# Posted: 26 Dec 2006 02:35
First we had the "Face on Mars". Imaged by the low resolution NASA Viking Orbiter spacecraft.

Which looks really nothing like a face when imaged by a superior imaging system onboard NASA's 1990's Mars Global Serveyor. The MGS images show the old Viking shots to be a combination of poor resolution imaging and a trick of the light.

Then we had the UFO incident which took out, and shot down the Soviet Phobos 2 probe in Mars orbit!!!

I think we're all agreed, the above image clearly shows an alien space ship about to attack. This was the last image aquired by Phobos 2. UFOlogists state this is a space ship, and it is the reason Phobos 2 went silent shortly after.
It had nothing at all to do with Phobos 2 literally limping to Mars on back up power, and back up radio systems. 
And, the "Alien ship" was not made of metal, Phobos 2's instruments confirm that, as seen by many independant scientists invited to mission control, who saw data live as it came in prior to Phobos 2's demise.
But now.....
We have.....
*drum roll*

The Skull on Mars!!!
The above image was taken on the 513th day on Mars by the NASA Mars Rover "Spirit" ( and it was, i checked! *L* )
It clearly shows a humanoid skull.
Conspiracy theorists state NASA is covering up this find! Find out all about it here...
I ask myself why? NASA has been itching for a budget to send mankind to Mars or even to up its robotic missions.
Why would they cover up something, that if true would ensure 100% that we would go there with a manned mission and explore?
Another problem i have with the conspiracy theories on this one is, why release the image to the public at all? If you want to cover up a skull found on Mars, why would they release the image on their site and keep it there. Infact the image is still there over 500 days later! I've just viewed it!
Here's a wild thought! maybe its a rock that has two holes in it. 
A rock that was not even interesting enough for Spirit to roll over to and have a closer look. It is an average Martian volcanic rock.
I could spend my Boxing day debunking the web site i gave the link for. But, i think i'll have another day of eating chocolate, nuts, liqourice, and drinking beer, and vodka instead. 
So i'm done. I'm off to play with my new Dr Who toy, my radio controlled K9! 