, I'm new today and hoping that Outpost 10F will help fulfill all my needs for discussing  Star Wars... Cheers!


# Posted: 11 May 2006 13:50

hello i am bec i am 17 and a poet

# Posted: 11 May 2006 23:39

Hullo to you both, Urqui and Tornangel, hope you both enjoy yourselves here at the Outpost. :)

# Posted: 12 May 2006 15:15

<!--QuoteBegin--babel+May 11 2006,23:39--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (babel @ May 11 2006,23:39)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Hullo to you both, Urqui and Tornangel, hope you both enjoy yourselves here at the Outpost. <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>i already am

# Posted: 31 May 2006 01:29

A hooded figure strolls in through the door. He makes no motion or acknowledgment of any other presence. For a moment or two, he appears catatonic; he then flips his hood back to reveal his face.
Sora has arrived.

I'm Sora. My real name is top secret, and by revealing it I will endanger the agents we've got working in the field.
As you could no doubtedly tell I've got a bit of a flair for the dramatic. I'm very creative when it comes to writing, and I've writtten a few things that I will undoubtedly share with you all over the next few weeks. With your help my stories or short stances will grow into more complete works of art.

That's not the only reason I have traversed here though.

My story begins back 2 years ago. It's not very long but it ain't exactly...short either.

I am now quite accustomed to foruming. I know the ins, outs, and shakem all abouts of forums, or at least I think I do.

You see, this all started two years ago. I, in my infinite boredom, began searching for Star Trek Online games. By the third page or so I stumbled upon a gold mine; a man by the name of Vex Xiang had made several online Star Trek games. At his forums, I began learning the intricacies of playing said games. My first post was rough but decent. It showed a Borg Cube destroying several Star Destroyers(which I now know to be impossible) among other ships.

All was well the first few months; I stumbled my way through, finding out what was and wasn't acceptable within an online community.

Then came trouble.
You see, I was quite lonely being 12. Well, I saw this girl post a picture... you see where this is going? Anyway, I posted mine and the first comment, by a certain Calloused, was:
Never before has such a face made me want to slam my head repeatedly against a brick wall until I died.

Not knowing how to react I went on a spamming spree of ill-concieved poorly thought of flames. I did horribly, and was shamed.

Now, a friend of mine at the same forum verbally beat the tar out of a wayward newb there. This disgusted me.

So, I come before you to find a new home, and it looks like I've found one.

I look forward to my stay here, and I am certain I shall enjoy it.

Thank you for your time.


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