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# Posted: 10 May 2010 18:26

Looks like Nasa has their own Star Trek show!

A slice of "Star Trek's" final frontier will warp into the visitor's center for NASA's Kennedy Space Center spaceport in Florida this June with the world premiere of the interactive stage show STAR TREK LIVE.

Featuring live actors on a set with giant screens and special effects, the program aims to entertain and educate about life in space through the futuristic lens of the starship Enterprise at the non-profit Kennedy Space Center Visitor's Complex in Cape Canaveral, Fla., near NASA's space shuttle launch site.

The 30-minute show's interactive storyline sets up the audience as cadets in the inaugural class at Starfleet Academy. While contending with an unwelcome visit from a time traveling, renegade Romulan, audience members will discover the many challenges of modern-day space travel, as well as how humans will continue to (boldly) go where no one has gone before.

STAR TREK LIVE will run five times daily in a 300-seat theater and comes included in regular admission to the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex. The worldwide debut will be at the space center on June 11, 2010.

Now I wanna go to Florida!!

http://www.space.com/entertainment/star-trek-live- nasa-spaceport-100509.html

# Posted: 10 May 2010 19:09

This is very handy as I'm also visiting the Kennedy Space Center on my visit to Orlando! Actually I'm planning on visiting the space centre twice by getting a 2 trip ticket!

Star Wars and Star Trek in one trip! That's great planning!

# Posted: 28 May 2010 08:36

Awesome does it cost?

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