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# Posted: 1 Nov 2006 22:56

Everyone has their opinions to how freely communication flows at the Outpost.  I want to know your thoughts on how communication can be improve between departments and other patron's.

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 03:55

Carrier pidgeon

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 06:26

I like the turtle! :)

Whenever I go into the city, I try to catch pidgeons! That idea just might be the best one yet! :?

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 07:15

Your totally missing the point of this thread. *picture remove*

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 07:17

Well - your question implies that there is a problem with communication? If you explained what you thought was wrong, perhaps it would offer some insight on how to fix it.

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 07:43

Dmitri and I communicate all the time.  I read his mind and start rumors about him, he denies it, then I blackmail him!  Why change a system that works?

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 08:50

And here I thought mind-reading worked... :(

One way for communication to be more efficient is for people to take the time and type properly. No internet shorthand, no leet speak, and at least make the attempt to use proper spelling and grammar.

Even though I understand what most people are trying to express, it is difficult to interpret the typed/written word at times due to lack of tone, body language, and expressions we use while conversing face-to-face. (or even over the phone)

There's e-mail, discussion forums, instant messengers, and all sorts of way to communicate at OTF. Is there room for improvement? of course. Is there a perfect solution? probably not. We're a global community, where a substantial number of our members use English as a second language so there is always going to be communication obstacles when trying to express yourself. Just do the best you can, be patient, and listen.

This seems like a vague question Lzrman. Is this a general "I see a lack of communication" or are there more specifics you would like to share?

Looks like communication isn't happening fast enough for you if you used an image of a turtle to imply that things are going slowly. *l* That's a fact of life...things take time, some faster than others.  

Now we'll have to retire those poor carrier pidgeons. :(

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 09:30

Seeing as I am from the "Heartland Empire", we had a brilliant form of communication that the EC should seriously adapt. You guys ready? It was called the Pony Express. For 60-70 years...until the spiffy railroad system got big, everyone communicated in the form of horsies!!!! It was totally awesome. So if y'all want, I'll contact the Mayor of St.Joe and see if we can get this rolling! :)

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 10:24

<!--QuoteBegin--crazytexan+Nov. 02 2006,08:50--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (crazytexan @ Nov. 02 2006,08:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->And here I thought mind-reading worked... <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo--><br><br>One way for communication to be more efficient is for people to take the time and type properly. No internet shorthand, no leet speak, and at least make the attempt to use proper spelling and grammar.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>One: Mind-reading never works because of time zones and the varied manner of minds involved.<br><br>Two: CT FTW YAY! \0/ <br><br><!--emo&:k--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/mad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':k'><!--endemo-->

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 10:51

Now for the more serious reply.
Communication always needs (at least) two people, who talk and listen in turn. This may sound like stating the obvious, but think about it.

And carrier pigeons are a lot better than grape vines.

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 14:11

*reads CT's post*  That's exactly what I wrote!!  Isn't it? :?

TK, I never knew grapevines could talk!  :?

I admit I have never been accused of not communicating enough online......I'm sure there are people out there who struggle with this, though.  Maybe it's just that we wind up being the opposite of our real life selves.....such as if I'm quiet and reserved and distant in real life, I'm way too outgoing and bubbly online?  And sarcastic, can't forget about the sarcasm.

Now listening is sometimes what I don't do. But, usually, that's on purpose.  I have selective reading skills.

I still liked the turtle. :(

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 14:56

Words are 7% of communication. Fact. Unfortunately, online, we're constrained to words most of the time. So it's not a big surprise that communication's harder at times... and misunderstandings happen more easily. Maybe if people kept that in mind and allowed for the possibility of a misunderstanding, some situations could be avoided.

But that happens everywhere, not just OTF. I don't, honestly, see the problem here, Lzr. I don't see a problem with communication, really. Maybe a problem with acceptance, tolerance, understanding... but that's global, and humanity ain't about to change. :P

Apart from that, I agree with Ceet.

However, if - if - what you're getting at is that some departments keep too many things to themselves... that's the way it works. And the way it, in my opinion, should work. ;)

# Posted: 2 Nov 2006 14:58


# Posted: 3 Nov 2006 01:00

I got an even better idea how to improve communication! *grabs two Styrofoam cups, puts the end of each string through the bottom of the cups* See! Now we got some communication!

Joking aside, what Lzr could be talking about is how quiet the chatroom has been these recent few weeks. Perhaps we can start off there to get it a busy place again. *nods*

# Posted: 3 Nov 2006 06:14

<!--QuoteBegin--darth_balco+Nov. 03 2006,01:00--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (darth_balco @ Nov. 03 2006,01:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->(...) what Lzr could be talking about (...)<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Hm. There seems to be the queston - what <i>is</i> Lzr talking about?<br><br><!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo-->

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 00:29

We need, like... Communicators.  

Brady:  =/\= Bridge to Engineering.  =/\=
Polson:  =/\= Sickbay here, go ahead... =/\=
Brady:  =/\= Um, is that you Polson?  What are you doing in Sickbay?  I want Engineering? =/\=
Polson:  =/\= Brady?  I hit my head.  I'll just put you through.  Go a head please. =/\=
Iain:  =/\= Yes hello, this is Iain in the bakery.  =/\=
Brady =/\=  Iain?  Bakery?  Dammnit!  =/\=  *hangs up*
Iain:  ...hello?  Is anyone there?  *giraffe ears*

The morale of the story is that communication can be tricky when mediated by technology, as Bria said.  BUT, it can make things more funny sometimes because it's like reading a book instead of watching a movie.  The imagery is in your head!  Yes?

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 01:36

The fact that I can "see" Iain doing his giraffe ears shows how very effective communication can be.

Either that or Iain is more of a giraffe then we all realise...

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 09:09

Iain's not that tall... :( Although he does have funny ears. :)

I like Brady's idea. I wanna be the operator, so I can get everyone horribly confused, irritated, and disillusioned with the communicatiosn net. :k

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 19:16

I still think Carrier Pidgeon would be best =(

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 21:27

<!--QuoteBegin--fat_man+Nov. 04 2006,19:16--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (fat_man @ Nov. 04 2006,19:16)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I still think Carrier Pidgeon would be best =(<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I agree, but it's not as efficient as the Pony Express. <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo-->

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 22:09

It's funny, because Brady sees himself on the bridge, Iain baking pastries, and me not doing my job, whatever job that may be (obviously not sickbay, engineering, the bridge or the bakery - what's left? ). :?

# Posted: 4 Nov 2006 23:04

A thread about communication? *blinks* :? Sounds like the perfect keyword for a linguist to enter the fray. Do you know one?

Personally, I'd gladly help out as some kind of liaison officer, but there are three reaons, why I can't:

  • I don't speak English
  • I'm already in a billion departments including my own one
  • I'm too lazy to change other people's habits

    If they don't like to talk to each other, they won't even try it.

    But... it'd be worth a try, no?

  • darth_balco
    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 00:45

    Perhaps we can get pep rallys going on to have people communicate more! Hmmm....perhaps we could make a Saved By The Bell week, where the ranks would be from First Grade to Twelfth Grade and we could cheer our rank like "S-O-P, S-O-P, H-O-M-O-R-E. S-O-P, S-O-P, H-O-M-O-R-E. Goooo, Sophomores!" Then whoever communicates the best among the ranks gets the Pep baton and proudly carries it until the next Pep Rally. Yes it makes no sense and was my lame attempt to try to get an old-fashioned pep rally going. =(

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 07:44

    Pep-rally?  If it weren't for tv I wouldn't know what a pep-rally is!  In fact, I'm still not sure.  I suspect it involves pom poms.

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 08:04

    Ummmm.....you people were geeks in high school, weren't you? :(

    Pep rallies sucked even in high school.  Trust me, I don't miss it at all!  I went when I had to....basically if I was coerced into it.  Lots of dumb jocks running around...and the kind of jocks who were idiots, like those who played football and basketball......not like the cool athletes who played tennis or golf.

    People screaming and shouting for no reason, really.  No one listens to each other, and if you attempt to hold a conversation at some semi-intelligent level, no one can hear you...or else you can't hear anyone else.

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 09:18

    Time for myself to surface in this thread again.<br><br><!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Is this a general "I see a lack of communication" or are there more specifics you would like to share?<br><br>Looks like communication isn't happening fast enough for you if you used an image of a turtle to imply that things are going slowly. *l* That's a fact of life...things take time, some faster than others.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br>There is a general lack of communication in the community, sometimes it makes people as a whole feel like they are being ignored. <br><br>The turtle was used as a metaphor. <!--emo&:D--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/haw.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':D'><!--endemo--><br><br><!--QuoteBegin--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin--><br>what Lzr could be talking about is how quiet the chatroom has been these recent few weeks. Perhaps we can start off there to get it a busy place again. *nods*<br><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br><br>This is one area we need to improve, I've noticed the chatrooms only pickup during a specified time period, we need to brainstorm ways in order to have it populated throughout the day.<br><br><br>Just recently someone had come to me on msn and said "what's going on with your thread? :-O Everyone wants to know what it's about!"  that got me to actually go back and let you guys know whats going on.<br><br>Over the past few months I have heared that when people email other people and get ignored, they loose a sense that they are part of the community.  This does make up the "fun" factor and why we are not all workingas a team.  We have many people in this community who "take sides" and that creates a 'fear factor' and when someone wants something done, and they are sided with someone communication sometimes ceases to exist.<br><br>I just want people to keep an open mind if someone should email them at a later date, having an idea or even a comment.  Don't shut them out of the creation process / improvement process.  There have been many ideas that patrons have suggested and things have been done partially but not complete.<br><br>Communication: The transmission of information so that the recipient understands what the sender intends. (google)<br><br>And to close this off with siding, there are some people who ignore other people in this community and it closes off communication, I hope those people can understand that we can all move on and learn to communicate again.<br><br>Lzrman <br><br><!--EDIT|lzrman|Nov. 05 2006,09:21-->

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 09:19

    I remember sitting in the gym once and them telling us who was on the various sports teams.  It was really unexciting.  There was hardly any cheering.  Is that supposed to be a pep-rally or the Canadian version thereof?

    And I have enough ISA/Blue Report spam that I don't reply to as it is!  Don't email me! :o

    That's a lie.  I love my spam.  I read it all before deleting it, I swear.

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 09:39

    <!--QuoteBegin--polson+Nov. 05 2006,09:19--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (polson @ Nov. 05 2006,09:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I remember sitting in the gym once and them telling us who was on the various sports teams.  It was really unexciting.  There was hardly any cheering.  Is that supposed to be a pep-rally or the Canadian version thereof?<br><br><br>And I have enough ISA/Blue Report spam that I don't reply to as it is!  Don't email me! <!--emo&:o--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/ann.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':o'><!--endemo--><br><br>That's a lie.  I love my spam.  I read it all before deleting it, I swear.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>I've never been to a Canadian pep rally, so I can't compare. =(<br><br><br>In the States, it's loud and sweaty and smelly.  Jocks run around and grunt and make weird noises....sort of like wild animals in heat.  They beat their heads together and belly slam each other, and you wonder, "What exactly did that just prove?  that the reason why their IQs are so low is because of all the head trauma?"  And then they give awards to people like the fella they called "Tank" who played games without wearing a helmet and this somehow proves how "masculine" he is.  And the entire time, you're sitting there wondering, "do you realize that when you grow up you're going to be the manager of some delimart or something?"  <br><br>But, all these students, who these jocks would never give the time of day.....are shouting for their school and stomping the bleachers in the rhytm of "We will, we will, rock you!"  and they stand in sections and do "The Wave."  <br><br>Then again, they might just be getting excited because it gives them an excuse to miss classes.<br><br>Myself, personally, I just got my journalism advisor to write me an excuse so I could go work on proofreading articles and designing the layouts of our yearbook pages.  Being an editor had it's perks.

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 10:28

    <!--QuoteBegin--lzrman+Nov. 05 2006,09:18--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (lzrman @ Nov. 05 2006,09:18)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I just want people to keep an open mind if someone should email them at a later date, having an idea or even a comment.  Don't shut them out of the creation process / improvement process.  There have been many ideas that patrons have suggested and things have been done partially but not complete.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>The problem is not communication. The problem is the one trying to communicate. Or rather, those who the communication is directed towards...<br><br>If some unknown noob comes up with a brilliant idea he, she or it runs a very good chance of being ignored.<br>A mediocre idea from someone who just happens to be rather chummy with those in command however probably will be followed up and then presented to us like it were the new coming of Christ...<br><br>I believe someone not too long ago said this place nowadays was all about which clique you belong to. I concur.<br><br>That idea from the unknown noob btw most likely will be picked up (read: stolen) by someone who does like to kiss butt who then probably will become the hero of the month for his, her or its briliant insight.

    # Posted: 5 Nov 2006 16:07

    <!--QuoteBegin--kady+Nov. 05 2006,08:04--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (kady @ Nov. 05 2006,08:04)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->Ummmm.....you people were geeks in high school, weren't you? <!--emo&:(--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/sad.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('><!--endemo--><br><br><br>Pep rallies sucked even in high school.  Trust me, I don't miss it at all!  I went when I had to....basically if I was coerced into it.  Lots of dumb jocks running around...and the kind of jocks who were idiots, like those who played football and basketball......not like the cool athletes who played tennis or golf.<br><br><br>People screaming and shouting for no reason, really.  No one listens to each other, and if you attempt to hold a conversation at some semi-intelligent level, no one can hear you...or else you can't hear anyone else.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>You see...that's YOUR high school. I went to a, you know, different high school and it was nothing like that. Well if you consider chanting our class rank "screaming and shouting for no reason". You see, there's a bit of "pride" of chanting our class rank. Granted high school did sucked for me due to the people who had to be jerks to me, but I ignored them and happily isolated myself from those jerks. But I'm getting off-subject, but the point of Pep Rallies is to instill school spirit into the students. Granted, I didn't remember the chants correctly so I was quiet while doing it most of the time. But anywhoo, there are some of us here that actually enjoyed the pep rallies and I gave the pep speech for one of them my senior and I never had a more exciting feeling than pumping up our basketball team to whoop some tail. So bottom line, not everyone here hated high school with a passion and thought that Pep Rallies we're unintelligent sessions of screaming and shouting for no reason. And that's all I'm gonna say about that. Now, with that off my chest...have a nice day. =)

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