# Posted: 19 Apr 2007 01:12
Of Gods And Men
If you cast your mind back to before Christmas, i posted a topic about a new fan made Star Trek production. Featuring many old Trek actors, working with the team who produces the "New Voyages" fan films.
Initially, it was said this film would be released around christmas. Working on a fan film myself at the moment, and knowing what work they had to do, i guessed that was a little optimistic. I expected a spring release, and now we are even falling behind on that release date.
But, nobody should complain, post production on a project such as this is an immense task. The standard of special fx work is stunning. Putting the "Star Trek - Enhanced" special edition episodes which have aired on TV recently to shame. It is important to remember the guys working on this do so in their own time, along side their regular jobs. Life can get in the way, and put projects like this behind schedule.
A new re-vamped web site has now gone online to inform fans of the upcoming release of part 1 of this mini series.
You can visit the site, watch trailers, see the first 3 minutes of act 1!, and browse many behind the scenes images, and FX screen captures! Also available are some pretty cool 3D models of the featured ships.
Here are some well known faces which appear in the film.
What the hell happened to Harry!?
I think this project is very cool. The New Voyages guys films are a ton of fun. Very well made too. Add to that the array of well know Trek actors appearing in it, or involved, then it starts to become something quite special for us Trek starved fans.