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# Posted: 13 Sep 2006 20:08

What do you do when ... everything seems so much more a chore then it should be?

When you who are normally a people person start thinking things like "I really do just hate people...I hate the meanness that is in every single person alive"

What do you do when your blue, and grumpy and know full well you are just about the most miserable person to be around?

Are drugs necessary? Do you have some magical vitamin that works wonders for you? I don't mean just relaxing, I mean when you honest to goodness find yourself just "fed up"?

Just curious...how you snap out of it? :)


# Posted: 13 Sep 2006 21:49

I don't, I'm afraid. And my daylight bulb blew about three weeks ago, too :(  Yet strangely, I hide it very well over the internet.

Mostly I just hide until spring. I loathe this time of year with a passion, so that really doesn't make things better. And have you ever noticed that cheery movies full of optimism just make things worse?

I'm not helping at all, am I...:(

# Posted: 13 Sep 2006 21:55

My advice would be to find a hobby that makes you happy. Generally my life sucks and what not, but I try to keep a happy face. But yeah, go find some hobby that you truly enjoy. It may not mean much, but I know I always get a smile on my face whenever I get some new cards or buy a new jersey. It may not get rid of the sadness forever, but it does it for a few hours.

# Posted: 13 Sep 2006 22:39

It depends on how long you've felt this way.  If it's a few days up to a week, I wouldn't worry about it.  Everyone goes through phases in life and you're just on a down phase.  

However, if you've felt this way for at least a week or more,  then you may need to think about talking to your doctor.  There could be something wrong, ranging from things like vitamin deficiency to depression.

Don't be afraid to go to a doctor though and say that you're just not feeling yourself.  Treat any emotional problems like this as you would any sickness.

# Posted: 13 Sep 2006 22:58


Before I know it, it's 3am, and I'm too tired to care why I started playing in the first place. (works best on anger)

Also works - girlfriends! and the sweetie! having someone else there, or the cat, is good. Bonus points if you bake cookies to share.


# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 02:45

Vitamin B has been known to help; so has St. John's Wort, and long walks regardless of the weather.

Other than that, what citron said.

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 02:59

Um, I listen to exceptionally loud music, and what kind of Music/what band depends on the mood i'm trying to un-doOh, and X-3.. Yeah, Overwhelming force is fun!

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 05:15

There must be something wrong with me - I love that it's autumn, I love that it gets darker earlier, the weather is nasty and it's colder.  I just think it's cosier indoors.

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 05:35

This is my favorite time of year too.

Thanks for the advice guys :) A healthy dose of Vitamin B, bake some cookies while listening to some really loud music followed closely by canoodleing on the couch with QD who's sad too and top it off with a game of warcraft.

When all else fails, maybe I should let down the wall and make a doctors appointment :)

I love you guys...

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 09:54

If it has been a long term thing then going to the doctors is a must. Don't do what I did and leave it as long as possible, as if it is something like depression then it becomes much harder to treat, Vitamins may make you feel better, and I haven't tried St John's Wart like Teeks suggested and I can't now because of the meds I'm on, but that must be worth a try.

When I first saw my doctor, he suggested gentle exercise for about half an hour a day as it helps stimulate chemiclas which make you feel happier or something like that, I can't really remember now as I went that long ago.

It's a myth that you can just 'snap out of it', I've had that said to me so often but it just doesn't work. You need to try and figure out why you feel like you do and do something to change that. I'm doing that through counselling in combination with anti-depressants, and considering I thought I was well-balanced I'm finding out I havea  lot of issues.

Sorry, I'm rambling now! :} Hope you get everything sorted out and start feeling better soon  :)

KK, if you're odd then I am! I LOVE autumn! :D

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 10:57

If there's a way to just magically "snap out of it", I haven't found it. But there's a few things that I've learned/heard about/done in order to fight these sort of feelings, so here goes:

My advice when you're fed up of people - get away from them. Doesn't mean that you have to hate everyone, but even the most sociable person needs a bit of space every now and again. Just try and get as much time to yourself as you can. Watch a movie, read a book, draw a picture, listen to music, work in the garden/house, just sit around and think... whatever works. The quieter, the better.

What also helps me is writing. I don't mean writing stories. I mean writing down a list of everything that makes you feel sad, down, or whatever else. Chances are it won't be nearly as long as you feel it will be. And when you write things down, write why they make you feel down. And then write down what would have to happen to make that stop. That can really help to de-confuse matters, in my experience anyway.

Write down everything about life that you enjoy - whether it's meeting friends, shopping, the movies, dancing, music, a day in the park, whatever. Write down everything about yourself that you like. If you can't think of anything, get your friends and family to help. Figure out ways to get more of whatever makes you feel good into your life. Some of it might be really simple or even "silly" stuff, but it doesn't matter. Whatever works for you. I promise, if you do that, things will already start looking up.

Other than that - I advise against drugs. Drugs tend to fight the symptoms, not the cause, so I'd be cautious around them. Chocolate can help on a purely physical level because it contains endorphins (happy chemicals), and the same goes for exercise. So that's a first step, before you try and "solve" anything.

Okay. Apart from that, if you keep feeling down no matter what you try, there's probably an underlying reason. In which case, I'd recommend speaking to a doctor or better, a counsellor, so you can get some proper help.

That's all I can think of, spur of the moment! I hope it helps a bit. And I'm there if you want to talk, just send me an email or whatever! :)


# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 12:55

The majority of clinically depressed people have a chemical imbalance in their brain that requires more than just chocolate and exercise to help them.

Maybe in some cases it's best not to give drugs.  It's a simple fix when neither you nor your doctor want to really try to find out what's wrong.  Yes, ok, that's when you should be against drugs.

However, when your body can't produce something on it's own, you're going to need help.

# Posted: 14 Sep 2006 18:41

I find a  long distance phone call helps sometimes :)  ;)

and just having someone to listen to you helps lots. If financially possible, a short weekend getaway is good too. Just a little  trip to renew yourself
Long bubble baths  with a  little lavendar  mixed in ,with a radio playing in the background  of soft music and  lots of candles too! Maybe  even a cosmo or fuzzy navel to sip on... oh my.. I may have to  do this soon*L*

I hope it's short term hun*hugs*
and Yay for oddballs.. cause Autum is my favoritist of favorite seasons. all the  colors of the trees and  nice temperatured days...reminds me of when I was little  ...pure and innocent.. and not tainted by this evil in the world...

happy thoughts!

Chrissy :)

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 00:37

I hate Autumn winter and anything else that is damp cold wet windy and damn right depressing... What do I do? Shut all the curtains, put some singing music on, and sing with my awful voice as loud as I can, while dancing round the room. And I bookmark something in the Calendar to look forward too. Christmas !!!! Finally when Anth and I can't stand this horrid depressing weather, we go somewhere where it is sunny and warm.

But I am guessing that this weather isn't the reason while your down in the dumps. Download SKYPE, get a skype phone, and sit on the end of it till spring. It's free as long as the person on the other end has it too, and you use it like a messenger. If you ring land lines with it, it will cost some but not as much as a norm call would cost. I wish this was around when Anth and I were getting together, it wouldn't have cost us thousands. It's so clear, and sounds perfect, just like a land line.

* Jadzia *

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 03:28

Citron, I find that when I've missed my meds for a few days, I can tell the difference in my mood myself and it becomes even more obvious to others that all is not right with me.

Christena, it's the colours that does it for me too, that and the whole feel of autumn, I felt so happy when I noticed the leaves were starting to change colour the other day! I know that sounds odd and very sad to a lot of people, but autumn has an atmosphere unlike any other season.

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 17:59

Jaq-I totally agree with  you. the vibrant reds and yellows  just really do something for me. The reason I say it reminds me of being a  child.. is because I can remember painting a fall picture with all the reds,yellows and browns... I can smell the paint as I type this.It must have been a  good time in my life as it makes me  happy to think back on it. I love this time  of year :)

and same here.. after a few days off my Lexapro..people start asking me what's wrong.. I get really mean and hateful...but then again.. to some.. I'm always like that*l* Oh well.. can't please them all :D

# Posted: 15 Sep 2006 21:48

Aye, it's hard to shake the blues from time to time.  I like to sit back, relax and dumb things down a bit.  Sometimes overthinking things can get you into trouble.

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 00:55

What I do is suck it up and tough it out til the blue feelings pass. I rant in my blog, stomp round looking like a miserable, angry so and so.

I accept that I'll have days when I'm blue, I'll have that for the rest of my life. They don't rule me like they used to, though. It's a question of management. You rationalise and tell yourself that you'll feel better in a couple of days, that things will get better and you coast yourself through it.

Do things you enjoy doing. Pick up a nice book, slip on a favourite CD. Have a nice meal - eating tasty food often helps me. Talk to friends. Anything, as long as they are good things. Grab someone close to you and say 'I am feeling down' and just chat. It often helps.

I have the blues today. I *know* I'll be in a terrible mood all day. I felt it coming on last night and thought, 'uh-oh'. So what am I going to do? Have a full english breakfast at the local cafe, wander off to London to have a look around and to laugh at tourists getting lsot and I'm going to write a blog post along the lines of the 'Automated Checkout'  one I did t'other day.

One last thing Kim, I'm going to email you my phone numbers and I am always available to talk should you need it. Depression? Got plenty of experience with it. Do you need drugs? Well. People, in my opinion, often turn to them to quickly (I am talking generally here, not about any one person in particular) and in my view you should explore other avenues before even thinking about anti-depressants.

I love you, Kim, and am always here for you should you need me.

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 00:58

<!--QuoteBegin--christena+Sep. 14 2006,18:41--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (christena @ Sep. 14 2006,18:41)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->I find a  long distance phone call helps sometimes <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo-->  <!--emo&;)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/win.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=';)'><!--endemo--> <br><br>and just having someone to listen to you helps lots. If financially possible, a short weekend getaway is good too. Just a little  trip to renew yourself<br>Long bubble baths  with a  little lavendar  mixed in ,with a radio playing in the background  of soft music and  lots of candles too! Maybe  even a cosmo or fuzzy navel to sip on... oh my.. I may have to  do this soon*L*<br><br>I hope it's short term hun*hugs*<br>and Yay for oddballs.. cause Autum is my favoritist of favorite seasons. all the  colors of the trees and  nice temperatured days...reminds me of when I was little  ...pure and innocent.. and not tainted by this evil in the world...<br><br>happy thoughts!<br><br>Chrissy <!--emo&:)--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smi.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Chrissie, pure and innocent? And I thought she still was! <!--emo&:?--><img src="http://www.outpost10f.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/srp.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':?'><!--endemo--><br><br>I love the Autumn too. Always have. It makes me feel peaceful and strong. Though I have my reasons for feeling sad on certain dates in Autumn .  .  but that's a story for a more private place. <br><br>*leaves a huggle for Chrissie*

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 01:06

Sometimes when i'm feeling blue i try and help someone less fortunate then me. You'd be surpised how it makes you feel. It can be anything from doing something for a neighbor who doesn't have much,, Like buying them some groceries, or volunteering at a Nursing home. Or helping at a homeless shelter or just little things. It makes you realize that even though your feeling down that you actually made someone elses day a little brighter and in the end makes you feel better.


# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 02:16

That's true, Ayanna.

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 06:24

Chrissie, I've given up on trying to please everyone as I end up pulling myself in all directions and no one is ever satisfied.

Babel, completely agree. Friends are incredibly important, they've helped me enormously

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 11:27

I have a friend who always manages to be there precisely when she's needed. Here's to never losing that. *l*

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 12:28

I'm very headstrong and stubborn.  It's almost impossible for me to admit that I can't handle my problems all by myself.  Here's to freinds who know when they need to step in and put me in my place when the need arises.  There are very few people in your life who can handle seeing all your flaws and faults and still love you for who you are.  

When I get sad?  I yell at people at first...that's because I'm the personality type who holds it all inside and then it just comes pouring out before I realize what's happening.  I cry, I run, I lift weights or do cardio.  I read, listen to music or watch a good movie.  I usually isolate myself when I get upset, but luckily, there are people in my life who seek me out and pull me out of my shell when this happens.

Everyone has these blue or grumpy feelings.  It's perfectly normal.  I am usually always the kind of person who asks, "What is wrong with me? Why isn't everyone else feeling like this?"  But, truthfully, they usually are and I just don't notice it because I'm too busy obsessing over my own problems.

# Posted: 16 Sep 2006 16:58

*soft smile*

Or turn to a community that I've been apart of forever, ask a simple question..and sit and read some amazing answers. I really do love you guys, thanks.

I want to cry tonight...but I'll just keep hanging in there! It's to easy to cave in...I've just got to keep on fighting the good fight, you know?

Oh and...I love Fall and Winter. They're my favorite seasons...

# Posted: 17 Sep 2006 05:10

try talking to Chrissie, Kim. she's a pretty good  antidote to feeling blue. ;)

# Posted: 17 Sep 2006 18:55

i more often than not listen to music.

But, when in a real foul mood I go spar at the Jeet Kune Doe Judo, and then after the spar kick the bejebus outta the punch bags.

always works for me


man, fat

# Posted: 18 Sep 2006 21:31

<!--QuoteBegin--deanna+Sep. 16 2006,16:58--></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td><b>Quote</b> (deanna @ Sep. 16 2006,16:58)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><!--QuoteEBegin-->*soft smile*<br><br>Or turn to a community that I've been apart of forever, ask a simple question..and sit and read some amazing answers. I really do love you guys, thanks.<br><br>I want to cry tonight...but I'll just keep hanging in there! It's to easy to cave in...I've just got to keep on fighting the good fight, you know?<br><br>Oh and...I love Fall and Winter. They're my favorite seasons...<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span id='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>Not just a community, Kym...a <i>family.</i>  There are some of us we'll hate and others we will adore.  Some of us are troublemakers and some of us are saints.  There isn't one of us here who wouldn't move Heaven and Earth to make sure the other isn't okay.  So, when you feel sad, pick at least one person to trust and trust them with your entire heart.  <br><br>And <i>always</i> have a big OTF brother who will rescue you when you're in trouble.  It usually helps if he's a demi-god....or at least a CL 9.  <br><br>I missed a lot while I was gone from OTF for so long.  There are times that I've felt like I don't belong and others where I feel like the prodigal daughter. But, you're going to find that every where in life.  <br><br><br><br>OH! And I love the speed bag and the heavyweight bag!

# Posted: 19 Sep 2006 09:56


*snips* Not just a community, Kym...a family.  There are some of us we'll hate and others we will adore.  Some of us are troublemakers and some of us are saints.  There isn't one of us here who wouldn't move Heaven and Earth to make sure the other isn't okay.  So, when you feel sad, pick at least one person to trust and trust them with your entire heart.  

It's funny you should phrase it as such. I have chosen someone and I do trust him with my entire heart..and he is one of OTF's legendary bad boys! He's seen the bad side of a phaser more than I've seen promotions *L* He's extremely disliked and not trusted by alot of folks, but he's my hero.

You know it's funny the twists and turns life takes. Anyway, today is a good day.

I should learn to kick things, and do so in a constructive way.


A demi-god or at least a clearance 9, eh?
Well I like to think if I really were in that grave of trouble and there was a Seat in the area he'd have my back!! *L*

Oh and you know what's quirky...Brady has a way of swooping in when I least expect it and saying things that make me feel like a worthwhile human again!

*nods* Friends are good....

# Posted: 19 Sep 2006 11:33

You don't have to be a CL8 to be a demi-god.

I'm a Time Lord, and President-Elect of Gallifrey, to boot! I snort at a mere CL9 :k ;)

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