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# Posted: 15 Dec 2006 15:19
As the official OTF Queen of Potty Humor, I give this movie a stamp of approval. I almost peed myself the first time I saw it and I giggled all the way through the second time. I got the soundtrack from Sonja for Christmas (early present) and it rocks too! Yes, the slugs sing on the sound track! w00t!
What's new pussycat! Whoawhoawhoa!
# Posted: 25 Dec 2006 19:50
Maybe I'll see it one day but the whole idea of mice living in our sewers doesn't seem very enchanting. It's the whole poop thing, ya know. Those "lovely" rivers and stuff they're sailing on consist of human waste.
To each their own I guess 
# Posted: 30 Dec 2006 07:55
Monny *l* one of the very subtle "visual comments" made on that very topic is right after Roddy gets dumped into the sewer, he comes up for air clinging to a brown chunky thing. He looks at it, freaks out, but when he lets go it turns out to be a half opened chocolate bar *lmao*.
Like I said. Official Potty Humor stamp of approval.