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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Post some love for the Ceet!
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# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 10:31

Well he's retiring!  Let's all post some love for the ol' nut himself.

CT...ah, the good ol' days when you were Ensign Bounty Hunter!  I can't tell you how loved you have made me feel over the years!!!  I don't know what I did to deserve such adoration, but be assured it is mutual!  I hope that freeing up your OTF duties will free up some of your OTF come and chat time!  Best of luck in your endevours!


# Posted: 19 Feb 2007 13:14

CT you lovable rogue, how could you leave us? We expect to see you more in chat you know!

# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 14:48

I would just like to take the opportunity to say the following -


What? Shush. I am feeling very Vader-esque.  :o  Love ya Mr CT, in a totally heterosexual, very normal way that wont make JJ hurt me  :P


# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 15:10

I love you too CT.  But in a totally non-hetrosexual way.  =)  *adds the JJ wrath to my tab*

In all seriousness, I've said it before and I'll say it again.. you have been one of if not the most crucial, influential and respected figures in OTF over the last several years.  Since Andrew's focus moved on you have really filled a vacuum that many thought would be difficult or even impossible to fill.  You made the position your own and you weren't afraid to bust some heads to get the job done at the end of the day.  Granted, sometimes my head was the one busted, but you've kept us together.  I salute you.


# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 17:47

All the best C to the T. :) And yes, make more time to chat!!! Otherwise I'll give Ares your home address. :o

# Posted: 21 Feb 2007 21:15

Please hug many many trees with your newly freed time...they've missed you...

# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 11:43

CT . . .

you have done more for OTF then almost anyone else, with your brand of commonsense, good humour, impish sense of fun and your ingenuity, ideas and hard work. You've shouldered all this for a long time and deserve your retirement (you can take up my not-too-long-ago-vacated cavern) but OTF owes you a great deal.

I can safely say that you have had a hugely postively impact upon us all. I only wish we lived near one another so we could go for a beer and a natter now and then. . .  yer a good guy, a decent guy, an fun guy. And an outstanding VC! Hong has big shoes to fill but I know she will don them with her customary style and grace. ;)

But this thread is about CT, and showing you some love and just for you, whilst wearing my infamous 7 of 9 catsuit . . .

*huggles for da Ceet*

# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 12:53

Thank you loads CT for being one of the guys who made me stop, stay, and hang around this place for as long as i have. As a result i've had some good times.

Babel pretty much summed up my opinion of you too. Thanks for everything you've done over the years.

BTW. If when you pack up your belongings, you find you have no room for your Power Of The Force Star Wars figures, i'll be glad to take them off your hands. :P

# Posted: 22 Feb 2007 19:08

Jeremy...I'd like to see this cat suit you speak of...

# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 10:13

Please don't tempt him... *pre-emptively shields eyes*


# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 13:39

CT is retiring?  :?  *heads for updates board*

CT is retiring!  :?

Well, CT, I'll echo what Jeremy said, including the beer (but make mine a white wine)! Welcome to the retirement home; we've kept a seat warm for you.  ;)  *hugses*

~the strudel aka she who has the catsuit picture on her computer and will accept bribes as of now.  :k

# Posted: 23 Feb 2007 19:38

Teek, I will give you my heart, I will bequeth my cuteness to thee so you can add it unto your own and thereby rule the entire galaxy because everyone will adore you so, and I will promise to always cherish and love the picture of Jeremy in a catsuit.

# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 05:15

Pols, how ever can I resist such an offer?  :k


# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 12:35

Whoop whoop! *hoots, hollars and whistles*  Yowza! *oogles*

# Posted: 25 Feb 2007 17:22

well..the only thing that comes to mind is Meow! :P  :k  

oh yes.. back to  CeeT...
I can remember the days when I  would just shake when CeeT would come in the  chat... I just knew he was using the Jedi mind tricks on us  all   *L* I think it was from the fact that so many respected him and  I was afraid of saying the wrong thing...  oh blah.. he just scared the hell out of me :P  But  as I got to know him and JJ..I've found  out..you know what? he's not so scary*l* In fact.. he's a pretty good ole guy. Over the years, I have  come to consider him a good friend and have a great respect for him. OTF will  not be the same as he leaves. I do hope he does come in to chat but I can understand if he has to go out and smell the roses for a bit(as he likes to say)... Make sure to take your Allegra, CeeT! It's rough out there:P I have back up   chill pills if ya need it :D
He withstood me pelting him with Suggestions all the time. Never letting  me  down.. with giving a response  everytime ..no matter how   silly  or serious.. he never let me down. That's quite rare here,to be quite honest. Oh dear... CeeT, can I still send them to  ya just for old times sake ?*L* aww.. this is gonna make my  job boring..I've laughed myself  sick a few times over you responses*L* I'll miss that.
But anyways, Thanks for all you've done  for us CeeT. You are appreciated more than you could ever imagine.  You  will be greatly missed..I'ma stop now as I'm beginning to tear up and that's never good.. :P

We love you CeeT...never forget that!

Cinna :)

*slides JJ the  pretty blue pills ...cause she's probably the one that will need them most with CeeT not having anything to do*

# Posted: 26 Feb 2007 07:58

Thank you all for your kind words. I appreciate it. :)

Anth - Funny you mention that I need to get rid of those SW action figures. During the course of moving last month we found them boxed up in flawless condition, and I decided that in order to make room in the closet I had to part with them. I called a local game/toy/comic shop and they'll take them off my hands, but will only pay me in store credit, not cash. So if you are interested I'll compile a list of what I have and maybe we can work something out.

Cinna - If you still want to send me your Suggestion Box e-mails, then I will be more than happy to humor you as time permits. ;)

Lee-Lee, B, Kay, Sandwich, Chrissy, Anth, Jaq, Kass, Jeremy, Mein Strudel, and everyone else....thank you. :)

I'll still be around people, as long as y'all still make OTF fun and welcoming.

Now that I've seen the infamous pic of Babel in the Seven of Nine catsuit again, I can go forth into the world with a smile on my face, a spring in my step, and that warm fuzzy feeling in places I can't mention due to the Prime Directives. :k

# Posted: 1 Mar 2007 17:20

*points to updates board*

I would like to add that I never ever want visions of Iain dancing in my head as I go to sleep...


# Posted: 3 Mar 2007 04:41

Well, who would?  :P


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