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# Posted: 7 Jan 2007 14:17
I've just seen the opening 2 episodes of 24 season 6. Amazing btw! The best start to a 24 season so far imo.
But, who should be heavily involved in the opening plotlines? None other than Dr Julian Bashir!?

Alexander Siddig, of DS9, plays Hamri Al-Assad. No prizes for guessing what part of the world CTU's terror threat stems from this season. 
I am pleased tho that so far the handling of Muslims as a group of people are being balanced and differentiated with that of terrorists.
So, well done 24 people.
Anyway. I just thought some DS9 fans might want to take a look, those which wouldnt have otherwise.
( although, who would be prepared to watch a show of DS9's standard, and then not watch a quality show like 24? it's beyond me. But, still, there you go. )
It's also probably in every TV guide in the U.S. But i'm UK, and do not know of such things.
# Posted: 8 Jan 2007 13:24
Thanks for the info ANth!
Alexander Siddig has also had some very notable movie roles.
He played Nasir in Kingdom of Heaven in 2005. He also played Prince...hmmmm Prince Nasir in Syriana in 2005. (I guess it's just coincidence)
Most recently he played the Angel Gabriel in the Nativity Story, 2006. He may be the most sought after actor (besides Colm Meaney) from DS9.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2007 13:22
It makes me sad that the majority of the roles he takes he's playing someone of a negative connotation (like in Syrianna). He's an excellent actor and I'd like to see him in more things that let him expand on his range so he can be seen as an actor and not a "colored" actor.
# Posted: 10 Jan 2007 17:10
I agree. He is a good actor.
But maybe it's his choice to take these negative roles, to try and get away from an overwhelming "goody goody" image he may have been type cast with after DS9.
I cannot describe his role in 24, i do not want to spoil it for anybody. I've seen episode hours 1 to 4. They are EXTREMELY eventful, and there's nothing i can outline without making this a spoiler thread.
All i'll say is, he has a pivitol role, and does a superb job with it. 
# Posted: 11 Jan 2007 14:08
According to wikipedia his full name is 'Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig Abderahman Mohammed Ahmed Abdel Karim El Mahdi' That'd be a good one for a pub quiz!
The thing I don't like with 24, is when Jack dies one hour and is ressusitated, saves someone the next hour, and then in a fist fight to the death the next - come on!
# Posted: 11 Jan 2007 15:09
It's not real you know!? I know its far fetched, but i'm a sci fi fan, so i'll buy into anything really. *LOL*
The only thing i hate about 24, is the clock ticking down to the end of the show! You can hear me scream in the next town i expect! 
I'm an astronomer, and a huge sci fi fan, if i let the astronomy and physics portion of my brain start working when i watched trek, i would not stop laughing ever! I do the same with my common sense when i watch 24, i lt it entertain me, and thrill me. Who cares if its not real? *L*
# Posted: 11 Jan 2007 17:07
yeah but the El basicly becomes "the son of" and thats why names get so long...