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# Posted: 24 Jan 2007 14:55

This is a repost of a post I've posted on Livejournal but I need as many answers as poss so I'm posting here to. Please only fill this in if you are <20 as thats the age bracket for the site.

I asked a few weeks ago if peeps would mind helping me with testing my flash website. Well I finally finished the think so here it is.


If you wanna help go to:


and let me know what you think of the site.

Please comment if you are planning to help so I know how many people I have, I need about 10 I think.

I will be eternally greatful!

Edit: I forgot to mention it need these by friday at the latest.

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 05:24

Have sent you an e-mail.

I really like it. :)

That's nearly as good as my old Geocities homepage. :D

( Geocities = An ancient form of homepage design and hosting. I knew it would never catch on. I mean, people putting stuff on their own pages that nobody else could possibly be interested in, other than themselves and a few other friends. How riduclous. Ooops, that's MySpace isnt it? :P )

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 06:28

Don't tell me you have a myspace =P although it would suprise me you can't call yourself a proper nerd untill you have one =P untill your one of those people who thing there to cool for myspace ;P

*goes to hunt myspace*

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 08:21

Don't bother... I do not have my space! :P

I never will either. :D

Was just pointing out that the latest fad online is not really that big a deal. MySpace is just Geocities with more gimmicks!

I'm running Windows Vista, and that has links to "Windows Live Spaces!" It's a Microsoft "MySpace" :? so, that'll be good and fun i expect. :P

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 09:57

I didn't think you would have one =P but I looked anyways.

oh Vista any good? sounds like it's going to be a pain to get a hold of. Not that I would try to get hold of it though any unauthories means *whisles inoccently*.

Ah yes Microsofts Myspace =P I have one of those I think I updated it uhmm 4 year ago lol

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 11:33

Vista is excellent. Too many good features to list here though.

My copy is legal! I applied for a evaluation serial key from Microsoft. My license runs out in June though. As if i'd have an illegal Vista! *tuts* :P

# Posted: 25 Jan 2007 11:46

I don't think I will be investing in a copy untill I'm sure they have all the bugs out of it =P

You use illigal software of course not I don't know what I was thinking =P *sarcsem*

You have e-mail btw.

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