# Posted: 24 Dec 2006 01:31
The net is buzzing right now with reports that the Wii has been hacked!
A very "suspect" video claims to show a Wii running a, "back up" copy of Zelda.
The video is seemless, definately not edited ( if it is its very well done. ) , and does not seem to feature any breaks where the real game could be put in the Wii. However, i believe a second Wii, out of camera shot, could have been used in this stunt!
Other Hackers say, a complete hack, guide, and tools list will be released in january for cracking the Wii.
I do know for a fact that a Red Steel ISO has been made successfully and been burned onto a standard RW DVD. It is available right now for download on bit torrent. But of course, with no Wii mod in place its pretty useless at the moment. *L*
Rumours of the Wii being impossible to crack, due to it spinning DVD's "the wrong way" are absolute rubbish. This rumour existed for the Game Cube too, and was totally untrue ( probably put around by Nintendo ) . The game cube was totally capable of being modded, it can be, it was mostly just down to the fact that those little DVD's were quite expensive to buy blanks for, and not always available every where that stopped the game cube being exploited like the PS2 and X Box.
Of course, the X Box 360 was hacked long ago. Just like its predesessor. The Ps3 is apparently very easy to mod. Never say never to these hacker guys, its like waving a red rag to a bull!
Anyway, in short, i believe the video is a fake. But i believe a real hack is just around the corner. When a real one comes along, it wont be just a video, the guys will want the world to see how clever they are and they will release every detail.
I'm not sure there is a legitimate need to run "back ups" just yet on the Wii. The Ps2 for example is quite old, so too are many peoples games for it, these can get worn out, and not play properly, and there is an opportunity to buy a "swap disc" for Ps2 which lets you run back ups. This of course is totally legal if they are legit back ups.