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Outpost 10F Forums / Valentine's Day Auction / CL2 CTHuskyMan
Author Message
# Posted: 18 Jul 2017 18:39

Just for a bit of fun.

<Rod Roddy (The Price Is Right) voice> The next item up for bid is this handsome young Ensign from Connecticut, USA! </Rod Roddy voice>

Name: CTHuskyMan
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Movie: Star Trek The Wrath Of Khan
Favorite Food: Mexican
Interesting personal fact: I'm a self-described "old school" simmer....I first took up the hobby as part of an AOL-based group called SFOL (Spacefleet Online) around 2000.
Your ideal date: Dinner at a great restaurant, although I'm down for pretty much anything.
Why Me? Isn't it obvious that a night out with me would be...."GLORIOUS"? (thanks Worf, LOL) (Seriously, not an epic fail like when Worf actually says that...ROFL!)

<Rod Roddy voice> All this can be yours, if The Price Is Right! </Rod Roddy voice>

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