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# Posted: 24 Oct 2006 07:55

New Tomb Raider game

There is a new tomb raider game in the works but there is one big problem. Which is that it's going to be a tie-in to the new film which there still in takes about.

Batman Lego

Star Wars have got the lego remake the next one up is the Dark knight him self

# Posted: 24 Oct 2006 13:02

If it's as much fun as the one I'm playing right now then count me in!

*goes back to sneeking around as ghost Anakin*


# Posted: 29 Oct 2006 04:25

PS3 Delayed in Europe
(not really a) Big suprise that Sony are holding back the PS3 for Europe till march some time. This not the frist time this has happenend sony have done this with the PS2 and the PSP.

Lord of the Halo
Peter Jackson is writing and dircting the new Halo film but thats not all, he is also co- desgin and writing the new halo game.

# Posted: 21 Nov 2006 09:19

Marvel Take over
Now that marvel have taken over the Movie world. They are head to take over the gaming world with Ultimate Alliance a huge hit the next project is Iron Man which is developed my sega which is coming out the same time as the film. There is arumor that there is a secret charator on the this game which is sonic as iron man.

# Posted: 26 Nov 2006 04:46

EA line up for 07
There is to movie tie in games the frist is Harry Potter and the half blood prinice and the other is the Simpsons the movie
There is also a new balck game coming out along with a remake of road rash.

# Posted: 26 Nov 2006 11:09

Road rash! Ah, the cheat for the fast bike (nitro 3000?) plus invincibility and never hitting the ground again once you ran off the road over a bump. Fun times.

Why did they always shout 'fire' on the Mega drive when crashing :D

QD, who now needs to go steal Viper's chain.

# Posted: 1 Dec 2006 13:53

That game nearly sold me on the mega drive. It was fantastic! But not quite, i stuck to my SNES.

Since though i got the Mega Drive, ther's a lot of great games for it. Road rash is a classic among them for sure.

wasnt there a N64 Road Rash?

# Posted: 11 Dec 2006 07:33

Firefly The game
One of the best sc-fi shows which has now been made into a film and now it's moving in to the relam of gaming. The gaming is going to be a  massively multiplayer online game there is no developer yet.

# Posted: 26 Dec 2006 04:27

Resident evil wii
The new Resident evil game just for the wii is coming out in late 07 the game is going to be start off in Resident 0 and finsh in Resident 4 or 5.

Resident evil 5
The frist news is that it's going to be done in Resident evil 4 style. Two old character will be returning the frist is the evil Albert Wesker and the second is Chris Redfield. The evil Umbrella is back, the big rumor is that Chris fines the HQ of Umbrella and a new version of the T-virus. With a new version of the T-virus there is going to be newer zombies as will the only thing capcom has said that the speed of the zombies is as fast as Resident evil 4 and the zombies are going to work together. For the frist time a main  Resident evil gaming is going to be online and will have a deathmatch mode like what is in Resident evil 4.

# Posted: 30 Dec 2006 12:21

Mario drops mushroom for apple
The big rumour at the end of this year is that apple is going to take over nintendo. This is going to happen early next year. I don't see this happening cause Nintendo turned down twice what apple are going to offer when Bill Gates tried to but nintendo. which is why the microsoft enterd the gaming market.

# Posted: 20 Jan 2007 16:04

Anybody know what the biggest selling console was during the all important run up to christmas in the USA?

*drum roll*

The Playstation 2! which sold 1.4 million consoles.

That beat the XBox 360 into second place with 1.1 million. The Wii 604,000. Last.... but, well, least. The PS3 with 534,336 ( suprisingly not that far behind the Wii! )

The PS2 was on sale mostly around the U.S for around $129. Most of the people who bought it probably were not in the market for a next gen console. But, its still an amazing feat by Sony.

The Wii was expected to sell 1.2 million in the USA for that period. The PS3 600,000. XBoX 360 was expected to sell 1.3 million. I suppose if you divide up those PS2 sales you could say that's where there figures went! *L*

They probably thought. "Hey! I can get a PS2, and an eye toy and look an idiot, for just $129!!! Instead of looking and idiot with a Wii for nearly double the price." :P

# Posted: 21 Jan 2007 03:37

*LOL* good one but with the wii you can destroy your house and look like an idiot but with the eye toy you just lokk like an idiot

PS3 Delayed again
Romur has it that the PS3 will not make there march lunch day but a month later in April. If not then out in September. Sony have come out and said "We'er on schedule for March."

# Posted: 21 Jan 2007 07:32

Well, i read the Half Life developer came out and said the PS3 is the worst platform he's ever known for game development.

He's predicted the PS3 will be a huge disaster for Sony, and his advice is to scrap it, cut it's losses, and get out now! *L*

“The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a “do over”. Just say, “This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it”.

# Posted: 21 Jan 2007 08:32

<!--QuoteBegin--anth+Jan. 21 2007,07:32--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (anth @ Jan. 21 2007,07:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Well, i read the Half Life developer came out and said the PS3 is the worst platform he's ever known for game development.<br><br>He's predicted the PS3 will be a huge disaster for Sony, and his advice is to scrap it, cut it's losses, and get out now! *L*<br><br><i>“The PS3 is a total disaster on so many levels, I think It’s really clear that Sony lost track of what customers and what developers wanted. I’d say, even at this late date, they should just cancel it and do a “do over”. Just say, “This was a horrible disaster and we’re sorry and we’re going to stop selling this and stop trying to convince people to develop for it”.</i><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>It does feel (and I'm talking as someone who has owned and loved both previous PS consoles) that Sony may have bitten off slightly more than they can chew this time around. They seem to be of the opinion gamers want everything in one expensive package, whereas most gamers just want something to play games on and not all the bangs an whistles (though they aren't adverse to add-ons, al-la 360).<br><br>I've said it before and I'll say it again, I won't be buying because I can't justify the cost and by the time it drops to my price range I imagine we'll be a year away from another upgrade by Nintendo and MS.

# Posted: 21 Jan 2007 17:05

QD : I totally agree. When i saw Driver on the PS1, and Tomb Raider, i was blown away. Went straight out and bought the console. Most games today are still very much PS1 type games. That's how revolutionary it was.

PS2, what can you say? It carried right on from PS1, it just got even better. It was easy on parents pockets, it delivered great games, it had games for pocket money prices, it started the whole backward compatibility thing which represented even better value, and some games allowed you to use your old PS1 game pad which came in very handy if you had a multi player thing going on.

PS2 is an all round value for money machine, the fact that quality releases are still happening for it, and it outsold everything this christmas is all the proof you need.

PS1 and PS2 in short are everything the PS3 is not. Also, where is the killer game for the PS3? The Wii has its wave your arms around novelty stuff, plus Mario Galaxy on the horizon. XBox 360 has must have titles, at last! Gears of war etc.

But nothing for PS3, XBox 360 didnt have any competition when it was released, it could afford to drag its feet on getting big must have titles, Sony cannot afford to do that with PS3. It'll be dead in the water before its got started.

PS3 is good value in only very specific curcumstances. If you happen to be in the market for a Blue Ray ( or should that be Betamax Ray? :P ) DVD player, and a new console, then it represents a great buy. But, Sony's PS3 will live and die with Blue Ray DVD.

I'm leaning quite heavily towards "die". :D

# Posted: 27 Jan 2007 01:40

Resident Evil 5 release revealed
In the Lastest issue of Famitsu, the producer of Resident Evil 5 has revealed that the game is not coming out till 2008.

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