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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Apocalypto
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# Posted: 8 Jan 2007 16:21

Has anyone else seen this movie and what did you think? I was kind of shocked when i went to see it for many reasons.

Primarily, it was a subtitled movie and this nearly put me off seeing it, but the lil' lady wanted to see it so i went along with it. I was suprised that it was entirely in the maya language. Though once i got into the movie that wasn't too bothersome.

I did find myself enjoying it and i think the storyline was good though admittedly not overly strong, it seemed to rely on action and gore far more than anything else.

Am i the only one who found the sheer amount of gore unnecessary and detrimental to the movie? I actually had to cover my eyes numerous times and look away.

What did everyone else think?


# Posted: 19 Mar 2007 09:39

I saw this movie when it came out. And, I thought it was fairly well done. And, if you didn't like the gore and action, then you shouldn't have gone to see it. I think it was respectfully done, especially considering the Mayan culture was a lot darker and more grusome than that. The only thing that really pissed me off was the history. It wasn't completely historical, and that irked me greatly. The Spaniards did not show up that early.


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