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Outpost 10F Forums / Game of Thrones Discussions / 5 questions on your Game of Thrones opinions (Potential S1&S2 spoilers)
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# Posted: 20 Mar 2013 22:43

Well then, a nice shiny new forum, let's break her in! I'm sure everybody is looking forward to the next season of Game of Thrones (11 days away as of writing!). So we'd like to get you all reliving the last 2 seasons of Game of Thrones, with a few questions to answer, we want to know what everyone enjoys and dislikes, so lets share our experiences of GoT here!

1. Favourite character?
For me, it's Bronn, he is just the epitimy of 'devil may care' and awesome.

2. Least favourite Character?
Sansa. 'nuff said.

3. Favourite Scene?
Personally, the scene where Khal Drogo is proclaiming to his khalasar what he will do, and who his son will be. Adrenaline.

4. Least favourite scene?
Cersei + Lancel = No thanks.

5. Favourite line.
I couldn't post mine in here but it's all about any of Clegane's men dying with a clean sword.

We'd love to hear yours, and get everyone thinking back on previous series, and getting extra excited for the new one!

# Posted: 21 Mar 2013 01:00

Thanks for starting us off, Michael!

But I also really love Tyrion. Everyone loves Tyrion. I think he's fantastically cast, Peter Dinklage is amazing. So is Sophie Turner, for that matter. She is my Sansa <3
I also like Samwell Tarly and Dolorous Edd.

2. Catelyn. And Theon too, but in a "love to hate" sort of way. No Theon, no! Don't do that!

3. Hard to choose. Sansa scenes, clearly. Sansa and Tyrion. Sansa and the Hound. Sansa and Joffrey. I find she starts getting pretty good toward the end of season 2. Blackwater episode, I liked the subtlety in the scene where she tells Tyrion she'll pray for his safe return.

4. I cringe at the scene of Peter Baelish advancing the plot while coaching scantily clad women, there was no need for the extra 'scenery'. I also didn't like how Tyrion was knocked out before participating in the battle with his men from the Mountains of the Moon, though I'm sure they saved on production costs with that single blow.

5. "Joffrey is my one true love."

...and then everything Tyrion says, of course.

And Dolorous Edd making farting noises, but I don't know if "Pbhththhphphh" counts as a quote.

# Posted: 21 Mar 2013 01:28 · Edited by: trinity


1. Favourite character?
This is actually a tossup...NOT. It's Daeny. It's always Daeny. She's an underdog, an exile, and supar badass. I love Arya and Tyrion, but they're not wicked sweet warrior princesses.

2. Least favourite Character?
Lysa Arryn. Someone shove that ho out the moon door

3. Favourite Scene?
When I think of Game of Thrones, i actually think of Daenerys Targaryen walking into the funeral pyre, and coming out The Unburnt. When hatchling Drogo pirched on her shoulder that first time, I got chills.

That, and the time Cersi ***** -slapped Joff. That was wonderful <3

4. Least favourite scene?
Anything with Joffrey. I just want someone to punch him in the face.

5. Favourite line.
"There is no creature on earth half so terrifying as a truly just man."

# Posted: 21 Mar 2013 17:26

I'm sad Trin answered before me, because now it's as if I'm copying her.
I'll just blame it on the old Great minds think alike...

1. Favourite character?
Daenerys of course. Pretty, awesome, dragons, and of course, pretty! No seriously, I love her character. So much potential left, unlike some other characters who are pretty much already fully developed..
(Don't hurt me, I haven't read the books, that's just how I see it, judging by the two seasons!)

2. Least favourite Character?
Joffrey. I don't like his character at all. Granted he's played pretty well, I dislike his character too much to appreciate that. Also, how does he have any room for development? It's not like he'll become a wise king in the end or anything...

3. Favourite Scene?
Pretty much any scene that has the baby dragons. And some Jon Snow - Ygritte. It radiates uhm.. you know what.

4. Least favourite scene?
I'll quote Trin here:
Quoting: trinity
Anything with Joffrey. I just want someone to punch him in the face.

5. Favourite line.
One of Tyrion, that I can't quote here... But it had something to do with an eel, and some turtle stew, and Cersei eating it...

# Posted: 26 Mar 2013 05:36

1. My favorite character is tyrion. He is so funny. I also really like sandor, tormund giantsbane, and ned stark
2. Joffrey. I want to smash his face with a shovel.
3. I love it when tyrion slaps joffrey
4. When joffrey shoots a quarrel at those whores
5. I forgot. When tywin was talking to arrya. He said something about always kill a man instead of injuring him to let him seek revenge.

# Posted: 30 Mar 2013 22:59

1. Favourite character?
Just one?! Hmpf... Errr.... Tyrion! Very closely followed by Daenerys and Jon Snow though. I also rather enjoy Sansa alot more in the books than on TV.

2. Least favourite Character?
Arya I think is an awfully dull read until recently. Enjoy her much more on the TV show.

3. Favourite Scene?
- Love the Tyron and Varys scene - smallest of men casting very large shadows.
- I do rather enjoy scenes where Joffery is being an absolute... er... "insert severe prime directive violation" and I obviously rather enjoy any and every scene where he gets slapped, put in his place etc.

4. Least favourite scene?
Not too sure I can pinpoint one! I want to say the day Ned became dead... but at the same time I absolutely loved it. I love how murderous George RR Martin is... if ONLY JK Rowling was willing to do this amount of killing!

5. Favourite line.
Stick em with them pointy end.
A very small man can cast a very large shadow.
Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Oh and - anything and everything that Tyrion says.

# Posted: 30 Mar 2013 23:22

I was wondering too if I was the only one who didn't like Arya all that much. In the early books, I looked forward to her chapters, but it did get weird later on. Kinda switched places with Sansa for me.

It seems everyone mentions a scene with Joffrey, good or bad As much as we detest him, he sure makes for good TV.

"Those are brave men knocking at our door. Let's go kill them!" I loved that scene

# Posted: 22 Jul 2013 20:00

Joffery is one you love to hate. Admit it or not, the fact that he's so despised is what makes him a great character.

# Posted: 9 Aug 2013 10:49 · Edited by: learydp01

1. Favourite character?
Tyrion, but since everyone picks him, I'll go with someone else. I love the old bear. He's big and badass.

2. Least favourite Character?
Dany. She has dragons, that's cheat mode in my book. And I find her power hungry attitude annoying.

3. Favourite Scene?
A drunk Tyrion threatening to give Joffery a wooden phallus. But Walder Frey sipping his wine with that evil smirk during the Red Wedding, that was a close second.

4. Least favourite scene?
Anything with Khal Drogo and Dany

5. Favourite line.
"You love your children, it's your one redeeming quality. That and your cheekbones." Tyrion's confession to Lysa Arynn was also a great one.

# Posted: 6 Nov 2013 17:14 · Edited by: girliegal

1. Favourite character?
A tie between Bronn and Tyrion ... love the bromance!

2. Least favourite Character?
The Lannister nephew (name escapes me right now)

3. Favourite Scene?
Anything with Tyrion and Bronn in it! I know, I am tragically biased! Ok, the one where they're discussing how much Tyrion pays Bronn

4. Least favourite scene?
The bits where Theon (or anyone else) gets tortured

5. Favourite line.
So many Tyrionisms, so little time
Tyrion : I, however, am innocent as a little lamb. Shall I bleat for you?

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