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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / The ORIGINAL  Star Wars to be released
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# Posted: 9 May 2006 03:37

Lucasfilm has finally realised that the only way to really please the faithful is to give them what they’ve been after all along. On 12 September this year, the three original trilogy films – Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi – will hit the shelves in their unmolested form. It makes you wonder why they took so long to realise that this was a good idea... Perhaps it was George Lucas’ heretofore-unwavering determination that the Special Edition versions would be the only Star Wars available to new buyers.

And lest you fear this is an internet rumour gone wild, here’s the word from the horse’s mouth: “Over the years, a truly countless number of fans have told us that they would love to see and own the original version that they remember experiencing in theaters," blabs Jim Ward, Senior Vice President of Lucasfilm in a press release. "We returned to the Lucasfilm Archives to search exhaustively for source material that could be presented on DVD. This is something that we're very excited to be able to give to fans in response to their continuing enthusiasm for Star Wars. Topping it off with a new interactive adventure makes 12 September a red-letter day for Star Wars fans."

Far be It from us to find the spiny downside – you know, gift horses and mouths and all that – but there is a caveat. The films will only be available as separate, two-disc editions and for a very limited time. Taking a leaf out of Disney’s book, those crafty Lucasfilm types are locking the films back up in their vault after 31 December this year. You just can’t win, can you?


# Posted: 9 May 2006 09:50

I KNEW it!!

Good job I held off buying the digitally fiddled versions. I'll be getting these babies.


# Posted: 16 May 2006 02:21

About time. :)

# Posted: 20 May 2006 02:28

I have the Laser Disc versions on DVD. That was the best quality versions of the un-tampered films i have seen so far.

DVD is beyond Laser Disc in quality, also i'm guessing they will be the restored, re-mastered prints of the films, so they should look amazing.

QD : I remember you taking an oath that you'd never get a DVD player! :P It's good news though, cos i intend sending you a DVD of our little fan film. Then the re-mastered version, wide screen, full screen, special edition, special special edition....  :D

# Posted: 20 May 2006 14:32

I took an oath? Ha, but I didn't get a dvd player, I got a ps2 :D ... and then bought a dvd recorder :(  maybe I just swore not to get the cg'd versions on dvd and besides, it's a lady's perogative to be fickle ;)


# Posted: 2 Feb 2007 18:08

I know that no one has posted on this in a while, but since I'm new here, I'd like to weigh in....

It has constatnly amazed me that Lucas keeps pumping out 'new' & 'Limited' & 'Special' editions of the trilogy.  Now I'll be the 1st to admit that I have purchased each & every one of them, but still I was beginning to get really aggravated that he kept holding back on the 'Original' releases.  So when it finally did hit it was like I was transported back to the top of the station wagon at the drive-in!!  I unplugged the phone, got a huge bowl of popcorn, soda & Twizzlers and had a grand old time for myself!!!!

# Posted: 3 Feb 2007 02:47

I totally agree with you. Nobody is a bigger fan than me, but it is getting a bit ridiculous all these releases.

Now we have the mega box set of all six films to look forward too, then HD DVD's and so on, and so on. *L*

I was good, i never bought the last DVD releases. I settled for my Laser Disc copies. They really are original releases.

# Posted: 6 Feb 2007 03:09


Are you going to Celebration Europe as you say you're a big Star Wars fan?

A jetlagged Sylvius.

# Posted: 6 Feb 2007 04:51

Sylvius : I would like to yes. I won't know until nearer the time if i'll be in the country or not at that time though.

Are you still intouch with the fan film making in any way? I think in the next two months filming will be wrapped up. Anbody, and those  in the london area especialy, might want to keep an eye out here in these forums if they want to be in the film. As we have a final scene which needs a crowd of people.

I'll post a message and contact details if you'd like to be in the Coruscant scenes for the film right here, with as much notice as i can give when i have firm dates.

# Posted: 12 Feb 2007 14:53


I haven't really been in touch at all but am still interested in being part of the crowd scene and I have the advantage of being close to the filming location.

Would you also accept anyone else who is not connected with the film, eg. friends and family members, to be part of the crowd scene?  That goes for anyone else of course! :)


# Posted: 13 Feb 2007 05:47

Sylvius : I'm not the main man where that side of things is concerned, Stewie is as Director. But i would have thought it will be a case of the more people in the scene the better.

As soon as i find out when, and exactly how its going to work out i'll get a message, or email to you. :)

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