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# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 01:10

A Star Wars fan film called The Dark Times that is currently in production.
Was started as an OTF project.... but has moved on WAY past the realms of OTF.
Explained in 2 sentances!

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 08:15

Query...if it's moved beyond the realms of OTF, why is it's only link this thread? If it's that important, why doesn't it have a main link? And if it's far enough removed from OTF at this point, then why are you dependant on OTF?

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 10:28

Answer - Several OTF members are still involved with this project, hence a connection to OTF. People outside of OTF (ie: non-OTF'ers) are currently participating in this project that originally started with just OTF members only. This thread was placed in the General Chatter area so to attract interest in those that would like to participate in this project.

I believe there was a link to this fan film production in the Star Wars area at one time, and may be more appropriate there, but 'General Chatter' area attracts more people viewing it, especially those that like to hijack threads, not that I'm pointing fingers or naming names. ;)

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 11:28

I was serious in my suggestions! :o

Badgers rock.  MORE than Star Wars.

So there.  :P

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 13:52

Yep, it did start life in the SW forums. But, i think it was Deanna who suggested we move it to general chatter and pin it, to get more exposure.

We're certainly not dependant on OTF. We have some excellent technical people, and actors, costume makers etc who are not OTF'ers. Myself, and Stewie ( Evil Incarnate ) felt it was a bit of an insult to really push the OTF brand thing too much given that those non members involved have contributed so much.

Having said that, this film began life right here, and as CT says it has a core of OTF'ers heavily involved. Most of the people on screen are members. The bulk of the technical side of things though are not.

This is not the "only" link or the only way to get involved. It is just the only link to the project here at OTF. I have recruited from many places online. I hope to see more OTF'ers get involved. It's certainly not too late. We have still to film a big location shoot in Londons Docklands. Where we will need lots of people. Also, anybody artistic can also get involved in other areas of the production.

So, in short, this film will feature alot of members, how many is totally upto anybody who wanders by this thread and wants to join in.

I'm playing 3 parts. A (sweaty ) Rodian, a Jedi, and a guy on Coruscant.

DS wearing the Vader suit.

Lupus is fantastic as the star of the film! :)

Stewie is a dashing Smuggler captain! :P

Boomer Robins is a kind of Intergalctic bouncer. *L*

Neo Hawkeye is a Jedi, and an extra at Coruscant.

I believe Sylvius is down for a part as an extra, and some voice acting.

Shadow Jedi has a major voice acting part.

So, plenty of OTF'ers there to look at. That's why we feel its quite relevant to the Outpost. As i said before, the more the merrier. If anybody wants to make sure more OTF'ers are included in the end credits, please post here to enquire about joining in. :)

As for the Badgers, they would make quite good action figures for the film. You could collect the whole SET. Boom! Boom!

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 15:30

Pols...its amazing what questions can be answered when you start reading the thread from the start..

whats this thread about?
whys the only link here etc...

If you just read from the start of the thread it saves us going over old ground...

onwards and upwards..

I know, it sounds a lot like a comon sense answer... well, thats cuz it is ;)

If reading 7 pages is too much like hard work.... well...
we are seeking committed people ;) (not in as in institutionalised)

As said, this thread is a contact point, and a progress report of sorts.... so people come to read what its about, then see how its going, we have another shoot on the 23rd... and all is going smashing so far... the pre production work is 90 percent done... just a few odds and sods to do before july...when we will wrap filming ...

so again, we ask that you read up (not just pols) cuz other people with an interest at otf might miss important info, for all the recaps and badgers and nonsense.

Nuff said, MTFBWY :)

# Posted: 21 Apr 2006 17:14

Geez guys....*l* It was just a question.

# Posted: 22 Apr 2006 04:18

Dont take it too hard Pols  :)
We are all very dedicated and extreamly involved with the film. And some of us like writing long posts (i would if i could think of something to say) and we will defend and back this film all the way!

# Posted: 22 Apr 2006 17:53

I defend and back my position on derailing forums. :o

:P :D

# Posted: 19 May 2006 09:11


Seems people are ignoring my thread... so I'll post here! :P

I just finished a star wars fan film for school!!

have a look at it : http://timjedi.blogspot.com

# Posted: 19 May 2006 14:29

Its good, but i dont speak french.
Nice green screen, but i didnt know that jedi and sith wear trainers

# Posted: 20 May 2006 03:39

I'll be watching when i get my broadband back.

have you got a version available as a file download? I always think its a shame to have just a low quality streaming version out there, especialy if you've worked hard on visuals. You're doing yourselves down from the start if nobody can see your work at its best.

I don't speak French either. But, i am interested in watching it when i can get a better connection.  :)

# Posted: 20 May 2006 11:55

anth..  I'll tell you what, I'll get my hands on a non-compressed version of the film.. I'll add english sub-titles and I'll make a hi-quality download version for you!

# Posted: 20 May 2006 14:08

Thanks for that! :)

I'll definately wait then.

I shall download it, and watch it on my X-Box, on TV.

I only saw the first few seconds, but, i was impressed with the camera pan across the stars to the computer display around the planet. A nice transition to the live action forest scene too. :)

# Posted: 23 May 2006 06:05

I'll work on a good compression for the download version.  The one of YouTube is 80Mb... I think If I have it a little over 100Mb it would be a good compromise between quality and size for a download version...

I find my internet version is a little off.. you can't appreciate the quality of the effects on that version.

Tomorrow i'm going to school to pickup the source files for the video... my friend is making me a copy!

# Posted: 23 May 2006 07:48

Ok, try Quicktime Sorensen 3. It gives a great balance between quality and file size.

I don't know what software you're going to use to export the file, but adobe premiere should export as sorensen no problems.

# Posted: 4 Sep 2006 23:06

Any more updates? It's been a while :)

# Posted: 5 Sep 2006 03:46

I have some great behind the scenes pictures to post. Unfortunately they are on the hard drive of my other computer which is out of action for a few days. *L*

I'm deciding what to with them, i did think of making them part of a article for an upcoming Tribune.

I'm catching up with things on the project, having been away in Europe for over a month, but as far as i can see there was a good filming session while i was away. Shortly before i went to London myself to be filmed as a Jedi along with OTF'er Neo Hawkeye. Demon Slayer was also there as Vader!

That was a very enjoyable film shoot. Although it was a very hot day in London, especialy in heavy Jedi costume. It was the Stormtroopers i felt sorry for, plus DS in his Vader costume, and poor Neo in his latex mask and Jedi robes!

A couple of nights ago i also got sent an amazing CG animation scene for the films opening. Put together by a really talented guy we have working on the film from Florida. He's working on a huge opening cg sequence, which the finishing touches are just being put to.

That is just one of several special effects sequences that have to be completed, plus light saber effects, blasters, and other cg elements which appear in live action scenes.

If i had to guess, i'd say filming is 90% done. But, this is a Star Wars film, we want to tell a story of adventure and not just present a CG fest, but it's suprising how the special effects add up. Even to tell the simplest of tales within the Star Wars universe.

It will be special effects and post production work that account for most of the time spent on this project.

As far as i know, the Director, Stewie ( Evil Incarnate at OTF ) still needs people for an upcoming scene. So, any OTF'ers are more than welcome to get intouch and come along to contribute to the film. :)

The film is very much alive and well. But unlike Hollywood, the money comes out of our own pockets, and time to film and work on it has to be fitted in around our other daily routines.

I'm probably the most impatiant person, i want to sit down and watch this film so bad! *L* its worse cos i made the opening crawl seqeunce, i sit and watch that opening on my widescreen TV, but of course there's no completed film to follow it yet. *LOL*

Hope that's brought everyone up to speed a little. It's tough becuase i want to show everybody everything, but i have to hold back, due to the spoiler element etc. :)

# Posted: 5 Sep 2006 16:01

I'll gladly volunteer.

# Posted: 6 Sep 2006 03:43

Babel : The scene(s) are set on Coruscant, last i heard it was due to be filmed in or around Woolwich. I've no idea when, as this film shoot does not depend on weather or seasons as the stuff thats being concentrated on now does.

So, i'm guessing it could be between autumn and christmas sometime. I'll pass onto Stewie that you would like to help out.

As far as i know he is looking to gather together a big crowd, the scenes inclusion in the film kind of depends on if he can. As for a speaking part i'm not sure how that stands. There is a speaking role in the script, but i'm not sure if that is taken.

I'll let you know via a post here what he says. :)

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 03:39

Hi all.

This is a major update for the film project.

As you know it's not exclusively an OTF project now ( some jobs are just too specialized. ).  OTF'ers though can still make up the bulk of its production staff, cast, and crew.

At present, myself, Stewie (evil Incarnate), Demon Slayer, Neo Hawkeye, and former members Lupus and Boomer Robins are all involved in the film as cast, crew, and many other behind the scenes jobs.

Even though we are about 90% done with filming there are still opportunities to appear in the film! As a large crowd scene set on Coruscant is yet to be filmed. Also, a couple of voice acting roles are still open.

If acting is not for you, or the lime light of an onscreen appearance is not your thing, there are many other ways you can help. I'm sure many at the outpost have talents we can use in the films production. In the future we'll need a website, graphics for the site, promotional material, or a DVD.

Also a very exciting aspect of the film is the huge task of special effects work. If you're artistic in programs such as paint shop, photoshop etc. you may be able to help here even if you don't realize it.

I began this whole thing as an OTF film. It's grown to be so big we've had to recruit from outside to accomadate the scope of the project. However, it's still my intention to have as many OTF members names on those familiar blue Star Wars end credit. I hope you'll join us on what is a very fun, rewarding, and fascinating journey.

As a taster, here are some "Behind the scenes" photographs. These do not represent any scenes from the film or any part of the story. They are not "Spoilers",  just a few cast members having a laugh or posing!

Crouching Jedi and not a very well hidden Director. Me front, Neo Hawkeye rear.

Hmmmm, where did that Ewok go?

Now you know why!

Filming draws attention at times!

Look away kids, Jedi's don't smoke really. What can i say? Filming is stressful.

Demon Slayer AKA The Dark Lord of the Sith! Now you'll think twice before sleeping at his place during a union!

The Director ( Evil Incarnate ) takes aim. This is what happens when the ciggies run out!

Lupus didnt shoot first! She can't even hold a blaster properly.

I'd also like to take the chance to thank everybody from outside OTF who have contributed so much already.

Please e-mail me anthmartian@gmail.com if you'd like more info about the project. :)

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 09:01


Hopefully you'll remember me from long ago! ;)

Maybe I should be in the large crowd scene?  I'm conveniently located in London, which makes it easy to attend! :D

Just let me know when the filming for this part will be and further to this, I'm going away again from about 16th November for just over 2 weeks!

Apologies for the silence before this entry, but it's looking good I see! ;)


# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 12:05

Hey wow...Ikon board actually let me log in at work.<br><br><!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->If acting is not for you, or the lime light of an onscreen appearance is not your thing, there are many other ways you can help. I'm sure many at the outpost have talents we can use in the films production. In the future we'll need a website, graphics for the site, promotional material, or a DVD.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br>I know I'm not active in the OTF community anymore, but I'd like to offer my services doing perhaps the DVD jacket/covers or some promo material layouts.  I'm also pretty heavy into website design if ya need/want help there.<br><br>I have to say I am extreemly impressed with the word done thus far and give major kudos to all of you involved.  I look forward to helping in some small way and can not wait for the release.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>~Voy

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 12:33

You guys :D  I know I'm not involved anymore :(  but I can't wait to see this :D

QD ;)

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 13:00

Sylvius : You'd be more than welcome to take part. If i remember you were interested in that Rebel pilot voice acting too?

Babel has already expressed an interest in the filming session too.

I chatted to Stewie about it, it's likely to be early new year. It will be the last thing to be filmed. Anybody who offers help here, i'll pass it along to the Director.

Costumes are an issue, we can probably recycle some of the stuff we've already used. But it would be great if people tried to put something together if they want to take part. :)

Voyman : good to hear from you, i think that offer will come in handy for the website stuff. I expect a website to launch along with the first trailer for the film. I can't give you a time on that. But i will mail you well in advance.

QD : You've been a fantastic supporter since day one. I know if anything comes up i think you can help with i'll be mailing! *LOL*

You could always audition for that rebel pilot voice acting? :P

Anybody who knows any Star Wars fans in or around London, may be interested in passing this info along. Maybe they would like to be in the Coruscant scenes. As i said it should be around new year. :)

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 14:08

<!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Voyman : good to hear from you, i think that offer will come in handy for the website stuff. I expect a website to launch along with the first trailer for the film. I can't give you a time on that. But i will mail you well in advance.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br>I'll start photoshopping out some layouts, and let ya know when I have some ideas pulled together to get feedback.<br><br>If you need anymore voice actors, let me know and I'll pull my mic out of storage and send you a clip.<br><br>~Voy <br><br><!--EDIT|voyman|Sep. 14 2006,14:12-->

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 15:36

Voyman ( and anybody else interested. ) : There are three voice acting roles. Two are just a simple ones, a few lines. The other is a leading character, with alot of lines.

Shadow Jedi was due to do the leading role. However, i've not heard from him for a long time. It wouldnt be fair to him to say that role is free just yet. But time is moving on. The new year is probably going to be the time when that role has to be confirmed one way or the other. I'll send him a few more mails between then and now.

If you like, i could contact the director and ask him for some samples of the kind of lines he'd like you to read as a kind of audition for all the roles on offer. ( same goes for anybody else interested. )

I will say that Stewie ( Directing ), is trained in film making, this project although it's a fan film, made on a budget, is being made the right way. Stewie will want to direct you even as voice actors. If you're overseas from the UK, that will probably take the form of instant messenger voice chats.

As for the web site. Like i said, its some way off in the distance that it's needed. But there's no harm in running some designs off. Bria ( OTF'er ) has done some great graphics for us already. It's only fair she be contacted to see if she's still interested in being involved.

There wouldnt be any content as yet to work with i'm afraid. So, my suggestion is, something that can be easily customized or adapted as content and features come about.

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 09:00

<!--QuoteBegin--anth+Sep. 14 2006,13:00--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (anth @ Sep. 14 2006,13:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Sylvius : You'd be more than welcome to take part. If i remember you were interested in that Rebel pilot voice acting too?<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><font color=#00AEED size=2 face=verdana>If it's still available I'll do the simple voice lines if that's ok plus the huge crowd scene! <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><br><br>Keeps the beginning of the new year free!<br><br>Sylvius

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 09:49

Question...Is the cast list still up to date?

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 11:07

No, that list is out of date now.

alot is the same though.

I'll e-mail you shortly.

I'm still waiting to hear about the voice acting, and how the director wants that to be done, auditions etc.

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