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Outpost 10F Forums / Celebration Corner / Christmas Survey ~~~ ho ho ho ~~~
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# Posted: 7 Dec 2014 08:58 · Edited by: tanneffel

Let's talk Christmas! Here are some survey questions, answer any that apply, you don't have to answer them all. If there are any topics I missed, feel free to ask them in your post, starting at #45.

1. What was your best Christmas like?
2. Your worst one?
3. Strangest one?

4. Weirdest gift you've ever given? Most expensive? Or ever given one where someone asked for the gift receipt?
5. What is your go-to gift when you're not sure what else to get someone?
6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year?
7. Gift you received that made you cry? (In either a good or bad way!)
8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it?
9. Worst gift you've received?
10. How do you feel about returning gifts?

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year?
12. Family traditions you love to uphold?
13. Any family traditions you want to do away with?
14. Any cultural traditions you like to participate in or share with others?
15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?

16. What is your favourite festive food?
17. What kind of treats do you make?
18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive?
19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.

20. How do you feel about Christmas music?
21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever?
22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand?
23. Memories of primary school Christmas pageants?
24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing?
25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments?

26. Do you send out Christmas cards?
27. Hang stockings? Does someone fill them?
28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to?
29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With who?
30. Hang mistletoe? Where?
31. Hang a wreath on the door? What kind?
32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake?

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year?
34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like?
35. When you get the paper crown in the cracker, do you put it on your head? Or are you too cool for that? How long do you keep it on?
36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home?

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether?
38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home?
39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days?

40. Favourite Christmas movie?
41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time?
42. How old were you when you last sat on Santa's knee? Any good//bad memories of visiting Santa?
43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all?
44. What are you asking for this year?

Have I asked everything?

Merry Christmas to all!

# Posted: 7 Dec 2014 09:42

1. What was your best Christmas like?
Many moons ago when I was 15, recently sent to live with my sister and having Christmas with my Nephew for his first time. Awesome

2. Your worst one?
The large majority, i'm not sold on the christmas idea

3. Strangest one?
First with my own kid, seemed odd to switch roles!

4. Weirdest gift you've ever given? Most expensive? Or ever given one where someone asked for the gift receipt?
Wierdest would be a locket from the Illusion film, that or a replica Book of Shadows from Charmed, Most expensive would be a Laptop (all for my wife )

5. What is your go-to gift when you're not sure what else to get someone?
Alcohol, Vodka based if your a woman, Whiskey for the men! - or Showergel stuff

6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year?
All 3 kids getting a 3ds so looking forward to them opening it and going "it won't switch on " I'm cruel but it's fun!

7. Gift you received that made you cry? (In either a good or bad way!)
Can't think on any, not a sentimental person sorry

8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it?
Guitar when I was about 7-8 was a big Johnny Cash fan so playing trying to play his songs using a walnut shell as a pick was funny.

9. Worst gift you've received?
Probably a Stoke City strip that was many seasons old, I didn't like Stoke City to begin with, or football :/

10. How do you feel about returning gifts?
I don't i'd let it gather dust somewhere before I returned it.

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year?
Just New Year

12. Family traditions you love to uphold?
Kids get new pj's on christmas eve to wear that night & spending boxing day drinking the left over beer watching films (Great Escape usually on the list!)

13. Any family traditions you want to do away with?
Don't have many

14. Any cultural traditions you like to participate in or share with others?
I get drunk on boxing day night, is that a cultural tradition?

15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
The Yukon, I'd spend every day there given the opportunity.

16. What is your favourite festive food?
Pigs in a blanket xD

17. What kind of treats do you make?
Lager with a few shots of whiskey

18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive?
Scones, a thing from my mum, Christmas is the only excuse for me to demand them lol

19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.
Depends what I've not finished watching, currently Sons of Anarchy & House, but the Great Escape is my go-to film good for all seasons

20. How do you feel about Christmas music?
I just wish they'd stop selling the album every year they tend to all have the same songs on

21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever?
Can't say I have any, I just listen to my regular music regardless of season

22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand?
Anything sand by one of those odd boybands, you know the ones!

23. Memories of primary school Christmas pageants?
Didn't do any I can remember, my only school play memory involves something to do with breakfast and me getting cereal when I wanted toast, i hate cereal

24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing?
The Darkness, Christmas Time

25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments?
No, No and No again

26. Do you send out Christmas cards?
A few, not to everyone i've ever met but to family yes.

27. Hang stockings? Does someone fill them?
Wife hangs them, I fill them.

28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to?
I wish I did my bank agrees with me!

29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With who?
No, had one pre-built once but that was a gift. I don't get there symbolism gingerbread house & christmas? Shouldn't it be a stable or somet.

30. Hang mistletoe? Where?
Nope, I'm miserable or didn't you get it? I'll take part but I dun carry them round or hang them myself.

31. Hang a wreath on the door? What kind?
None, used to have a standard cheap one when I was a kid but not as an adult.

32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake?
Fake, wife is allergic to real.

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year?
Wasn't invited So nothing I guess lol

34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like?
Not since I was a v.young child but from memory red with a snowman on it.

35. When you get the paper crown in the cracker, do you put it on your head? Or are you too cool for that? How long do you keep it on?
Depends if I'm doing it with my kids, I tend to end up with one but first the kids pick & choose the colors so I'm stuck with Orange lol

36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home?
My coat, it's like an inbuilt sauna.

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether?
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day & Boxing Day - Day #1 Get kids wound up, Day #2 Let them go wild, Day #3 Recovery

38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home?
Always stay home, I don't do guests on the day either I was just me, wife & kids - guests can come before or after lol

39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days?
Nope, but if I had to, I'd just watch films.

40. Favourite Christmas movie?
Great Escape - it's not Christmas movie exactly but I always watch it around Christmas so it counts If not, anything with Tim Allen

41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time?
Self-employed, i get time off whenever I want to

42. How old were you when you last sat on Santa's knee? Any good//bad memories of visiting Santa?
Can't remember age but was convincing my kids it was safe so safe to assume early 20's

43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all?
As/when money arrives, try to do it all in the one go though.

44. What are you asking for this year?
Nothing, just my kids to have a good day n enjoy it all.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2014 04:15

6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year?

I've spent months working on scanning in and retouching all my family's old photos, and then I made a photo book and had a copy printed for each branch of my mom's family. I can't wait to see the responses I get from people, but then again I'm not sure if they'll really understand the amount of effort that's gone into it.

8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it?

When I was a child, I spent almost a whole year looking for a copy of The Little Mermaid on VHS, but it was after Disney had snatched it back into the vault. That Christmas, my grandmother gifted me a copy that she'd somehow ordered from a catalog. It was spectacular. I hooted and hollered. (that's how we say it in the South)

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year?

Any one we can think of! Sinterklaas, solstice, whee! Any excuse for being awesome.

13. Any family traditions you want to do away with?

Being snarky about people who can't make it to gatherings.

15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
San Jose, California

17. What kind of treats do you make?

The one my friends like the best is the peppermint cookies 'n creme cupcakes that I bring to the solstice party.

19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.

Spiced cider. Or coconut milk nog with a dash of rum.

20. How do you feel about Christmas music?

I love it! All year 'round, please.

21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever?

...I have a particular fondness for "On Horseback."

22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand?

Last Christmas

26. Do you send out Christmas cards?

Not with any sort of regularity, but now and then I will send the photo kind along with a little update.

28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to?

I believe in Santa's cause.

That's a song my grandma used to play. I dig it.

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether?
I celebrate on all the days I can get face time with people!

38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home?

We go away every year, but back to the homeland rather than on vacation.

43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all?

I used to strive to finish all my shopping by my mom's birthday in November. Now I'm going with gifts that I have made or purchases of stock, mostly, so.. I like that better.

44. What are you asking for this year?

Not to get sick. I'd love to not get sick.

# Posted: 8 Dec 2014 07:48

6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year?

Something photography related in which my dad has shown great interest. I can't wait to see his reaction.

8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it?

One year when I was very young, I wanted a particular gift. Once I thought my family was all finished opening gifts so my younger brother and I went to play with one of his, which happened to be some sort of house type thing. I called him over to it, asking it he wanted to play, then opened the door. Tada, on the floor behind the door was the gift I wanted the most that year, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Sewer Playset. I'll always remember that as a most fantastic surprise.

9. Worst gift you've received?

I think it was for Christmas, but can't be sure, oh well. One of my teachers that I had had for years and had a friendship with gave me a pair of shoe covers in hideously colored stripes. They were basically extremely ugly small cloth bags with pull strings. Yeah... thanks, I think?

10. How do you feel about returning gifts?

I'd probably frown on the idea, but haven't had the misfortune of having to do so, luckily.

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year?

My birthday! Haha, technically it is a holiday in many countries but I won't count it in the US. Hmm, Christmas is pretty much it, although my family does have a nice meal on New Year's Day.

12. Family traditions you love to uphold?

Having the immediate family all help putting the very numerous ornaments on the tree.

15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I can't think of any particular location at the moment, but it'd definitely be with my family wherever it is.

17. What kind of treats do you make?

I can't make anything. Maybe one day.

18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive?

My mom makes this incredible blueberry casserole type of dessert. It's hard to describe, but I love it.

19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.

Hot chocolate or Chai tea.

20. How do you feel about Christmas music?

I have some Christmas music that I enjoy, but I'm completely indifferent about most.

21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, with the comments added, such as "like a lightbulb!" and others.

22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand?

Too many unfortunately.

24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing?

"The Mountain" Trans Siberian Orchestra. Wait a second, what do you mean instrumentals don't count?

25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments?

No. I'm sure my brothers will sing/play a great deal though. Maybe eventually I'll learn to play an instrument.

26. Do you send out Christmas cards?

I don't think I've ever sent a Christmas card.

27. Hang stockings? Does someone fill them?

Yes! Stockings are great.

28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to?

Of course. I believe in kindness, generosity, justice, and hope. I believe in looking forward with curiousity and excitement of wonderful things the future holds. Santa represents a part of us (of me at least) that at any age, no matter what's happened throughout the year, is still willing to give and still willing to hope.

Hey, are those sleigh bells I hear?

29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With whom?

Not really, but I have fond memories of building one every year for many years with my brother.

32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake?

Definitely! Fake tree, due to allergies in the family, but it has to be there.

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year?

What's a party?

34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like?

Noooooooo, no no no no no. You won't catch me wearing a sweater.

36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home?

Comfy and warm pajama pants and a hoodie.

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether?

Christmas Day

38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home?

I traveled to my aunt's house a few hours away for a few years (while living on both sides of the US), but mostly stay home.

39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days?

Besides a short gathering with my family very early in the morning, I've spent one or two alone. Nothing particularly different than other days.

40. Favourite Christmas movie?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time?

No extra time off besides Christmas Day itself.

43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all?

I try to start as early as possible, as soon as I can think of ideas for people. This year I started late, for me, early November. I should be finished sometime this week or next.

44. What are you asking for this year?

I can never really think of anything to request. Oh well. I'm thankful for what I receive regardless.

# Posted: 10 Dec 2014 07:33

Thanks everyone who has filled it out so far, I've enjoyed reading a little more about you and how you spend this time of year. I look forward to seeing more too!

1. What was your best Christmas like? I can't remember in particular, but it was probably when I was 5 or 6 and really excited about everything Christmas. Coming downstairs and finding evidence of Santa, and bright glittery presents, I still remember the feeling I had in my little heart! Christmases are fun as a parent too. Last year was a blast, getting together with my husband's family, including cousins, and having all the little kids running around. I think it's even more fun now, since it's all about getting together and enjoying family, and less about what Santa is bringing me.
2. Your worst one? It was always a little empty, those teenage years of not believing in Santa, and being shared between divorced parents. Christmas needs magic!
3. Strangest one? We went away one year to a resort on Vancouver Island with my mom's boyfriend and his mom and sis. It really didn't feel like Christmas at all, waking up in a hotel room, and being in this cold, foggy place on the ocean.

5. What is your go-to gift when you're not sure what else to get someone? Edibles and consumables. If they don't like it, they can always share with others at the office, or bring them to the next party they attend.
6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year? The sword and shield that Hannah and her brother are getting. She always wants to fight monsters and play dress up, so this should help.
7. Gift you received that made you cry? (In either a good or bad way!) The hot water bottle my grandmother gave me, something I had requested and would totally use. She joked about it being an old-lady gift, and hurt my feelings.
8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it? My best friend and I received matching bicycles when we were about 7. I remember talking to her on the phone, each describing our bike and thinking they might be the same. I rode over to her house and we saw it was true!
9. Worst gift you've received? A wine fridge. I was pregnant.
10. How do you feel about returning gifts? If I don't like it, I will usually find a new home for it or exchange for something I will use more. I try to be more practical than sentimental.

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year? We usually carry the party on through Boxing Day. There are also a few family birthdays around the holidays, so we get together a lot.
14. Any cultural traditions you like to participate in or share with others? Sometimes we lose our patience and open presents on the 24th, German style.
15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be? At home, with the family. Otherwise it just doesn't feel right.

16. What is your favourite festive food? Stuffing, gravy.
17. What kind of treats do you make? Sugar cookies, rum balls, nuts and bolts, also gingerbread with icing piped onto it. And chocolate mint cookies, dipped in white chocolate, with red/green sugar on top. Apple cider in the crockpot.
18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive? Cheese straws. Shortbread.
19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night. Hot rum and eggnog. Hot chocolate. Tea. It's all good.

20. How do you feel about Christmas music? I LOVE IT! I play it on the piano year round. Always good to be in practice.
21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever? Boney M's album, with "Mary's Boy Child / Oh My Lord". Possibly being eclipsed by Justin Bieber's "Mistletoe".
22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand? Last Christmas, it's too catchy.
24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing? Anything they asked me to, most likely. We lose many inhibitions when spending all day with a 3 year old.
25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments? My family doesn't do any singing. It would be awkward humming to the television, and only if sufficiently lubricated. But my husband's family is very musical, and not one voice is silent when we gather 'round for carols at the piano.

26. Do you send out Christmas cards? Not too many. Usually I put together some photos for family that we don't see often.
28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to? I wish! Life was fun when I did. Still, there is some magic on Christmas eve. Maybe, just maybe he's real.
29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With who? I love building gingerbread! My 3-year-old has already built two houses this year. A few years ago I did it all from scratch, but probably won't be doing that again any time soon.
32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake? We like the real trees. Just bought one tonight, we'll be decorating tomorrow.

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year? I found a wonderful sweater with gold flecks in it.
34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like? Mine's not terribly ugly, but it is red and handknit. Last year I dressed up like a Christmas tree.
35. When you get the paper crown in the cracker, do you put it on your head? Or are you too cool for that? How long do you keep it on? Andrew and I always wear our crowns. Sometimes he still has his on for the drive home. Mine has probably been snatched by some child before that time.
36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home? I have this long vest I knitted this year. Instantly warms me up.

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether? We usually start two weeks before Christmas and celebrate with my family, then spend Christmas Day with my husband's family. Christmas Eve is usually a quiet, family time at home. I always mean to attend a church service, but we only make it about once every five years. Maybe this year.
38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home? We've gone away a few times. I think we spent one Christmas in a ski lodge. Another year we were in the caribbean. Yet another time, it was at a coastal resort.
39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days? My Japan year was in many ways 'alone', as my family was all back home. I spent Christmas with a lady from Lzrman's hometown. And it was wonderful! We tried to make pumpkin pie together, and she introduced me to 'toad-in-the-hole' toast. We went shopping and bought all our own gifts. We went to a church gathering in the evening, food and song, then washed dishes together afterward for everyone.

40. Favourite Christmas movie? I love Home Alone. Love Actually is worth watching every year too, and Elf really gets the Christmas spirit going.
41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time? Time off, ha! I think Christmas can be more work, when we're doing extra events and activities with the children. But for more work, we get more fun too. And hopefully I'll get to see some more of my working friends as they get a few weeks off.
42. How old were you when you last sat on Santa's knee? Any good or bad memories of visiting Santa? I was probably 10 last time. I remember being taken to see him, and no amount of bribing would get me to wear these ridiculous paper antlers and smile. Though I always liked the stories other kids told about pulling Santa's beard off and finding the truth below it.
43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all? I do a little in November, before Black Friday hits and things get crazy. I do some more at the big craft fairs in December. Lastly, I make some snacks and treats to share.
44. What are you asking for this year? For OTFers to fill out this survey

# Posted: 10 Dec 2014 08:20

1. What was your best Christmas like?
Best Christmas i would have to say was when my neice's and nephews were all young and we had someone dress up as Santa and come to the house to hand out their presents. And we had their pictures taken with them. Was even able to get a group shot of them with santa.

2. Your worst one?
The worst christmas would be last year, When i found out i was pregnant right before christmas (December 2nd, then miscarried on the 14th. It was a very sad and hearbreaking christmas for me trying to meeddle through and be happy even though it was the first time i had gotten pregnant.

3. Strangest one?
The Strangest one would of been in 2012 when i brought my boyfriend home for christmas was the first time i had brought someone to christmas, it was rather weird with everyone meeting him all at once and not knowing till the next day what everyone thought of him. lol

4. Weirdest gift you've ever given? Most expensive? Or ever given one where someone asked for the gift receipt?
The Most expensive gift i've ever given was a coat i bought for my neice because her mom couldn't afford to get very much for christmas and it was a coat she really wanted to get her. Not given a weird gift yet that i can recall or had anyone ask for a receipt.

5. What is your go-to gift when you're not sure what else to get someone?
My go-to gift is always cash in card, i don't do gift cards as i've learned some places don't always have the same stores or some family members have to travel a way to get to that store. so instead i give cash.

6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year?
The gift i can't wait for someone to open this year is the gag gifts i got my sister's kids. They wanted to be little smarty butts when i asked them what they was into or wanted for christmas and reply that they either wanted a new car, or their car paid off as they all starting to drive, so i went out and bought them each a hot wheels car that i plan on giving them first before their real presents.

7. Gift you received that made you cry? (In either a good or bad way!)
The gift that made me cry the most was the ring that my sister bought me one year for christmas that said Sister on it, and had her four kid's birthstone on it.

8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it?
The gift i was most excited about receiving was my first computer that my parents bought me back in 99. The Same year i joined Outpost10f.

9. Worst gift you've received?
The worste gift i received was a starbucks gift set from one of my roommates at college, considering i didn't drink starbucks or drink coffee.

10. How do you feel about returning gifts?
The only time i return a gift is when i receive clothing that doesn't fit, even then i try to get it in a right size, then if not i get something else similar to what i was given.

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year?
Does my neice's birthday count as a holiday? She was born Dec 15th, she'll be 18 this year.

12. Family traditions you love to uphold?
We used to do a family christmas get together, where we rent one of the local buildings and have gift exchange and dinner and just enjoy each other's company, but sense my Grandpa Morgan passed away it just hasn't been the same even though different ones have tried to keep it going. It just doesn't always happen.

13. Any family traditions you want to do away with?

14. Any cultural traditions you like to participate in or share with others?
Not that i can think of.

15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I don't know, i couldn't imagine spending christmas anywhere but here.

16. What is your favourite festive food?
My favorite festive food is the Nacho/taco night on christmas eve. and on christmas day look forward to the Texas Sheet Cakes that my dad makes.

17. What kind of treats do you make?
All kinds, Puppy Chow, Chocolate covered pretzels, flavored pretzels, sugar cookies, pies, fudge, texas sheet cakes. My dad does most the actual baking and everyone just helps out with the fixing it.

18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive?
Any of the ones listed in question 17.

19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.
Hot Chocolate! Or Hot Tea.

20. How do you feel about Christmas music?
I like the classica stuff, Like Jingle bells, We Wish you a Merry Christmas, Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer, Frosty the Snowman, those sort and some of the Alvin and the Chipmunk Versions.

21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever?
Can't decide.

22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand?
Blue Christmas by Elvis Presley it's one of the few sings by him that i can't stand.

23. Memories of primary school Christmas pageants?
Can't remember them. been to long ago.

24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing?
Either We Wish you a Merry Christmas, or Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer.

25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments?
Not as much anymore, but used to at our christmas parties we would try to sing some songs. but we wouldn't be able to remember the words so would end up laughing because everyone was singing their own version.

26. Do you send out Christmas cards?
Once in a while.

27. Hang stockings? Does someone fill them?
Yes we hang stockings i received a stocking every year up till i was in my 30yrs just because i was the baby of the family and before then i didn't have anyone else in my life so my parents tried to make up for my lack of presents by making me feel special in that way.

28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to?
I will always believe in Santa, even though i know he's not real, their have been many times different ones in my family didn't know how they was gonna get gifts for their kids and some how they would end up getting mysterious donations from different places.

29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With who?
Not a Gingerbread type person.

30. Hang mistletoe? Where?
Don't hang Misletoe.

31. Hang a wreath on the door? What kind?
Yes, sometimes it depends on what we have, sometimes it's a homemade wreath, or sometimes it's a glass type wreath.

32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake?
Yes have a fake christmas tree up every year! We don't due real Tree's as my mom is allergic to pine trees.

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year?
I don't know yet, haven't decided.

34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like?
I did the ugly sweater party year before last at a christmas party me and my boyfriend at the time went to.

35. When you get the paper crown in the cracker, do you put it on your head? Or are you too cool for that? How long do you keep it on?
Um, i have no idea what this so perhaps someone can explain it.

36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home?
One of my sweat outfits. i have a red one, black one and a blue one.

37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether?
All three days, Christmas Eve we do Immediate family gift exchange, Christmas Day we go to different family members house to see what the kids got then generally in the evening we go to my parents for dinner but this year i think my sister is hosting it. Then on The day after we spend the day relaxing and eating left overs.

38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home?
I generally stay home, only time i didn't go home for christmas was one year at college and that was because my parents were really in the christmas mood as none of my other siblings lived closed. So i just hang out at college and spent it with some of my roommates who also didn't go home for christmas. We even exchanged presents with each other.

39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days?
Not really alone, see question 38 and you will understand!

40. Favourite Christmas movie?
I have 3 favorites Mr Grinch, Miracle on 34th street, and It's a Wonderful Life!

41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time?
I don't work so never had to worry about this.

42. How old were you when you last sat on Santa's knee? Any good//bad memories of visiting Santa?
Um i can't remember excatly how old i was, around my 30yrs me and my sister was doing christmas shopping at the mall and we seen that the line for Santa was empty so we decided to get our picture taken with Santa to and then bought a frame for it and gave it to my mom as a Christmas Present. She loved it. lol

43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all?
It depends on when i have the money and when i can get to the store, with not being able to drive due to seizures i have to rely on others. thankfully this year i was able to get all my shopping done in one day thanks to the help of my sister!

44. What are you asking for this year?
I haven't really asked for anything, but my mom always insist on a christmas list idea, so some of the things i put on their was some Doctor Who Christmas oranments i seen that i wanted, To be able to get the add on to my Star Wars: The Old Republic Game, Some new dishes and some arts and crafts things.

# Posted: 23 Dec 2014 18:50

1. What was your best Christmas like- Got a ton of gits! and enjoyed the day
2. Your worst one? this year- No family.
3. Strangest one? the one year i got snowed in!

4. Weirdest gift you've ever given? Most expensive? Or ever given one where someone asked for the gift receipt? weirdest- a compainon cube. Most expensive- a 200 dollar gift card to gamestop! i was floored!
5. What is your go-to gift when you're not sure what else to get someone? Gift card to there favorite store
6. Gift you can't wait to see someone open this year? A very speical box that will contain a Granny Sqaure blanket hand crocheted by me!
7. Gift you received that made you cry? (In either a good or bad way!) my $200 Dollar Gift card! i was shocked/floored/So gratefull
8. Gift you were most excited about when you received it? My Xbox! i saw the box and i squeed so loud it woke up my Dog!
9. Worst gift you've received? UGLY SWEATER!
10. How do you feel about returning gifts? i'm not a fan of it, but if it don't fit or it's the wrong color.. fine

11. Do you celebrate any other holidays this time of year? Christmas Eve Dinner. we open ONE gift on that night
12. Family traditions you love to uphold? Christmas Eve Dinner
13. Any family traditions you want to do away with?None really
14. Any cultural traditions you like to participate in or share with others? Nope
15. If you could spend Christmas anywhere in the world, where would it be?
16. What is your favourite festive food? Mushroom soup!
17. What kind of treats do you make? gingerbread cookies
18. Alternately, what treats do your friends and family make that you love to receive? Krumcagas!!!! they are norwegian cookies
19. On a cold winter's night, what do you drink in front of the TV? Or fire. Or Netflix. Or OTF. You know, something glowing people gather around at night.
Nog or Jack and coke.
20. How do you feel about Christmas music? OH GOD MAKE IT STOP!
21. Best Christmas Album/Song ever? See above
22. Any Christmas songs you can't stand? War is over
23. Memories of primary school Christmas pageants? Nope
24. If you were asked to sing a Christmas song on the radio to win $1000, which song would you sing? A french carol called Bring a torch Jeanette isabella
25. Do you go carolling, or sing as a family at all? Play instruments?
i play piano
26. Do you send out Christmas cards? used to
27. Hang stockings? Does someone fill them? Yeap
28. Believe in Santa Claus? Or want to? I still belive
29. Build gingerbread houses? Boxed or homemade? With who? nope
30. Hang mistletoe? Where? none
31. Hang a wreath on the door? What kind? fake
32. Put up a Christmas tree? Real or fake? Fake

33. What are you wearing to Christmas parties this year? not going
34. Do you do the ugly christmas sweater thing? What does yours look like? NO!
35. When you get the paper crown in the cracker, do you put it on your head? Or are you too cool for that? How long do you keep it on? oh it goes on my head and then i march around with it and my neices/nephews following me playing drums and flutes... it's hilarious.
36. Coziest clothing you love to put on when you get home?
my areo sweats and uggs
37. Do you celebrate on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, or another day altogether? Eve/Day
38. Have you ever gone away for Christmas, or do you always stay home? i have gone away.
39. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? How did you spend the days?
40. Favourite Christmas movie?- duh... it's called A Christmas Story
41. Do you get time off work over the holidays? What do you do with your extra time? don't work
42. How old were you when you last sat on Santa's knee? Any good//bad memories of visiting Santa? 6. i used to cry everytime!
43. When do you start/finish your Christmas shopping? Or do you make your gifts, or not give any at all? nov. 17!
44. What are you asking for this year? A quiet year..

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