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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / You know you're _ when....
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# Posted: 6 Mar 2006 13:05

Okay everyone loves reading those "you know you're from wherever when..." lists, even if they're not from your country (although they make more sense when they are).  So here's your chance to write your own for your country, state, province, city, town, county, hamlet, etc.  I think it will be neat to see what sort of inside jokes and weird habits some people have.  I'M interested in hearing all about your world, even if no one else is.  Which is why I start threads like this.  Either that or it's just to hear myself talk.  I'm not sure which.  Further tests will need to be done.

So here's two to start us off with...

You know you're from Alberta when...
-you know what the battle of Alberta is
-you think West Ed (West Edmonton Mall - largest shopping center in the world) is boring
-as far as you're concerned, the Canadian flag might as well be the logo for the Calgary Falmes
-you think all the other provinces are jealous of your province
-PST? What's that again? *rub rub*

You know you're Canadian when....(most of these I experienced today, which is why I though of this)
-you can see your breath outside and you're still wearing a t-shirt
-it's minus 10 c out but you're still driving around with the A/C on
-you've been to Tim Hortons today...twice
-you're jealous of Alberta (ahahahaha...I'm funny)
-you got the PST joke
-you know what poutine is
-you wear a toque
-even if you plug your car in, it won't start
-you drive around with blankets in your car in case you go in a ditch during a blizzard and need to keep warm
-it's not Winnipeg, it's "Winterpeg"
-you're more concerned about the outcome of Hockey Night in Canada than the latest election
-the roads are closed, there's a foot of snow on your car and in the driveway, it won't start, the power's out, and you still have to go to work/school. :(
-you say "eh" at least once a day
-you deny that you say "eh" at least once a day

So?  What's yours?

# Posted: 6 Mar 2006 17:21

Additions You know your form alberta when:
- You know what mad cow is.
- You know why we don't get that much snow.

# Posted: 6 Mar 2006 20:36

You Know You're From Canada When...

- You know that the last letter of the English alphabet is always pronounced "Zed" not "Zee".
- You perk up when you hear the theme song from "Hockey Night in Canada."
- When the temperature rises above zero degrees, you yell "Woohooo! Patio weather!"


# Posted: 7 Mar 2006 02:06

From England when....

> You have a major superiority complex
> You know what Yorkshire pudding, Shepherd's Pie and Toad i't'ole are!
> You think Richard Whiteley deserves a post-humous knighthood.
> You hate Hugh Grant and disown him.
> You have a slice of some £52,000,000 that 'vanished' recently  ;)
> Tea & crumpets on the lawn is a good way to spend your afternoon
> You can explain the offside and/or LBW ruling.
> When someone address you as "ol' boy" and respond with "ol' chap"
> You're shocked by the lack of pubs and chippies across the sea.
> When in a foreign land, and the nationals there don't understand English, you talk slower, but louder, thinking they'll understand

...from Chesterfield when...

> "Aweet, I'mma just orf down t'a'porst awfice. Ah need sam' stamps, me duck. Crash us a few bob" means.
> You think Paul Burrel is your main 'claim-to-fame'
> You know that "the Z-Curse" is. And you hate it.
> You've made that joke about the mayor. (MSN only)
> You've claimed the church was a national landmark
> You've stolen something from the market

Babel inspired:

> You think you're a Northerner, because you don't want to be associated with the South.
> You think your accent > the rest of the nation
> You despise being called a Yorkshireman

...you're a northerner when...

> Chips & Gravy = spot on
> When you visit London, you do that walk from the Bittersweet Symphony video

# Posted: 7 Mar 2006 03:18

You know when you're a Mancunian when:

- You can steal a car in less than ten seconds
- You can do the Bez from Happy Mondays' monkey dance
- You think Tony Wilson is a smug git and should be ex-communicated from our glorious city
- You know, with conviction and without a trace of irony, that Manchester is the centre of the Universe
- You can exist on a diet supplied entirely by your local chip shop
- You have an overwhelming superiority complex over Scousers, Yorkshiremen, and 'those Southern sofites'
- You think that Stuart Hall is a national institution

# Posted: 7 Mar 2006 18:31

I thought of another one for Canada.

- you shop in French and don't realize it (fromage anybody?)

# Posted: 8 Mar 2006 07:22

I've thought of additions to Babel's list.

You know you're a Mancunian when

- you never take a shower and never take an umbrella because, why waste all the rain?

- you finally have a good quote to use when Londoners ask about your accent: "Lots of planets have a North!"

- you get mightily irate when some non-Native tells you all innocently that "Oh, now I know! Your accent reminds me of the Beatles!"


# Posted: 8 Mar 2006 10:08

You know you’re Dutch when...

...you immediatelly notice words like free, restitution, sale, gratis and discount.
...you don't particularly like working too hard, and you think people in English-speaking countries are insane to work as hard as they do.
...when you see an opportunity, you take it. Owning Indonesia was the best thing ever.
...you think you speak English. You know you don't speak French but you like to pretend you do. You understand German more than you like to admit.
...you go to birthday parties without presents.
...you love the idea that dope and prostitution is legal in the Netherlands, but you know that this is mainly for the tourists. Dutch people don't do these things.
...you never ever ever ever ever wore wooden shoes in your entire lifetime, and sure as hell never will.
...you expect to have the government provide everything for you.
...you love insurance and dislike taking risks of any kind.
...you think that, as a Dutch person, you can naturally ride a bike better than people from other countries. Well, it's true
...you think that it is amusing and ridiculous for children on bicycles to wear helmets. You would never subject your children to that humiliation.
...you feel that it's a tourist's own fault if he or she gets hit by a bicycle.
...you spend more on a lock than a bike, and yet your bike is stolen at least 3 times in the last 5 years I just bought my third bike this year. *sigh*
...you're proud of the fact that stealing bikes is, in fact, a national sport.
...you have an "agenda" and book everything - everything - weeks in advance.
...when you see something that has been reduced in price by 30 cents, you think seriously about whether you want to buy it or not.
...you line up in Eurospar for 20 minutes every Wednesday because the bread is half price.
...you really hate purplish-blue envelopes.
...you have a serious indoor hobby.
...you are or have been into one of these five sports: hockey (aka field hockey), rowing, speedskating, korfball or football (aka soccer).
...you start a sentence with "And we all know the famous Dutchman* (insert name)...", and people look at you with a blank stare.
...when you don’t confuse Gouda with cheese. duh!
...your kitchen is in your livingroom
...you immediately think of your prime minister if you watch a Harry Potter -movie Search google images for 'Balkenende' and you'll know what I mean
...you think all trains are yellow
...can't help but express an irritated sigh when people say they've been to "Holland" when all they saw was Amsterdam.
...your face wavers in the air after giving someone a kiss on the cheek. What happened to the other two kisses??
...you are amazed at people who live near volcanoes, seismically unstable areas and hurricane-trails, but you're proud to live below sea-level.
...for every decision you make, you first need to form a comittee, compiled of all people involved and won't do it until a reasonable compromise has been reached within all the members
...you slam the door in people's faces when they dare to show up at your doorstep unannounced at six; of course you won't invite them for dinner!
...you wear an orange, inflatable wooden shoe on your head on 'special occasions'
...you have used the phrase 'zinloos geweld' (useless violence) at least once in your life
...you see the rest of the world as short, instead of yourself as tall Of course!
...when you know that you are not being rude, you are just being bluntly honest
...you consider four weeks of vacation a year normal, and in many professions count on a 36-hour working week.
...if you are between the ages of four and eighty, you own at least one bicycle and use it, too
...you think having a Royal House and a Queen is a Good Thing. Why, you're not sure.
...you think its only logical to learn to drink before learning how to drive.

# Posted: 8 Mar 2006 19:17

Another one for Alberta...

- you know what Peasent Vision is

# Posted: 8 Mar 2006 22:13

i only know what partial pesent vision is *l* go channel 2 and 6

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 07:12

You know you're French when...

- You believe French culture is the only one worth keeping, and French movies and music is better than, among others, American ones.
- You think of foreign languages as boring subjects you have to sit through in class and that learning them is about as interesting and useful as learning ancient greek.
- You expect everyone visiting your country to speak the language perfectly and despise anyone who doesn't.
- When visiting another country, you always go to a French speaking one, or have a relative there who can translate for you.
- You dislike watching movies with subtitles. The actors should be dubbed in french, even if the translation sucks.
- You don't miss an opportunity to bash the English, Germans and Americans, even though you don't really know anything about them, simply because of historical and geopolitical reasons.
- You make lots of jokes about the Belgians. Possibly because they're the only people who haven't defeated France or saved it from an embarrassing situation in the past few centuries.
- You believe there is such a thing as "the French military", and that it isn't only made of the foreign legion.
- You believe French cuisine is the best in the world. Possibly because you consider anything that isn't pasta, pizza, hamburgers, kebabs and Chinese food to be French.
- You consider pasta to be student food, hamburgers, kebabs and pizza junk food and chinese the cheapest food you can get for eating out which isn't fast food.
- Despite those beliefs, you eat pasta and pizza all the time because you can't cook anything else, and consider McDonalds a good restaurant to go to. You've also never tried eating snails and frogs, or any other really French food.
- You complain all the time, even when you're satisfied.
- You don't have a clear cut opinion that doesn't start with "I hate..."
- You are unable to give a compliment. Except when you're trying to score with someone.
- You care for the environment, but are in favor of nuclear plants, still haven't figured out what's supposed to go in the green bin and what goes in the blue one after all these years, and enjoy littering.
- You believe North Africans and Portugese people are the main reason for the unemployment and insecurity problems in France, but are offended when being called a fascist.
- You want to work as little as possible, have as much vacations as possible, and get paid as much as possible, and believe this to be reason enough to go on strike, and your employers to be inconsiderate and stupid for not giving them to you when you ask for them. Throwing tantrums should be a valid enough negociation strategy, shouldn't it?
- Despite not being of any use to your company, you can't be fired.
- Even though they never win anything, you are convinced that French teams are by far the best in sports.
- You're afraid of cops, even when you've done nothing wrong.
- You consider visiting your grandma two hours out from the city to be a long journey into foreign, unkown, land.
- This opinion doesn't change when you do so every weekend.
- You think of kids and marriage as a tax-deduction scheme.
- You find it normal for salesmen and waiters to mostly ignore you and not being polite when addressing you. It's their job, after all...
- You always vote against something or someone, rather than for them.
- You enjoy reality TV shows and soap operas because it makes you feel like your life is interesting by comparison.
- You'll never admit to liking them in public.
- You think yourself smart because you know lots of dirty jokes.
- You can't handle criticism, especially when it comes from friends... or rather soon-to-be-ex-friends.
- You're very cynical, and consider all other types of humor to be lame.
- You're insecure but refuse to let it show.
- As a result, you tend to be arrogant.
- You think something should be done to help people and countries in need, but refuse to give anything to charity.

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 08:00

<!--QuoteBegin--hobbie+Mar. 09 2006,07:12--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (hobbie @ Mar. 09 2006,07:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><font color="#00FF00"><br>- You think of foreign languages as boring subjects you have to sit through in class and that learning them is about as interesting and useful as learning ancient greek.<br><br></font><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I take offense!  Learning ancient greek is <i>exceptionally</i> useful in certain fields.  And frankly, if you desire to discredit the Bible to someone like me who believes it firmly, you would have to do it within the context of it's original language or I wouldn't even consider what you have to say knowing you hadn't researched it fully yourself.<br><br>Anyway...carry on.<br><br>*hugs her ancient greek text books and glares at Hobbie*

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 08:12

I think that glare alone made Hobbie put his hands up and surrender... :?

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 08:26

<!--QuoteBegin--polson+Mar. 09 2006,08:00--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (polson @ Mar. 09 2006,08:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><!--QuoteBegin--hobbie+Mar. 09 2006,07:12--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (hobbie @ Mar. 09 2006,07:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><font color="#00FF00"><br>- You think of foreign languages as boring subjects you have to sit through in class and that learning them is about as interesting and useful as learning ancient greek.<br><br></font><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I take offense!  Learning ancient greek is <i>exceptionally</i> useful in certain fields.  And frankly, if you desire to discredit the Bible to someone like me who believes it firmly, you would have to do it within the context of it's original language or I wouldn't even consider what you have to say knowing you hadn't researched it fully yourself.<br><br>Anyway...carry on.<br><br>*hugs her ancient greek text books and glares at Hobbie*<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Ah, but you're not French. Are you? <!--emo&:?--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/srp.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':?'><!--endemo-->

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 09:08

I'm Canadian.  :( I can't answer either way.  If I say I'm French, French-Canadiens will be mad at me and if I say I'm not French, French-Canadiens will be mad at me.

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 12:28

Fine. I'll rephrase. You're not from France, are you? :(

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 13:09

You know your from Saskatchewan when...

-- Your dog runs away... and you can still see him 3 days later.
-- You identify with the west, but maintain that you are a Central Canadian.
-- Alberta blows, Manitoba sucks :D
-- You simpithize with the poor farmer who drives a truck that is no more than 2 years old.
-- Are proud of the fact that great beer is brewed in Saskatoon.
-- Complain when spring run off is light.
-- Think a parka can be used as a fasion statement.
-- Wear green and white... often.
-- Enjoy the best medicare in all of Canada.
-- Know who Tommy Douglas is, and think he should be the first alcoholic saint.
-- Think Albertians are greedy... but don't want to share oil revenue either.

# Posted: 9 Mar 2006 20:03

*points at Sask* See?  I told you they were jealous. :k

Hobbie...I am not. :(  But I'm lazy, does that count?

# Posted: 10 Mar 2006 06:50

Ahaha.. I'm understanding all these Canadian references now!  This calls for..

You know you're an Australian living in Canada when:

- You still laugh every time someone tacks 'eh' onto the end of a sentence, then when you're alone with your Australian friends you also tack 'eh' onto the end of everything.  "YOU FORGOT YOUR COAT, EH!"
- You don't tip
- You pour a drink for one of the locals and they take a sip and make faces of disgust
- You go shopping and cry because there is too much rubbish and not enough Australian goods like vegimite and tim-tams
- You get excited when it's snowing and you take the first chance you get to go play in it
- When you have the chance, you always take the un-ploughed paths so you can walk knee-high in it
- You still cringe at all the fat in the food here
- While the snow is fun, you're really really looking forward to some solid sunshine and the warm caress of that childhood friend sunburn
- You still giggle at the bags of milk in the fridge
- You chase after squirrels and point and scream every time you see them

# Posted: 10 Mar 2006 07:55

*lmao @ Brady* Except I've never actually had milk in a bag in my fridge.  Although some friends of my parents do.

*nods at the snow thing and the squirrel thing* Yes...very unCanadian to be excited about those two things in the manner you speak of.  Give it some time.  Soon you will loathe snow and ignore the squirrels, unless they've been eating off your apple tree in which case you'll go out and buy yourself a pellet gun.  BTW, you can get Tim Tams at Stupidstore.

# Posted: 17 Mar 2006 12:46

Heh. You know you're from Ireland when...

- "two seconds" means anything between 15 minutes and 2 hours.
- you get great entertainment out of saying "We only went for the craic" to foreigners and watching their shocked reaction. :D
- if you need to catch the bus at 12, you start putting on your shoes at five to.
- you know the difference between townies, culchies, boggers, and tinkers, and object to being called any of them.
- you see a car parked underneath a signpost looking something like this, and without looking at the reg plate, you know that they're from the UK. :k
- you know to disregard these roadsigns, well aware that it's great fun to turn them around and then watch the English and German tourists trying to follow them.
- you know that there aren't any leprachauns, but have great fun in recounting your personal encounters with them to gullible American tourists.
- cows are a more common cause of traffic congestion than traffic lights.
- Traffic lights are for cars, pedestrians use common sense and cross the road when there are no cars - we don't need red and green lights to tell us if there's a car coming!
- no matter where you go, you always meet someone you know, or at least someone who knows someone you know.
- you tag "like" onto the end of every sentence.
- "yeah but no" is a standard expression.
- you take great pride in "your" language, Irish, even if you can't speak it.
- you know what "D4" is.
- you know the difference between "your man" and "your one", and roll your eyes when someone asks "my what?"
- you get on fine with any Brits you meet, but England is the butt of every second joke and the greatest target for your contempt.
- "Ah sure" is your response to most problems.
- you're of the opinion that most rules are guidelines more than anything.
- when giving directions, you usually tell the person "you can't miss it" at the end, just to make them feel even worse when they inevitably do miss it.
- when receiving directions, you remember the first two things, and after that it's time for guessing, giggling, and more asking.
- the better you get on with someone, the more you insult them.
- you know that "h" is pronounced "haych", not "aych" like those posh gits from everywhere else say! :o

That's all I can think of for now. :?

# Posted: 17 Mar 2006 12:58

Wah! You know you're from Rochester when...

"Waking up with the Wease" doesn't mean that you have a respiratory infection.

The thought of eating a "garbage plate" makes your mouth water.

The only thing at the annual May Lilac Festival is snow. :? its true..

The worst four-letter word you could say is "Fuji".
You can't swim at the beach.

You thought that you had figured out that alternate-parking thing, but wind up with a ticket anyway.

Toronto is about 70 miles away, but it takes four hours to get there. :( pain...

The name "Greater Rochester International Airport" is bigger than the airport itself.

There's an 800 number to report a pothole in the road.

You know that a "Can of Worms" is not something that you take fishing.

Your baby's first word is "Wegmans".  although mine wasn't

You ask lifetime residents where the George Eastman House is, but they don't know either.

In a city where it snows at least 90 inches a year, they build a new sports stadium with no roof on it.

It can be 70 degrees one day, below freezing the next, and you think nothing of it.

Your mother is buying outfits to wear to Wegmans.

Your low-fat diet is never low enough to exclude an Abbott's custard.

You order a white hot and a pop, and the counterman knows what you're talking about.

You can travel from Egypt to Greece in about a half-hour by car.  I've done it before

D&C is a newspaper, not a medical procedure.

There are no hamburgers, only ground steak.

You can go to any mall on a Saturday and see at least 5 people you either work with, went to school with or dated.

A musical comes to town 10 years after its Broadway premier and the entire town goes nuts! (e.g. Miss Saigon)

You awaken from a deep sleep, look at the clock and see that it's 6:00, but you have no idea whether it's AM or PM.
When 18+ inches of snow falls overnight, but you never thought of NOT going to work.

You are perplexed when friends from other cities come to visit and want to "see the sights". Seriously? :?

A flagpole strung with white lights seems like an acceptable alternative to a municipal Christmas tree.

In winter if the temperature hits 45 degrees and the sun comes out, people walk around downtown wearing shades and no jackets.

There are places at the poles that seem to get more sunlight during the winter months than we do.

Wegmans is somewhere to go on a Friday night, for entertainment.  

You know who Vinnie and Angelo are.

You define summer as three months of bad sledding.

You think that people from Pennsylvania have an accent.

Halloween is snowed out with great regularity.

You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.

Your year has two seasons: Winter and Construction.

Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.

Is that good enough for you?  :o Eh? :o  :(

# Posted: 17 Mar 2006 15:24

You know your from Ayrshire when....

People try telling you Ayr is spelt Ayre.

Half tae the toon was your mantra when you were 15.

The bus driver says your over 16 and wants full fare, but the corner shop lassie wont sell you fags.

You know where Zulu, Whitecity and Jaba is, and you lock your car doors when driving through them.

You know that Tweet-tweet locky-feet is what you sing when you are drunk in Zulu.

Ayr beach is the place to pull.

You get excited about the new debenhams store.

You know the Maybole is a wee * *  song.

Mary Maine went to spain on a chocolate airoplane...

You have caught minnows at the stepping stones.

No matter where you are, there is a Robert Burns monument no further than 10 feet from you.

The Carrick hills bring back fond memories....

# Posted: 17 Mar 2006 16:55

You know your from Maryland when...

You know more than 10 people who own boats and they all park them at the same marina in Annapolis

You can pronounce and spell "Pocomoke," "Mattaponi," "Accokeek," and "Havre de Grace"

You prononce "Bowie" BOO-ie not BOW-ie or BAUW-ie

1 hour is an easy commute to work

You have more than three recipies for crabcakes

French fries just don't taste right without Old Bay

There are more than two crab places in your town

Even your high school cafeteria made good crabcakes

You got your first lacrosse stick before you were six years old

You call all turtles "terrapins" & You "Fear" The Turtle!

You refer to your state as "Merlind"

You still call Six Flags America "Adventure World", or even "Wild World"

You still remember the Wild World commercial (Wild World's the cure for the summertime blues!;)

You can tell the difference between the smells of septic and marsh.

You not only know how to eat hard crabs but you also know how to catch them, cook them and tell the males from the females.

You don't think that Assawoman Bay is a strange name for a body of water.

M R Ducks makes perfect sense.

So does C M Wangs.

You think Salisbury is a big city.

You think of dumplings as wet slippery squares of boiled dough.

You and your boss take off of work when the fish are running or the ducks are flying in..

"Formal wear" is a ball cap, a flannel shirt and Timberlands.

You still root for the Orioles even when they suck

You'll never understand why tourists come to DC.

When in Florida, you can only laugh when you see signs saying "Real Maryland Blue Crab Cakes!"

You color with "Crowns", take a "Share" with "Wooter" and think the president lives in "Warshenton."

You know the difference between Glen Burnie ghetto and Catonsville ghetto.

Your whole family lives within a 200 mile radius of your town.

Dale Earnhardt's accident was a close personal loss to your father

At least one man in your family is a waterman

You plan for "Ren Fest" a year in advance.

During the summer, you spend more time in Ocean City than at home.

Your radio dial is stuck on 99.1

# Posted: 18 Mar 2006 17:40

You Know You're From London When...

You say "the city" and expect everyone to know which one.

You have never been to The Tower or Madame Tussauds but love Brighton.

You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from Shepherds Bush to Elephant & Castle at 3:30 on the Friday before a long weekend, but can't find Dorset on a map.

Hookers and the homeless are invisible.

You step over people who collapse on the tube.

You believe that being able to swear at people in their own language makes you multi-lingual.

You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.

You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a garden.

You consider Essex the "countryside"

You think Hyde Park is "nature."

You're paying £1,200 a month for a studio the size of a walk-in wardrobe and you think it's a "bargain."

You pay more each month to park your car than most people in the UK pay in rent.

You haven't seen more than twelve stars in the night sky since you went camping as a kid.

You haven't heard the sound of true absolute silence since 1977, and when you did, it terrified you.

You pay £3 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28p.

You actually take fashion seriously.

You have 27 different menus next to your telephone.

The UK west of Heathrow is still theoretical to you.

You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.

You haven't cooked a meal since helping mum last Christmas with the turkey.

Your idea of personal space is no one actually standing on your toes.

£50 worth of groceries fit in one paper bag.

You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.

You don't hear sirens anymore.

You've mentally blocked out all thoughts of the city's air quality and what it's doing to your lungs.

You live in a building with a larger population than most towns.

Your cleaner is Russian, your grocer is Korean, your deli man is Israeli, your landlord is Italian, your laundry guy is Chinese, your favourite bartender is Irish, your favourite diner owner is Greek, the watch-seller on your corner is Senegalese, your last cabbie was Pakistani, your newsagent is Indian and your favourite falafel guy is Egyptian.

You wouldn't want to live anywhere else until you get married.

You say 'mate' constantly

Anyone not from London is a 'wanker'

Anyone from outside London and north of the Watford Gap is a 'Northern Wanker'

You have no idea where the North is.

You see All Saints in the Met Bar (again) and find it hard to get excited about it.

The countryside makes you nervous

Somebody speaks to you on the tube and you freak out thinking they are a stalker.

You talk in postcodes. "God, it was really warm round SW1 the other day"

You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from London.

# Posted: 18 Mar 2006 18:15

You Know You're From North Carolina When...

You've gotten used to the smell of cow manure on a car trip to Raleigh.

Saying "y'all" isn't just a cute expression; it actually means something.

There are big labrador retrievers in the back of every truck.

You give directions using KFC and Waffle House as landmarks.

You still see Dale Earndheart tributes on cars.

You can't imagine life without Bojangles' sweet tea

Your annual church fundraiser always deals with bbq and potato salad

You have a sunburn from May to October

Your 'heavy winter clothing' consists of some turtleneck sweaters, a fuzzy jacket, and your daddy's boots

Your family has fried chicken once a week

You can tell the difference between cotton fields and tobacco fields while driving

One of your neighbors has a confederate flag hanging on their front porch

Those "damn yankees" are taking over your school/church/workplace/neighborhood...

You've been "properly raised", and yankees love it when they hear you say "ma'am" and "sir"

You get your carbs from biscuits, rolls, pancakes, and grits

You know the difference between a "redneck" and a "hick".

You own at least one surf shop or seafood restaurant shirts.

No matter what those people in ohio say, we are still "first in flight"

The Coca-Cola 600 is as big as the Super Bowl

You prefer Chick-fil-a to KFC

Every time you visit someone you?re offered something to eat and a glass of tea.

Your granddaddy always wore overalls and your grandma always wore an apron.

In summer you have home-grown tomatoes with every meal.

When it rains and the creek rises, everyone gathers to see how high it rose.

You know that "chunk" the ball means to throw it.

You've had a burger "all the way" - chili and slaw on it.

You can recognize a copperhead and your heart drops when you see one.

You have at least one relative that raises collards.

Your folks have taken trips to the mountains to look at leaves.

Your school classes were cancelled because of a hurricane.

You know Krispy Kreme makes the best doughnut.

You have an opinion about UNC. You went there and loved it, or you hate everyone who did.

You know the best BBQ is found in Lexington

You would rather eat at Bojangles's than McDonald's

You have actually uttered the phrase "It's too hot to go to the pool"

You faithfully drink Sundrop or Cheerwine everyday of your life.

You have your own secret bbq sauce.

You or your neighbors have more hunting dogs than you have family members.  

A tractor is NOT an all-terrain vehicle. They do get stuck.

Onced and Twiced are words.

It is not a shopping cart, it is a buggy.

People actually grow and eat okra.

Fixinto is one word.

There is no such thing as "lunch". There's only dinner and then there's supper.

Sweet Tea is appropriate for all meals and you start drinking it when you're 2.

You measure distance in minutes.

You've had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day.

You know what a 'tar heel' is.

You see a car running in the parking lot at the store with no one in it, no matter what time of the year.

You use "fix" as a verb. Example: I am fixing to go to the store.

All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, insect or animal.

You carry jumper cables in your car... for your OWN car.

You know what "cow tipping" is.

You only own four spices: salt, pepper, Texas Pete and ketchup.

The local papers cover national and international news on one page but requires 6 pages for local gossip and sports.

You think that the first day deer season is a national holiday.

You find 100 degrees Fahrenheit "a little warm"

You know all four seasons: Almost summer, summer, still summer, and Christmas.

You know whether another North Carolinian is from east, west, or middle North Carolina as soon as they open their mouth or by the barbecue they eat.

Going to Wal-mart is a favorite past time known as "going wal-martin" or off to"Wally World"

A carbonated soft drink isn't a soda, cola, or pop...it's a Coke, regardless of brand or flavor, Example: "What kinda coke you want?"

Fried Catfish is the other white meat.

okies..I'm done:P


# Posted: 22 Mar 2006 11:44

Yes, I only have one...

You know you're from a tourist area when you know what "F.T." stands for.

# Posted: 23 Mar 2006 06:06

You Know you are a scotsman when the sound of sheep makes you excited

that is all,


Man, Fat

# Posted: 25 Mar 2006 01:52

You know your human when...

FM disturbs you.

# Posted: 25 Mar 2006 12:44

To tag on to Svenja's...

You know you're Irish when....

The further you get from Ireland, the more Irish you get.

You are insanely proud to be Irish.

You start preparing for St. Patrick's Day in February.

You are, or know someone, named "Murph." If you don't know Murph, then you know Mac. If you don't know Murph or Mac, then you know Sully, and you'll probably also know Sully McMurphy.

You think Guinness should be in its own food group.

You have great respect for the truth, and you only use it in emergencies.

You can count the number of times you've had a tan on one hand.

You swear well.

You know what goes in an Irish coffee.

You know what hurling is (and it's not puking!;)

You know what Gaelic football is.

There wasn't a huge difference between your last wake and your last party.

Even though you're grown up, most of your [healthy] dinners are cooked by someone's mom.

You are oddly poetic after a few beers.

You can't wait for the other guy to stop talking so you can start talking.

The condensation on your pint of Guinness takes the shape of shamrocks

You don't believe there is a God, but you are damn sure of the infallibility of the Pope.

You believe that to forgive is divine, but you don't excercise it yourself.

Roads are just as much for pedestrians as they are for cars. What's J-walking?

You know you're from Cork when...

You claim that Cork is the true capital of Ireland, yet you contradict this by claiming that Cork is it's own nation known as The People's Republic of Cork.

The only time you are jealous of the rest of the country is when it snows.

Your slang is a language unto it's own and like no other.

When you talked about being the European Capital of Culture 2005 to anyone not from Cork it was a big deal, but when amongst Corkonians you knew better.

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