# Posted: 5 Feb 2007 19:28
Imagining the Tenth Dimension: A New Way of Thinking About Time and Space (Paperback)
Most of us have gotten used to the idea of there being four dimensions of spacetime: but how can we possibly imagine the tenth? This site starts from the unique argument that time really is the fourth spatial dimension, which means that the "eleven dimensions of spacetime" from M-Theory could be the same as the ten spatial dimensions. This is a "new way of thinking about time and space" that over 1 million unique visitors have already found to be a fascinating tweak for their imaginations, and one which many people feel has resonances with their own ways of understanding reality.
Link to Video: http://www.tenthdimension.com/medialinks.php Source: http://www.tenthdimension.com/
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Imagini....s=books