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# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 02:30

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11266 16/Michelle-Ryan-liven-Tardis-Doctor-Whos-sexy-new -assistant.html

Michelle Ryan looks set to become the next Doctor Who companion after landing a plum role in the show's Easter special.

The former EastEnders actress will appear in Planet of the Dead, which will be broadcast on BBC1 in April.

She will play Lady Christina de Souza, who accompanies David Tennant's Doctor on a dangerous bus trip.

Comedian Lee Evans will also make a cameo appearance.

Executive producer Russell T Davies said: 'The script is being kept strictly under wraps - however we can reveal that Lady Christina is a woman with a mysterious past who's going to have a huge impact on the Doctor.'

Both Tennant and Ryan were spotted filming on location in a bus yesterday.

The Easter special is one of four stand-alone episodes of the show to be broadcast this year. In each, the Doctor will have a different companion.

However, BBC bosses have not yet announced who will star alongside new Doctor Matt Smith in the 2010 series.

Show insiders said that Miss Ryan, 24, is a key contender to play Mr Smith's assistant.

A source revealed: 'Michelle's been in secret talks with BBC bosses.
Michelle Ryan

Incredible opportunity: Michelle Ryan

'They are likely to announce her as Doctor Who's new assistant very soon.

'She is perfect for the role. She is good looking and the right age to star alongside Matt.

'Everyone agrees they look great together and reckon fans will think they're the perfect team too.'

The source added: 'The BBC launched Michelle's acting career as Zoe Slater in EastEnders and she will be thrilled to be back with them in such a legendary role.

'It's an incredible opportunity for her and even though she's had a lot of success already she is still young and at the start of her career.'

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 05:58

When in April ?

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 07:46

hmm... Lady Christina... I like it *g*

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 17:15

Quoting: lzrman
When in April ?

I think the clue is 'Easter'.

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 20:10

Quoting: lzrman
When in April ?

April 12th is Easter

# Posted: 24 Jan 2009 23:53

Christena likes it and so do i!

# Posted: 25 Jan 2009 11:12 · Edited by: babel

I think the reports naming Michelle as the new companion for the 11th Doctor are stretching a bit. I wouldn't take it for granted is all I'm saying.

As for an announcement 'very soon' - well that makes no sense. Why? Well, she's appearing in the special to be broadcast at Easter and if her character is in jeopardy for example, the audience would go 'oh well she's the new companion for next year so we know she's going to be ok.' Also knowing that she ends up travelling with the Doctor may take the mystery and suspense out of her character's appearance in the special.

Finally, Lady Christina is a Russell T Davies invention - maybe Teh Moff will want his own companion travelling with the 11th Doctor?

Just a few thoughts.

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