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# Posted: 11 May 2013 09:11 · Edited by: quincyw

I did read the update, but I have to vent. This is quite spoiler free, thanks.

I hate JJ Abrams for wildly exceeding my expectations that had been building for four years already. Then exceeding it again by a good few measures.

I hate JJ Abrams for making me cry. Three times. Not teary and emotional. Cry. Take off my 3D glasses and optical glasses cry. Three times.

I hate JJ Abrams for making a movie that not only justified the $22 I spent on my ticket by the title sequence, but also made me want to buy another ticket to watch it again straight afterwards (didn't because I had other things on).

I hate JJ Abrams for an engrossing script, snappy dialogue and superb, superb characters.

I hate JJ Abrams for the big, big plot twists. Just two sentences would spoil the whole movie to anyone familiar with the Star Trek universe. Two sentences only.

I hate JJ Abrams for creating an action packed, wild stunt extravaganza that makes the 2009 Star Trek movie look like it was made with stick figures and sock puppets.

I hate JJ Abrams for making a movie that I rated, 100/10.

I hate JJ Abrams for making me the happiest Star Trek fan, period.

Now when can I buy the 3D Blu Ray? Is it out yet so I can watch it on repeat all day every day?

# Posted: 11 May 2013 12:58

Indeed, its toppled my favorite film of all time.

# Posted: 11 May 2013 13:40 · Edited by: richard_smith

Sucks that I still have to wait at least 5 days to see it.

# Posted: 16 May 2013 08:42

I just watched the us premiere. I have to say it was a great twist to an old tale. I give it a 9/10 when I gave the first a 6/10. This movie has great action awesome script and delivers comic relief when least expected!!

# Posted: 17 May 2013 01:32

It was so worth the wait. I honestly don't know how they could've done better. I really enjoyed the story, the action was there, and it has loads of twists. I agree with Tim that is get a 9/10. I would even go as far as 9.5. Did anyone else, after seeing this, get the impression that they might move this to TV? Not sure how they would do it, since the budget is so much larger for a movie, but it would be interesting to see it transition. I'm seriously looking forward to Abrams working on Episode VII more than ever.

# Posted: 17 May 2013 02:27

I could see it being a tv show after the third Trek. But I am not a fan of Abrams doing Star Wars!!

# Posted: 17 May 2013 09:14

The issue is the timeline, excuse the pun.

Star Wars VII is scheduled for release in 2015.

It's recently been noted that Abrams, brilliant that he is, won't have time to participate in a Star Trek 50th anniversary movie or TV show in 2016. Or if he does, it would be in a much reduced capacity... Which everyone agrees is not a good thing.

I personally think it's going to be movies, with plenty of comic/novel form in between. There's apparently a slew of comics which bridge the gap between XI and ID...

Which brings us to the novelisation that should be in stores on the 21st. Yay!

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