# Posted: 29 Dec 2006 15:04
Got this in my email:
Star Wars is making its first appearance in the 2007 Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year's Day in Pasadena, Calif., and Grand Marshal George Lucas is using the opportunity to give something back to his most obsessive fans, Variety reported. This year's parade will feature a "Star Wars Spectacular, " including a pair of floats inspired by the films and a 200-member marching unit from the 501st Legion, a 3,500-strong group of fans in authentic replica costumes.
When Lucas had the idea for a Star Wars float in the Rose Parade, an open audition call went out to 501st members. Lucasfilm received 700 videos from costumed fans who filmed themselves marching. These were narrowed down to 200 participants, and Lucasfilm is flying those members in from across the nation and around the world, with 22 countries and 36 states represented, the trade paper reported. About 80 percent will be dressed in the parade as the traditional iconic stormtroopers, with the rest appearing in related costumes such as snowtroopers, sandtroopers and biker scouts.
The 176-member Grambling State University marching band will from Louisiana will accompany the 501st with music from the films, including the "Main Title," "Imperial March" and "The Throne Room" themes. Eight dancers and eight flag girls from Grambling State will also be dressed as Twi'leks—exotic alien dancers from the Star Wars films.
The Star Wars floats will depict the forest moon of Endor from Return of the Jedi—complete with Ewoks swinging between trees—and the planet of Naboo from the prequel trilogy, featuring royal queens, handmaidens, Jedi protectors and even working waterfalls. They were designed to represent the theme of this year's parade, "Our Good Nature." The tribute appropriately marks the 30th anniversary of Star Wars, which occurs in 2007.
Dierna note: They should just rename it the Star Wars 30th annaversary parade 