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Outpost 10F Forums / Archived Topics / Star Trek Casting Calls
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# Posted: 5 Aug 2007 11:57

Check it out...the casting list for Star Trek. We already know that Spock was cast (Sylar! ) but now here's the casting call. Looks like the TOS cast are all supposed to be the same age now... WTF? According to the OFFICIAL source (the official ST site):
Lesse... Kirk was born in 2233, McCoy was born in 2227, Scotty was born in 2222, Uhura was born in 2239, Spock was born in 2230 and Sulu in 2237.  Notice something here? So sure lets break continuity and have em all be the same fraking age. They can't even have Chekov in it since he was born in 2245.


Feature Film

[JAMES KIRK] 23-29 Handsome,cocky self assured and earnest. Great physical condition. 6 ft or less

[LEONARD(BONES)MCOY] -28-32 Medic on the Enterprise. Smart, clever and a bit danger-loving. Dark hair, blue eyes.

[UHURA] 25ish -African American. Brilliant, beautiful, heroic and FUN!, Uhura is almost tom-boyish - as if she grew up in a houseful of brothers.

[SULU] 25-32 -Asian American male (preferably Japanese). Helmsman on the Enterprise. Extremely fit, capable and dedicated. A bit of a wildcat

[MONTGOMERY(SCOTTY) SCOTT] -28-32 a brilliant ship's engineer. Must be able to do a flawless Scottish accent!

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