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Outpost 10F Forums / Game of Thrones Discussions / How can there not be a episode 9 discussion?!!
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# Posted: 4 Jun 2013 19:45

I mean, what the... !!!

# Posted: 4 Jun 2013 21:03


How did you react?

I shook my head from side to side disappointing, just saying "Why?" continually. I think the inclusion of Talisa, being in that kind of condition was devastating. Especially given the previous situation with Daenerys.

The whole build up was ominious, the wedding felt bleak and drab like a funeral. The music was melancholic and ambiguous, for the setting. There were all these subtle hints provided along the way, that we were in for a significant revelation.

Then, the way everything came to light (or perhaps dark is more appropriate), was in such a fast, and chaotic fashion, that it would have shocked even the most avid reader.

The acting was spectacular, and they were some of the strongest cast members so it's a shame that we wont get to witness anything like that again. Their screams were positively haunting, and I've been distracted by the terror they emitted all day.

# Posted: 5 Jun 2013 04:13

Martin is no Tolkien, so I suggest you lower your standards or you will really be disappointed

# Posted: 5 Jun 2013 16:45

I never expected him to be Tolkien, and I wouldn't say his writing is of a 'low' standard. That's a touch unfair.

# Posted: 5 Jun 2013 20:43 · Edited by: tanneffel

The comparison to Tolkien is really apples to oranges, or possibly, Twilight to Jane Eyre. Everyone has different styles and genres they enjoy most. It's a discussion for another thread, if you want to hash it out. Uh, I guess they both have dragons. Not much else in common though.

I read an interesting article on Martin and why he wrote the Red Wedding. Where Tolkien's stories were set in myth and legend, Martin's reflect man and the true brutality of humanity. The Red Wedding was based on The Black Dinner, an event in Scottish history which happened similarly.

The inclusion of Talisa made it a bit of a surprise/shocker to book readers too. I expected she'd be taken hostage or something. Then again, we always are hopeful that things won't be as bad as we think.

I enjoyed the subtle hints. I'm glad the episode seemed so boring and straightforward - Arya's going to meet up with her Mom and Bro, oh happy day! I liked the smaller shockers leading up to that point - Sansa's wedding, Jon and Ygritte's separation, Daenerys in general. It was as if those things were supposed to be the big event of season 3.

# Posted: 13 Jun 2013 17:44

Mela, from the first stabbing until the fade to black I just sat there dumbstruck with my mouth open. And afterwards there was a lot of "what the flying ****"

Loved it though, last episode of the season as well <3

# Posted: 22 Jun 2013 20:12

Now enjoying book 4. I actually had read That part about the red wedding the day before it aired...still not entirely sold on Martin. I like my fantasy a little less real

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