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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / U3 Smart Technology
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# Posted: 29 Dec 2006 23:12

I was surfing the net and found this link interesting.


Watching the demo, I realized how kewl this would be if your on your family and/or friends computer and want to load up your files and programs.  Take a look.

Meet the next generation of USB flash drives: the U3 smart drive. It's
what's inside that makes them smart.

   * Carry and access your files easily
   * Keep your data safe and secure
   * Comes with pre-loaded software
   * Hundreds of software titles available

# Posted: 31 Dec 2006 07:02

I personally own a U3 Travel Drive, and it's marketed by Memorex.

Their software varies, as some of it is free, and others are trials. Many of their programs are easily updated, and there is a built-in security system that you can use. I have yet to test the algorithms, but it's fairly stable.

Not many OSes will recognize the U3 Software, as I found out in Vista. Support for Windows 95/98 is also limited.

Overall it's a good drive to have, but if you try to use it as a boot device, it will not work due to the proprietary software installed. Other than that, U3's done a good job so far.

CL4 Max Elbert Meier, III
Entertainment - Gaming ATL
Guilds - Artists' Guild
ISA - Intelligence

# Posted: 31 Dec 2006 20:00

Trying to get my hands on a 4GB Memorex U3 Drive

But I can sacrifice to a 2GB :(

# Posted: 2 Jan 2007 00:38

I've got the two gig and it works fine. ;) Besides, I thought you'd want that 16GBer?  :P

# Posted: 2 Jan 2007 23:34

cost to much, my 2gb one is in the mail w/ expedient  parcel

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 08:19

I've got a PNY Attache 1 GB and it came with the U3 software. I don't use it for more than just transfering files between computer, home to school, etc. The U3 files try to install themselves on every computer it's plugged in to, which I just find annoying. Not great, in my opinion, for someone just wanted to transfer files. I find it just as good to drag and drop files in My Computer. I probably would've bought something that didn't have U3 had I known about it at the time.

My Two Cents,

# Posted: 5 Jan 2007 09:24

From what u3 says is when you plug this u3 enabled device in you can access all your files and browse the net, have your favorite wallpaper displayed and as soon as you remove the device, the traces of what you do or did go with you.

Which leaves the machine in the original state you left it.

# Posted: 10 Jan 2007 18:39

First thoughts about it when I plugged in it only comes w/ a 45 day trial of syncronizing outlook but after thinking about it i don't want it to sync my outlook. It takes files on ur desktop and my documents and wat ever other folders u want and syncronzes it then u move to another comp and it loads it like ur other comp :)!

I like it.

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