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# Posted: 20 Dec 2006 08:37
Sometimes when we're hurting we turn to our friends for help, kind words and advice... none of the people in this so called 'real life' of mine could possibly understand, so i'll put it to you instead. Perhaps, my friends here, will have some words of advice for me instead.
I don't know if this is an appropriate thing to post on some forum, but some of you know of my relationship with Becca. And anyone who knows me, or her, will know that i love her dearly as she loves me.
I suppose it is like any relationship, when i am with her i feel complete and when i am not... well? I feel like i've left a large part of me with her. I feel broken and i hurt. I'm hurting at the moment, but it is only temporary, as i can go and see her whenever i like. I've just left her behind, saying goodbye is never easy, but i can comfort myself knowing i return in less than 3 weeks.
But sometimes when i don't want it to i get these thoughts that nag at me... you see in June, Becca leaves the United Kingdom and fly's back to the U.S. and i can't go with her. She'll be there and i'll be here and when she goes she'll take a piece of my heart with her...
And it brings tears to my eyes, right now, just thinking about it. So for those of you who have long distance relationships, who have undergone up to a year or more apart from those you love most... how do you do it? How do you get through the day? What do you tell yourselves to make it all seem that much better?
# Posted: 20 Dec 2006 09:10
You tell yourself that it's only temporary. That right now you can't be together, but you're working towards that. Always have a goal, though, to work towards (ie, "going to see Becca in June") so that it doesn't seem too bad.
It'll be hard. But it'll be worth it, will it not?
# Posted: 20 Dec 2006 15:58
My mother once told me that we only ever really love one person. That there's only ever one person who makes your heart jump when you see them, only one person who you long and pine away for when you're apart from them and that nothing ever compares to that, nothing is ever the same...
I don't want to lose that feeling. It is a wonderful feeling and i am not content to lose it. Lose her. Or anything of the sort. You see people use the word "love" too liberally and it is a word that should NEVER be used as such. It is a sacred thing meant to describe the most intimate of relationships and feelings - it is something that transcends all else.
I need to feel that... and i need to be loved in return. I am going on a rant i know, an emo rant no doubt... but i am just typing what comes to mind so i apologise if this makes little sense.
But a goal? I always look forward to a time when we can get off a plane together, and know that neither one of us is going to have to say goodbye and know that neither one of us is going to be stepping back onto that plane and leaving the other in a few hours, or a few days... though thank you Dawn, what you says makes a lot of sense i guess *hugs*
I don't think it makes it easier, but there is some comfort in knowing this isn't going to be forever
# Posted: 25 Dec 2006 21:09
So, I'm a little late, but that's just my style!
Honestly, there's nothing that will make it better. There's nothing that will make the pain stop in your heart. There's nothing that is the one true thing that will heal all wounds. There's only something that's the best to forget your circumstances. And, that's communication.
It won't last you all day or through those lonely nights, but it will last you for a little bit of the time. When, you're talking to her, whether it's E-Mail, phone, or IM, it'll make all the miles disappear. It will make it feel like you're there together, even though you're not. You'll live for those stolen moments together, and you'll dream for the next ones.
Long distance relationships, in short, blow. They're a constant uphill battle against all the odds, but they're a joy when they are working. And, they won't always work. You'll have fights. You'll be mad. But, you'll get over it all, and then, it'll be completely worth it. It'll take hard work and lots of love, but if you can get it to work, they're very rewarding. You'll learn more about your significant other than you could ever thought possible. I know I did. And, to be honest, I don't think I could have ever have learned what I did had we been able to see each other when ever.
One last note, when you guys do get together, you'll never forget a moment. All of them will come back to you when you're apart. Every smile, every hug, every kiss. Sometimes all you do is live in a world of memories, but that's just how you get through the day.
Love, Candice
P.S. Good luck!! *hugsies*