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# Posted: 8 Dec 2006 14:42

From the short time that I got to play it (Have to go to work shortly), this game is looking to be mighty fun, anyone else play it?

# Posted: 9 Dec 2006 02:10

This may sound mightily ignorant... but what is it? A console game? An online game? I haven't a clue.  :}


# Posted: 9 Dec 2006 11:49

Its for both the Xbox 360 and the PC, there are different versions for the PS2 (Star trek Encounters) and for the PSP and DS (Star Trek Tactical Assult)


# Posted: 18 Dec 2006 02:33

To kick the topic back open, is it worth buying?

I've read reviews that state Legacy leaves a lot to be desired.

Much of the original promises of missions were cut; and there's mention that the manual even has XBox controls even though the game is for the PC! (Part of that is the assertion the game was originally written for XBox and simply ported to PC).

Also, apparently, the game mechanics a clunky and just not worth it.

Also, is it true that because of the huge cuts in missions (cf the Contagion storyline), only the Archer, Kirk and Picard era stories are done?

# Posted: 20 Dec 2006 05:07

ALl i can say is, if i can go up against some borg cubes, or tactical fusion cubes... then i might buy it...

will see how the multiplayer turns out...!


# Posted: 23 Dec 2006 00:00

The 360 version I hear is very good, it has recived many postitive reviews from several gaming websites.

The PC Version how ever... Not so much.

It would seem that the game itself was originally intended, and designed to be played on the console, and a PC version was mearly a rushed after thought.

The PC version suffers from poor controls (Although, the game is playable if you get used to it, or are able to map a controller to the game, which is only done by editing a text file in the games install folder), inaccurate system requirements (The requirements are actually higher then what is listed), and several game crippling bugs. The game only works on 20% of the systems out there right now (Thankfully, my system is one of them.)

There has been a patch released (On the same day of the PC release, no less), but it only seems to work on a small percentage of computers (My computer NOT being one them), making trying to find a compatable MP game very hard.

From what I've played, the game's learning curve is Quite steep, Shatners voice acting could have been alot better, and the story line is interesting to say the least.

# Posted: 4 Jan 2007 13:40

I decided to buy it anyway. Here is what I wrote on LJ:

Despite the negative reviews, Star Trek Legacy receives an 8/10 at first pass. I spent a full hour playing and only stopped to write this LJ entry because I failed a mission (the second). XD

The controls take some time getting used to and while it is the old WASD control keys and the camera controls are a bit aggravating, it's almost as good as the real thing.

While others may decry it, a good, superb, marvellous, spiffing effort!

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 13:16

I got Star Trek Encounters for the Playstation 2 for Christmas, if it's suppose to be similar to Star trek legacy they did a poor job on it. I hated it with a passion. I'm thinking of selling it on Ebay soon. *L* my Brother-in-Law was playing star Trek legacy while we was visiting them over christmas and it looked awesome. I tried to get him to let me play, but he's stubborn when it comes to his computer. :P *L*.  I can't wait to get it and try it. First i have to update my PC...

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 13:29

From what i hear, it'll only run on about 20% of PC's that you would consider "good enough" to run such a game.

The lowest specs to run it are way off the mark. I think these company's should be forced to be realistic with their minimum requirements.

Especialy considering many outlets now refuse outright to accept returned PC games. A combination of wrongly detailed requirements, and a non return policy, equals money down the drain for many people.

Get an  X-Box 360 and play it on that is my advice. If you have one, or the money to get one that is. :P I don't btw, i'm just handing out some advice. *L*

The PC version is a rushed out, cobbled together after thought.

Hopefully the modders and hackers can turn it into a great game though. :)

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