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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / OTF Polling Station Information
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# Posted: 22 Nov 2002 15:03

Hi Everyone.

Alot of people have probably seen the polls already in existance in the OTF Forum. As you may or may not know, this feature seems to be restricted to only Administrators (Please correct me if I'm wrong, Sonata!  ;)  ).

However, I know that some people are curious as to what people might think, or what we all like or dislike, or think, or has as view of different issues and topics.

To make it short and sweet; If you would like to see a Poll in the Polling Station, please send a mail to Me or to any other Administrator with the following information:

Topic Title
Topic Description
Information on why you want the specific Poll (For the voter to have as background fact.)
A maximum of 10 options to vote for (Max 50 characters including spaces for each voting option)
A Timelimit (If any is wanted)

Please be patient when sending a request and make sure that the poll you wish to have has not been done already.

If you have any questions other than this, feel free to contact me and chat a while.   ;)  :)


Glenn Fallhorn,
Forum Junkie

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