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# Posted: 6 Mar 2007 13:25
You guys going to get an OTF server going for WoW? finally bought the game, still need to finish reading the manual though, lol. 
send me an email or post here what the situation is gonna be :-)
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 11:48
We've talked about putting together a WoW server that everyone plays on before. I tried putting it together back when I was in Ent, but there aren't many people who play WoW at the Outpost, and those that do tend to eventually disappear as all of their online time is taken up by the game. It'll suck your life away, you're better off returning it and getting something safe like Sim City. 
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 14:56
I'm sure you don't mean to say OTF needs to create a WoW server. Yes, you can get a private server, but first it'd probably be expensive and second, the server would be very quiet. Half the fun is the other people you meet along the way.
I'm not really active within OTF anymore, but I myself play on Gnomeregan and Exodar, mainly Gnomeregan at the moment. Other OTF'ers may play elsewhere though.
# Posted: 7 Mar 2007 22:51
nope, was talking about a "realm" thing, what blizzard calls their servers.. or we could set up "guilds"  ... -tGK
# Posted: 13 Mar 2007 06:43
well what do you know... an other poor soul that is giving up all hope of an active real life *lol*
I myself play the game... but on a total deferent server... I play mainly on Elune, alliance side. would have loved to play the evil card here but Horde's race are way to ugly for my taste... though the cows have some style! *lol* 