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Outpost 10F Forums / Television Discussions Sorted by: Most recent reply. Sort by: New topics
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Any Supernatural fans here?  3 22069 cleo_soul
22 Jan 2016 08:08
27 Feb 2016 16:42
Meyer is back  0 14342 wedge
26 Feb 2016 21:44

Walking Dead  5 5657 katrina
23 Jan 2015 04:57
21 Feb 2015 19:36
Stargate reboot  0 34067 7of24
31 May 2014 01:26

Exciting new fantasy show!  1 9208 hotshottvexe
9 Apr 2014 14:14
5 May 2014 22:37
Doctor Who: Bookies Favourites  8 11142 supernova
4 Aug 2013 08:14
11 Aug 2013 15:20
Revealing the Doctor  15 9233 supernova
2 Aug 2013 07:56
5 Aug 2013 11:21
do we have a stargate section?  4 3686 supernova
2 Aug 2013 14:52
4 Aug 2013 07:49
Farewell Amy & Rory  8 29809 generalmax
15 Aug 2012 16:50
9 Oct 2012 01:41
Favourite Doctor and companion  1 21910 cadetjaneway
29 Sep 2012 18:56
1 Oct 2012 20:48
Peter Jackson fancies directing Doctor Who  0 4674 generalmax
19 Sep 2012 13:31

Firefly Reunion Special  0 2998 generalmax
26 Aug 2012 12:55

Doctor Who actress Mary Tamm dies  2 6326 generalmax
26 Jul 2012 10:35
4 Aug 2012 08:24
Doctor Who: Full Length New Series Trailer Autumn 2012 - Series 7 - BBC  0 4608 generalmax
3 Aug 2012 10:07

No Doctor Who film planned  0 3077 generalmax
31 Jul 2012 18:22

Doctor Who actress Caroline John dies aged 71  0 3005 generalmax
22 Jun 2012 09:45

Doctor Who 2012 / 2013  1 15109 generalmax
28 May 2012 09:26
31 May 2012 21:27
Dalek voice actor Roy Skelton has died  1 6655 dierna
8 Jun 2011 21:58
15 Apr 2012 14:22
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