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# Posted: 6 Jun 2006 14:36

Themed weekends are good :) And seeings how the Tribune did do an issues dedicated to Firefly/Serenity a couple months ago, Serenity would get my vote for the next *or any* themed weekend!

That is all!


# Posted: 7 Jun 2006 16:19

Forget it. Just forget it. Do what the heck you like with the Outpost.

# Posted: 7 Jun 2006 22:25

Themed Weekends:
- Stargate Atlantis
- Hacker Style
- 4 Seasons  +
- Man in the Hat
 - With Hat avatars only!!!!

:) Lzrman

# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 02:23

A couple of words from an ex-SC.

- coordination, among departments, among sector commanders, etc.; try it, you might like it
- use resources that lie fallow (like the DDX or the ROT)
- don't overdo things

And yes, I know you're enthusiastic and want to do stuff, and I applaud you for it, but try not to come down like a ton of bricks on people who don't share your opinion or ask legitimate questions. 's not nice.

# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 13:21

You get the regular chat top all the time. Except for, say, two days every few months. I don't think that, if you look at the balance of things right there, it's too bad, really.
I'm all for rotating the themed weekends around the various chatrooms. I daresay that if you had them in D'd or Rot, that'd work too. Maybe have it in them sometimes? Speaking from experience - we hold Team Trivia events in the D'd, and we usually get quite a good turnout.

Quite apart from all that, I'd like to say something else. When I first came here, I didn't go to the Star Wars chatroom. I went to the Rotarran, because that was where people (by some really strange twist of fate, apparently) were. And to this day, I don't base my decision of where to login on the chatroom, its genre, or its chat top. I base it on the occupants. Yeah, they're nice, and I probably like the CCC best, but in the way that I prefer red peppers over yellow ones - it doesn't make a huge difference. As far as I'm concerned, we're here to talk to each other and have fun. If the look of the place changes for a few days... so what? I mean, it's a medium for talking to friends.

Don't get me wrong - with that last part, I'm not pointing the finger or whatever, before you jump all over me, just trying to get some perspective into the discussion.

Or have I got my priorities messed up? :?

# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 14:57

Your priorities are wrong.

VIVA LA TREK! *begins the genre wars*


# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 15:53

How about a weekend on the Original Lost in Space series?

I'm sure we haven't had this one before! :)


# Posted: 8 Jun 2006 21:30

starts plot to takeover the trek side with iain

If we can populate the Trek side more then the Wars side, Iain will give you super human abilities.

Percentage Visits to Ten Forward: 24.15%
Percentage Visits to Cantina: 70.90%
Percentage Visits to Minas Tirith: 3.00%
Percentage Visits to D'Deridex: 1.15%
Percentage Visits to Rotarran: 0.60%
Percentage Visits to the Office: 0.20%

Darn they got us beat *l*!


# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 03:18

i wasn't coming down on anyone, i was just making a point, is it fair that we have to constantly listen to someone say flat out no, without even giving it a chance? After all it's not like wehave to do them we do it for the community. And if we are about giving opinions, then i think we should be allowed to say how we feel about someones response even if they are against it. It only seems fair....

# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 04:52

I'm a little confused by a lot of people here.

Quincy, as is his right, is experessing his dislike of the themed weekends, and the general response from everyone seems to be "it's only a chat-top - what does it matter?"

That's all well and good, but you also argue that change is good and having a different chat-top makes things interesting. Funny, because a minute ago the chat-top didn't matter...

You say "what does it matter if it's changed?". Well I say, what does it matter if it's not changed? It is, afterall, "only a chat-top"

Playing devil's advocate, stoking the flames, adding petrol to the blaze - whatever you call it.

# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 06:02

I don't see why it is a huge problem that for the odd weekend, and we are talking what, 6 weekends a year at MOST, the theme will be different. So what? Stay out of the chat for the duration and let everyone else have fun, if it bothers you that much.

Personally I think the instigators of the themes are to be congratulated and cuddled. ;)

# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 15:35

For that matter... if it's just a chat top, why are we discussing it at all? :?

# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 21:07

Frankly, I'm getting seriously annoyed with people jumping on people's backs for not liking themed weekends or for suggesting alternative chat rooms.  It's getting to the point that I'm ready to say no to themed chat rooms - even if it's a Stargate one - simply because of the attitude.

Each one of us was ASKED if we liked or disliked the idea.  Each one of us should be allowed to say one way or the other.  Feel free to not crucify those who disagree with you.

Yeah, in fact, I'm a no.  Leave the chat tops alone if you can't be grown up about it.

# Posted: 9 Jun 2006 23:01

I hope to see more come from this idea, I agree/like the idea of random themed weekends in "tenforward" as per the topic suggests.  And would be willing to create some of the themed weekends.


# Posted: 10 Jun 2006 07:49

I would like to say this....Holy Cow!! TF has themed weekends?? Disappear for a month and look what happens?? :)

Oh wait..........is that what the 85 memo's in my inbox are referring to?

I almost said "I didn't get the memo" Let me correct it...I didn't "read" the memo  ;)

I'd like to come to one!

# Posted: 10 Jun 2006 09:28

It's called 'debate' , Polson.

# Posted: 10 Jun 2006 11:38

Maybe I missed something... that's been known to happen :( ... who's jumping on who over their opinion?

The way I'm reading things is one person is given their opinion and others are opposing it.... debating it!

Now, if they were saying "Hey you! Shuddup! You're stupid for thinking that way! :o", then I'd have a problem.


Slightly eccentric... but only slightly :)

# Posted: 11 Jun 2006 08:14

Babel...I found a lot of what people responded to Quincy with very insulting and you look at his responses, so did he.  That's not debate, it's rude.  Everyone who's suggested alternatives has been shot down with "it's just a chat, you shouldn't care so much".

SG...I saw lots of jumping.  Maybe it's just my perspective.  But if someone responded to me the way I've seen in this thread, I'd be ripped off.

In fact, at this moment, I'm being jumped all over for saying don't jump all over.

# Posted: 11 Jun 2006 15:49

I understand, but I think the point people are trying to make is that, if a small percentage don't like the themes then it is just as easy that they use another room, whereas the majority, who do approve, can enjoy the theme, and the aim of the project may then be deemed successful... increase traffic to TF, and hopefully beyond the theme.

I think quincy's initial post just seemed a little agressive... people got defensive!

"Nobody should have to force anything on us, but at the same time, don't harm Star Trek by taking away the first chat of 10F, that's just WRONG."

Valid point, but it is only a couple of days, the intent of which is to increase traffic to Ten Forward, thereby promoting "the first chat of 10F". :)

But, if anyone is "jumping on you" send them to me. I'll sort them out! :o ;)

# Posted: 12 Jun 2006 10:22

I do think that the themed weekends should be rotated throughout all of the rooms and not just stick to Ten Forward. This should keep all people happy as just one room isn't being used, and it keeps things fair and even across the whole of OTF...  ;)

# Posted: 12 Jun 2006 22:54

Do it like they do trivia, pick a different room each time of the week, but in this case, every few months in a different room and rotate between the 5 rooms tf,ccc,tir,dd,rot:) maybe have a special office one to promote use of the office for private discussions.


# Posted: 13 Jun 2006 04:56

its a good thing i like the theme idea's but Trivia in with it is good :)

# Posted: 13 Jun 2006 20:30

Even better, mix it with a Trivia weekend? or even better

Match the chattop with the genre and subject of the trivia ! oooooO! :?


# Posted: 14 Jun 2006 12:52

<!--QuoteBegin--teekay+June 08 2006,02:23--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (teekay @ June 08 2006,02:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->- coordination, among departments, among sector commanders, etc.; try it, you might like it<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>At the risk of repeating myself... <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->

# Posted: 14 Jun 2006 18:03

<!--QuoteBegin--polson+June 11 2006,08:14--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (polson @ June 11 2006,08:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Babel...I found a lot of what people responded to Quincy with very insulting and you look at his responses, so did he.  That's not debate, it's rude.  Everyone who's suggested alternatives has been shot down with "it's just a chat, you shouldn't care so much".<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I would like to express my apologies to anyone who I may have slighted in regards to my behaviour as of late; and also to Polson who I have, once again, upset. <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo--> <br><br>Let's take a step back and remember what we love about 10F. The people aside (which is a null factor considering they're part of <b>every</b> chat), it's the fact that there's so much to interact with. Each level of rank has priveliges. You get avatars, you get taglines and dossiers and all that stuff and more.<br><br>Big deal? Well it is. When TF debuted in around 1997, all you had was IRC or plain old text with names chats. I can name quite a lot of people who came to TF, said it was good and then made their own versions. While TF may not have been the prototype, it's a pretty fair bet that a <b>lot</b> of those graphical interface chats around are due to TF in some form or another, even if in inspiration.<br><br>So call me a sentimental old fart, but TF is TF is TF. Back in the days when pretty little coloured links in a webpage was considered fancy, TF was a quantum leap ahead for chatting in my life. The whole layout and character showing (ie name, rank, avatar etc) has influenced me even to this day, around eight years after I first joined.<br><br>I will once again state that there are two perfectly good unused rooms that we can use for this purpose. Use <i>them</i> instead. In fact, instead of weekends, why not keep it longer? Branch out and have multi-genre?<br><br>A general sci-fi chat, with X-Files; and BSG; and Stargate. Or maybe a horror chat, with Frankenstein's Monster and whatever other else there is.<br><br>I would actually like to note something: On many sites, you can select a skin option, so that the colour scheme or font type or whatever changes.<br><br>Could you not create a fourth main chat where you have all the functionality of 10F, plus also a chattop selector? It's just images, no?

# Posted: 14 Jun 2006 18:46

It's only a big deal because that's what you're making it into.  

Quincy, you yourself stated that it's just images.  So why the argument?  You just spent all that time saying that it was more then just it being a bunch of Trek images and then completely stated something that went against your argument.

Yes, it is just images.  So you can't have another theme for 2 days every couple months?  You can't ignore or overlook the other theme for 2 days?  

Is it the fact that you don't like the changing of the Trek images or, really, the themes that have been chosen?

# Posted: 15 Jun 2006 05:07

Ah, but the beauty of this whole chattop scheme would give people every sort of chat. Imagine this:

TF is rebuilt a bit and you pick Starfleet. Out comes the bog standard TF layout. You decide on a change of scenery and you pick the Romulan affiliation. All of a sudden, everything turns green and you step into a Romulan Warbird. You pick Borg or the Dominion or whatever and TF will transform itself into a nice chat that's themed.

We would no longer be just this niche sci fi chat; we could incorporate chats that would include other genres. Lost and Alias could be part of our contemporary culture chat, for instance.

We would massively expand who we cater to, as well as keep everyone happy.

As people have already noted, citron, you have your opinions and you should be allowed to express it, just as I have. Now that the slanging is over, I'm attempting to bring in some constructive thoughts that might work. I'm no longer talking about changing the original chats per se, I'm talking about changing the whole look of 10F, literally.

# Posted: 15 Jun 2006 07:46

Ahoy!<br><br>I think this thread is going around in circles a little, so I'll wrap it up here.  A few concluding comments:<br><br>- About 80% of the people that have voted so far have been in favour of seeing more themed weekends in the future with only two votes against themed weekends.  Another six people want me thrown out.  Just goes to show you people can never take anything seriously!  <!--emo&:o--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ann.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':o'><!--endemo--><br><br>- Some great comments have been made in all different directions.  We will be looking into rotating themed weekends around chats other than TF by working with other Sector Command teams and also considering secondary chats like the Roatarran and D'Deridex<br><br><!--QuoteBegin--teekay+June 08 2006,02:23--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (teekay @ June 08 2006,02:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->- coordination, among departments, among sector commanders, etc.; try it, you might like it<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br>- I hear you loud and clear!  This is something we always try to strive for.  Projects like the Blue Report are how we achieve this interaction, and as Hobbie mentioned we'll definitely be discussing working together to spread the themed loving around.  Through our Sector Command groups (the OZD, Senate and Wizards group) we also work very closely with people from all levels of the departmental layer, aiming to promote interdepartmental initatives wherever possible.  Some combined trivia/themed weekends suggested by Neo and Lzr could be something we'll look into.<br><br>- If you have any more comments, or even specific ideas or offers for help, please email me at <a href="mailto:brady@outpost10f.com">brady@outpost10f.com</a>.  I've already got some great suggestions and offers, so keep them coming!  Also keep your eyes on the Updates and future Blue Reports for more information on themed weekends.  <br><br>- Finally, in the words of Mr. Springer, take care of yourselves - and each other.<br><br>B

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