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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Roddenberry to be inducted in Scifi Hall of Fame
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# Posted: 23 Apr 2007 13:36


Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry will be inducted into the Science Fiction Hall of Fame in Seattle this June, joining director Ridley Scott, artist Ed Emshwiller and writer Gene Wolfe as this year's honorees.

StarTrek.com cited a Science Fiction Museum press release stating that the four luminaries would join the ranks of Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, George Lucas, Star Trek writer Theodore Sturgeon and Star Trek novelist James Blish in a ceremony on June 16th at 8 p.m. at the Science Fiction Museum. The event will be hosted by author Neal Stephenson.

"Roddenberry...used science fiction to present a future in which humanity has finally set aside personal differences to create a society based on equality and fairness," stated the press release. "The stories in Star Trek entertain, but also act as a reflection of our own world and challenge us to reconsider our prejudices and assumptions." A display of Roddenberry artifacts including video footage will ge added to the museum.

Museum members can make reservations for $40 to attend the induction ceremony and a dessert reception beginning on April 30th. Tickets for the general public will go on sale for $50 on May 7th. Information is available at the Science Fiction Museum.

Also on June 16th, the museum will debut an exhibition, "Out of This World: Extraordinary Costumes from Film and Television", which will feature costumes and props from Star Trek, Star Wars, Scott's Blade Runner and other science fiction films and television. Visitors are encouraged to wear costumes to the opening. The exhibit will be on display through September 30th.

Dierna note: Man I wish I could go to the ceremony. But Im working that day and to go from work to Seattle would take almost 2 hours.  :?

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