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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / New Farscape coming!!
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# Posted: 16 Jul 2007 14:46


SCI FI Channel will revive its popular original show Farscape as a Web-based series of short films on SCIFI.COM's SCI FI Pulse broadband network, part of a slate of new original online programming.

SCI FI has ordered 10 webisodes of Farscape, to be produced by Brian Henson and Robert Halmi Jr. and produced by The Jim Henson Co., in association with RHI Entertainment.

The series will expand the Farscape universe, but the network had no announcements on casting or premiere dates.

Dierna note: YAY!!! More Farscape!!! :D  Unfortunatly for those outside the U.S it won't be available since online tv shows on sci-fi are blocked outside the U.S. Course there ARE ways of getting around that. (A)

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